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- 22:26 Big__Slammu#5059 joins the race.
- 22:27 SahasrahBot: Hi! I'm SahasrahBot, your friendly robotic elder and randomizer seed roller! Use !help to see what I can do! Check out for more info.
- 22:30 AnimusUnited#6600 joins the race.
- 22:30 AnimusUnited: any flags you have in mind?
- 22:32 Big__Slammu: anything from groups of brackets is fine
- 22:32 Big__Slammu: none of the crazy trailz 2 heart stuff and I'm good
- 22:32 AnimusUnited: ah dont worry Im not into that
- 22:33 AnimusUnited: im thinking a mix of g4 and brackets see if you like it
- 22:34 AnimusUnited: hhAhD0C#$Z8$JpTBT!AhOAdEz@@
- 22:35 Big__Slammu: works for me
- 22:35 AnimusUnited: !flags hhAhD0C#$Z8$JpTBT!AhOAdEz@@
- 22:35 SahasrahBot updated the race information.
- 22:35 SahasrahBot: Seed: 152355785 - Flags: hhAhD0C#$Z8$JpTBT!AhOAdEz@@
- 22:35 SahasrahBot: Seed rolling complete. See race info for details.
- 22:35 Big__Slammu: basically group 4 + potential vanilla?
- 22:36 Big__Slammu: OBNAC9
- 22:36 homerjsmash: hey guys, i can't stream rn but im gonna run alongside offstream
- 22:37 homerjsmash: might have to stop and start w kids etc
- 22:37 Big__Slammu: fair. I'm playing a dangerous game where my kiddo may wake up 30m in
- 22:37 homerjsmash: haha
- 22:37 homerjsmash: i guess i should look at a vanilla map lol
- 22:38 Big__Slammu: only vanilla map that sucks is Death mountain
- 22:39 homerjsmash: same hash
- 22:39 Big__Slammu#5059 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 22:39 AnimusUnited: looks good to me
- 22:39 Big__Slammu: GL HF
- 22:39 AnimusUnited: and yeah DM can such if you enter from the original way
- 22:40 AnimusUnited: gl!
- 22:40 AnimusUnited#6600 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 22:40 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 22:40 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 00:29 AnimusUnited#6600 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:49:15!
- 00:30 AnimusUnited#6600 added a comment.
- 00:30 Big__Slammu#5059 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:49:52!
- 00:30 Race finished in 1:49:53.0
- 00:30 Big__Slammu: sniped!
- 00:30 Big__Slammu#5059 added a comment.
- 00:30 AnimusUnited: gg wow
- 00:31 Big__Slammu: I had to grind 4/5/6 to get through DM
- 00:32 AnimusUnited: I game overed a bunch at DM
- 00:32 homerjsmash: 1:52:06 for me
- 00:32 homerjsmash: that was not fun
- 00:32 AnimusUnited: gg
- 00:33 homerjsmash: I misremembered the vanilla map
- 00:33 homerjsmash: gg
- 00:33 homerjsmash: i thought that the cave the spits you out of dm back to the east was fairy cave not a connector
- 00:33 AnimusUnited: I raced with Trailz with those settings the other day now I see what with vanilla truly is because I dont remember getting a vanilla map then
- 00:34 homerjsmash: first time through dm i gave overed before hammer cave, second time i game overed right after the connector, third time through i game overed in the east before i could get to a palace
- 00:34 homerjsmash: what a slog
- 00:34 AnimusUnited: Yeah since it was Vanilla West and Vanilla DM the two connector caves had to be there. couldve switched places tho I believe
- 00:35 AnimusUnited: I went through at least 3 or 4 times too maybe 5
- 00:36 AnimusUnited: Having the room after Tbird be a fairy fly when I was out of magic sucked
- 00:36 homerjsmash: you can hit a block there for a 50 50 jar
- 00:37 homerjsmash: i had to do that and avoid a red bird twice
- 00:37 AnimusUnited: I got red bird once and then nothing spawned after that
- 00:37 homerjsmash: oh weird
- 00:37 AnimusUnited: idk why. So I just had to go to the bottom room to die
- 00:37 homerjsmash: this was a pretty kind gp though i thought, i think it was only 3 or 4 mins for me
- 00:38 homerjsmash: i got lost in 2
- 00:38 AnimusUnited: Yeah two of those palaces kept looping and confusing me
- 00:38 Big__Slammu: Yeah, GP was quick. Took 2 intentional deaths, one at tbird and another one right after, but other than that it was clean.
- 00:39 homerjsmash: that start though
- 00:39 homerjsmash: i thought i would be fine getting through and i almost was, but the four hearts werent cutting it for me. Did a grind with the orange daira near start
- 00:40 Big__Slammu: That start was a monster. I realized early that hammer wasn't likely to be in hammer cave but you still had to check.
- 00:40 AnimusUnited: I went left instead of down in GP near beginning but I think it was just 3 rooms over other than that and the fairy room no issue for GP for me either
- 00:40 AnimusUnited: I am glad that it was glove and not something completely useless tho
- 00:40 homerjsmash: i forgot the connector situation, so in my mind i was sure that it was hammer or any key. When i saw the glove i was
- 00:41 Big__Slammu: Yeah, as soon as I made it out to the right side of the connecter I beelined it for a palace on the east.
- 00:41 homerjsmash: i was trying
- 00:41 AnimusUnited: I couldnt find one for a while but I was on one life then haha luckily I found Life town
- 00:41 homerjsmash: i ended up in an encounter with two tektikes to my left and one of those fire breather scorpion things to my right
- 00:41 Big__Slammu: Saw kasuto and didn't even risk it. Moas were too scary.
- 00:42 homerjsmash: anyways gg
- 00:42 Big__Slammu: Gg. No more vanilla
- 00:42 AnimusUnited: Agreed have a good one
- 00:42 AnimusUnited: well at the very least no vanilla DM
- 07:28 Race result recorded by TAH#0815