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- 01:31 Star1468#7969 invites drjayphd#2478 to join the race.
- 01:31 Star1468#7969 invites bobtheelder#0535 to join the race.
- 01:31 SahasrahBot: Hi! I'm SahasrahBot, your friendly robotic elder and randomizer seed roller! Use !help to see what I can do! Check out for more info.
- 01:42 bobtheelder#0535 accepts an invitation to join.
- 01:42 bobtheelder: Hey hey
- 01:46 Star1468: hi bob!
- 01:46 drjayphd#2478 accepts an invitation to join.
- 01:50 Star1468: hi drjay
- 01:51 Star1468: !
- 01:51 Star1468: restream on ZSR main tonight
- 01:52 Star1468: who has clean audio?
- 01:52 bobtheelder: I do
- 01:52 drjayphd: THE MOTHERSHIP!
- 01:52 drjayphd: I do as well.
- 01:52 bobtheelder: that's cool
- 01:54 Star1468: lol
- 01:54 Star1468: drjay
- 01:55 drjayphd: ?
- 01:55 Star1468: regarding the mothership comment
- 01:55 Star1468: !maxrando
- 01:55 SahasrahBot updated the race information.
- 01:55 SahasrahBot: Seed: 245345755 - Flags: iyhqh$j9g7@$ZqTBT!BhOAdES$vA
- 01:55 SahasrahBot: Seed rolling complete. See race info for details.
- 01:55 drjayphd: Ahhh. :)
- 01:56 Star1468: QKLT07
- 01:56 bobtheelder: I got QKLTO7
- 01:56 drjayphd: Samesies.
- 01:56 bobtheelder#0535 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 01:56 drjayphd#2478 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 01:57 bobtheelder: good luck!
- 01:57 Star1468: GL HF
- 01:57 drjayphd: Take luck!
- 02:00 Star1468#7969 has initiated the race. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 02:00 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 04:08 drjayphd#2478 has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:08:06!
- 04:08 bobtheelder: -Oh thank God! Great job!
- 04:08 Star1468: GG! Interview drjay?
- 04:08 Star1468: feel free to quit bob
- 04:09 drjayphd: I don't even want to THINK about this seed again. XD
- 04:09 bobtheelder: oh absolutely
- 04:09 bobtheelder: never never never\
- 04:09 bobtheelder: did you beat GP with one heart
- 04:09 bobtheelder: ?
- 04:09 drjayphd: Yup. Never saw any heart containers.
- 04:09 Star1468: either of you want to come yell at me or are you both not in the mood to talk about this disaster?
- 04:10 bobtheelder: I don't think I could have managed
- 04:10 Star1468: bob if you're going to quit either click the button or type .quit into the chat
- 04:10 Star1468: just a note :)
- 04:10 bobtheelder#0535 has forfeited from the race.
- 04:10 Race finished in 2:09:59.8
- 04:10 drjayphd: I think this seed speaks for itself, really, and those words are largely unrepeatable on broadcast. XD
- 04:10 bobtheelder: sorry
- 04:10 Star1468: np
- 04:10 Ellendar: I blame Star
- 04:10 bobtheelder: yeah, I'm probably too on tilt to talk honestly
- 04:11 Star1468: np, ggs guys haha
- 04:11 drjayphd: And to cover our bases (and considering the Z1R tournament going on simultaneously) #blameTGE
- 04:11 drjayphd: Want me to tell you how the endgame went?
- 04:11 bobtheelder: I was just desperately trying to find a third palace to beat. I could have gone to horsehead and beat him, but I couldn't get through any other palace lol
- 04:12 bobtheelder: sure
- 04:12 Star1468: just looked at the seed in z2edit
- 04:12 Star1468: no hearts in the seed
- 04:12 Star1468: at all
- 04:12 bobtheelder: dear God
- 04:12 bobtheelder: Was Thunderbird required?
- 04:12 drjayphd: I beat 2, 4, 5. Didn't get the glove until I got to Maze Island (didn't get items out of 3/5), the glove was required but T-Bird wasn't.
- 04:13 Star1468: no bob
- 04:13 Star1468: btw bob, in max rando fire is linked to a random spell
- 04:13 drjayphd: Nope. You get the glove on Maze Island, go right from the entrance and Dark Link is three rooms away, but the glove was required.
- 04:13 Star1468: today that random spell was thunder
- 04:13 bobtheelder: I beat 2, could have done 1 pretty easily, but I couldn't hack the other dungeons
- 04:13 drjayphd: And am I grateful for THAT.
- 04:13 Star1468: drjay had a much, much easier time with combat using that
- 04:13 Star1468: you never found it, would've made your life a lot better
- 04:13 drjayphd: Spamming Thunder/Fire made this a lot easier.
- 04:14 bobtheelder: Yeah, I forgot to check, Fire was as expensive as Thunder for a while, so I just didn't check it
- 04:14 Star1468: fair
- 04:14 bobtheelder: Wow, that makes me mad lol
- 04:14 Star1468: it was down to 11 and the end by the end for jay on magic 7
- 04:15 bobtheelder: 62 deaths
- 04:15 bobtheelder: game overs whatever lol
- 04:15 Star1468: how about you jay?
- 04:16 Star1468: not surprised bob
- 04:16 Star1468: lol
- 04:16 drjayphd: 22 for me.
- 04:17 drjayphd: That's probably the most I've used Shield in a race too.
- 04:17 bobtheelder: I couldn't use it, because I missed the fire/thunder connection
- 04:18 bobtheelder: Anyway, I didn't want to think about that one any more.
- 04:18 bobtheelder: Y'all have great night. GG DrJay
- 04:18 drjayphd: Fair. GG
- 04:19 Star1468: GGs guys, good night!
- 04:28 Race result recorded by Star1468#7969