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- 00:33 shiroaeli#4273 invites XioMeiLin#0002 to join the race.
- 00:33 shiroaeli#4273 joins the race.
- 00:33 XioMeiLin#0002 accepts an invitation to join.
- 00:34 shirosoluna: what is KC's racetime ID? its not coming up for invite
- 00:34 shiroaeli#4273 sets the race to be open. Anyone may now join.
- 00:34 shirosoluna: also hi! It looks like this will be restreamed, is that ok?
- 00:35 TAH: Tony_knightcrawler i believe
- 00:36 shirosoluna: thanks TAH!
- 00:36 shiroaeli#4273 sets the race to be invite only.
- 00:36 shiroaeli#4273 invites Tony_Knightcrawler#7204 to join the race.
- 00:37 TAH: No prob!
- 00:42 Tony_Knightcrawler: Hi
- 00:43 XioMeiLin: 'allo
- 00:43 shirosoluna: hai hai
- 00:43 Tony_Knightcrawler: Good luck, Xio.
- 00:43 Tony_Knightcrawler: You gonna play some weeklies after this tournament?
- 00:43 XioMeiLin: You as well :)
- 00:43 XioMeiLin: uh, maybe? Not sure.
- 00:45 XioMeiLin: I've got my stream up and going for capture purposes
- 00:46 XioMeiLin: I'll also have clean audio
- 00:46 Tony_Knightcrawler: My audio should be clean, too.
- 00:48 shirosoluna: you both are the best! <3
- 00:48 Tony_Knightcrawler: Hehe
- 00:49 shirosoluna: .random ########
- 00:49 Random string result: 33917043
- 00:50 XioMeiLin: 0J9QA6 ?
- 00:51 shirosoluna: KC did you join the race? just checking bc it still says invited for me
- 00:52 Tony_Knightcrawler: Uh
- 00:52 Tony_Knightcrawler: Let me join
- 00:52 Tony_Knightcrawler#7204 accepts an invitation to join.
- 00:52 shirosoluna: perfect :)
- 00:53 Tony_Knightcrawler: 33917043 is our seed?
- 00:53 XioMeiLin: Yeah
- 00:53 Tony_Knightcrawler: And jhhhD0L#$Za$LpTBT!B are our flags?
- 00:53 XioMeiLin: That's what I have
- 00:55 Tony_Knightcrawler: OJ9QA6
- 00:55 XioMeiLin: Yay a match!
- 00:57 Tony_Knightcrawler#7204 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 00:57 XioMeiLin#0002 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 00:57 Tony_Knightcrawler: :) Let's have fun
- 00:57 XioMeiLin: Indeed
- 00:59 shirosoluna: technical difficulty atm D:
- 01:02 shirosoluna: ready?
- 01:02 XioMeiLin: I'm good
- 01:02 shirosoluna: GL HF
- 01:02 Tony_Knightcrawler: Yeah
- 01:02 shiroaeli#4273 quits the race.
- 01:02 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 01:02 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 02:37 Tony_Knightcrawler#7204 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:34:32!
- 02:37 XioMeiLin#0002 has forfeited from the race.
- 02:37 Race finished in 1:34:42.8
- 02:37 Tony_Knightcrawler: :(
- 02:37 Tony_Knightcrawler: It was a hard seed.
- 02:37 shirosoluna: <3 GG!
- 02:37 Tony_Knightcrawler: :)
- 02:37 shirosoluna: up for an interview?
- 02:37 Tony_Knightcrawler: Sure
- 02:37 XioMeiLin: I last locationed raft
- 02:37 Tony_Knightcrawler: Ooof!
- 02:37 shirosoluna: <3 GG Taco
- 02:38 shirosoluna: coming too? :)
- 02:38 XioMeiLin: Sure
- 02:58 Race result recorded by RoseCitySaint#3887