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- 22:32 SahasrahBot: Hi! I'm SahasrahBot, your friendly robotic elder and randomizer seed roller! Use !help to see what I can do! Check out for more info.
- 22:33 Ellendar#2124 requests to join the race.
- 22:34 Star1468#7969 accepts a request to join from Ellendar#2124.
- 22:34 Star1468#7969 invites bobtheelder#0535 to join the race.
- 22:41 bobtheelder#0535 accepts an invitation to join.
- 22:45 bobtheelder: Alright, my stream is up. I'm going to run and take my contacts out real quick
- 22:45 Star1468: Hi guys!
- 22:49 bobtheelder: I'm back. hi Star!
- 22:54 Star1468: !flags iyAqh$j#g7@$ZqTBT!BhOA!0P@@A
- 22:54 SahasrahBot updated the race information.
- 22:54 SahasrahBot: Seed: 377364640 - Flags: iyAqh$j#g7@$ZqTBT!BhOA!0P@@A
- 22:54 SahasrahBot: Seed rolling complete. See race info for details.
- 22:54 Star1468: since there's no restream autostart's on and you guys can start whenever
- 22:54 Ellendar: IIC22J
- 22:55 bobtheelder: IIC22J
- 22:55 bobtheelder#0535 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 22:55 Ellendar: GLHF
- 22:55 Star1468: GL HF!
- 22:55 bobtheelder: GLHF
- 22:55 Ellendar#2124 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 22:55 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 22:55 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 00:14 Ellendar#2124 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:18:52!
- 00:16 bobtheelder: GG!
- 00:16 bobtheelder#0535 has forfeited from the race.
- 00:16 Race finished in 1:20:38.1
- 00:16 bobtheelder: Oh thanks God. This one kicked my butt
- 00:17 bobtheelder: I couldn't get past Gooma or Barba with so low an attack level and one heart
- 00:17 Ellendar: This was ROUGH
- 00:17 Ellendar: I took so many deaths
- 00:18 Ellendar: Full cleared 6 as first palace and it took like 20 minutes
- 00:18 Ellendar: Didn't do gooma, rest of the palaces were pretty free thankfully
- 00:19 bobtheelder: Yeah, I got to barba, but It took 26 hits to get the first life bar down lol
- 00:19 Ellendar: woof
- 00:19 Ellendar: I think i was at least attack 4 by the time I got there
- 00:20 Ellendar: there was one enounter on the east that had like 1000 points of enemies you could kill in 1 thunder
- 00:20 Ellendar: so I farmed it for a bit once i got there
- 00:20 bobtheelder: makes sense. I kept forgetting that I even had thunder
- 00:20 Ellendar: I somehow missed that town on my first pass and had to look again for it
- 00:21 Ellendar: helped in GP though, a few annoying waffles and thunderbird required
- 00:21 Ellendar: Did you ever find a 3rd heart?
- 00:21 bobtheelder: I never found a second lol
- 00:21 Ellendar: oof
- 00:21 Ellendar: I got it pretty early so maybe on the maze?
- 00:22 bobtheelder: I had one heart the whole time. Only checks I never found were the grass tile and 5 of the dungeons
- 00:22 Ellendar: oh it might have been grass
- 00:22 Ellendar: 3 had a 1up, 2 was cross
- 00:22 Ellendar: didn't see the other 4
- 00:22 Ellendar: Also didn't get hammer cave
- 00:23 bobtheelder: I didn't hammer cave either
- 00:23 Ellendar: thank god by the time I had to do DM I knew it was raft for sure
- 00:23 bobtheelder: I also missed west P bag cave
- 00:23 Ellendar: just beelined for the coast
- 00:23 bobtheelder: yeah , that east continent access was a pain
- 00:24 Ellendar: I was dumb and forgot to do maze before going east so I had to do it twice
- 00:24 TAH: Gg you all. Was waiting for the mercy rule from you two.
- 00:24 Ellendar: I checked the items but skipped the palace, only to come back and find it was like 3 rooms
- 00:25 Ellendar: Now we get to lose to mirai/trailz/etc
- 00:25 bobtheelder: Allen, I was ready to for it to be over lol
- 01:07 Race result recorded by Star1468#7969