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- 02:31 SahasrahBot: Hi! I'm SahasrahBot, your friendly robotic elder and randomizer seed roller! Use !help to see what I can do! Check out for more info.
- 02:31 Star1468#7969 invites Para#5578 to join the race.
- 02:31 Star1468#7969 invites Moo_Moony#0823 to join the race.
- 02:42 Moo_Moony#0823 accepts an invitation to join.
- 02:50 Star1468: bonsoir!
- 02:53 Para: I am still running about 10 minutes late for this, sorry!
- 02:53 Para#5578 accepts an invitation to join.
- 02:54 Star1468: we're fine with that
- 02:59 Moo_Moony: Yo Star!
- 02:59 Moo_Moony: No problem Para! Take your time :)
- 03:08 Para: I have started my stream now
- 03:08 Para: so 10 minutes late was a good estimate lol
- 03:08 Star1468: nice haha
- 03:08 Star1468: 6min left on the restream countdown
- 03:08 Star1468: !maxrando
- 03:08 SahasrahBot updated the race information.
- 03:08 SahasrahBot: Seed: 987105585 - Flags: iyhqh$j9g7@$ZqTBT!BhOAdES$vA
- 03:08 SahasrahBot: Seed rolling complete. See race info for details.
- 03:09 Para: cool
- 03:09 Moo_Moony: Fast Spell is allowed ?
- 03:09 Para: PSRHPH
- 03:10 Ellendar: Yes, fast spell casting is allowed
- 03:10 Para: yeah, fast spell casting is allowed, I am using it
- 03:10 Star1468: yep
- 03:10 Star1468: PSRHPH
- 03:11 LostThePirate: 4 minutes left on our countdown
- 03:12 LostThePirate: Who's got clean audio tonight?
- 03:12 Para: I do
- 03:13 Star1468: thanks!
- 03:13 Moo_Moony: Same
- 03:14 Star1468: also para what's your sprite?
- 03:14 Para: simon
- 03:14 Moo_Moony: Good choice
- 03:14 Star1468: ah
- 03:14 Moo_Moony: He my seconds choice ahah
- 03:14 Para: idk why simon is VERY christian on the file select
- 03:14 Moo_Moony: I'm Yoshi Belmont
- 03:15 LostThePirate: Moo, you've got castlevania on screen still
- 03:15 Moo_Moony: I refreshed
- 03:15 Star1468: GL HF guys
- 03:16 Moo_Moony: GLHF :D
- 03:16 Star1468: you guys can ready up whenever
- 03:16 Moo_Moony#0823 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 03:16 Para#5578 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 03:16 Para: glhf!
- 03:16 Star1468#7969 has initiated the race. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 03:16 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 04:00 Moo_Moony: wtf
- 04:28 Para: lol
- 04:28 Para: I'm calling broken seed
- 04:29 Para: OH
- 04:29 Para: nevermind
- 04:29 Para: I've spent over half an hour being a moron
- 04:29 Moo_Moony: same
- 04:29 Star1468: lmao para
- 04:30 Star1468: won't say more on it b/c spoilers
- 04:52 Para#5578 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:35:47!
- 04:52 Para: oh my god???
- 04:52 Star1468: GG! Interview?
- 04:52 Para: sure?????
- 04:53 Star1468: Moony- est-ce que tu veux continuer?
- 04:53 Moo_Moony: yes
- 04:53 Star1468: d'accord
- 04:53 Moo_Moony: GG Para :)
- 04:53 Star1468: nous allons faire un raid chez toi après l'interview
- 05:02 Star1468: une chose à noter pour la prochaine fois: pour les restreams, "clean audio" va dire qu'on a le son vanille du jeu et pas de micro
- 05:02 Star1468: (ton micro est active à ce moment)
- 05:02 Moo_Moony: Maintenant oui
- 05:02 Moo_Moony: Je pensais que vous ne preniez plus mon stream dsl
- 05:03 Star1468: je ferai le raid bientot, pas de soucis
- 06:34 Moo_Moony#0823 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 3:17:23!
- 06:34 Race finished in 3:17:23.5
- 13:21 Race result recorded by Star1468#7969