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- 21:00 Herreteman#9165 joins the race.
- 21:14 Br00ty: hiiiiii
- 21:15 Br00ty: i will def be closer to 6 if it works out that way today
- 21:15 Herreteman: Sure, I can wait
- 21:16 Br00ty: okay! if more people start showing up and cant wait, no worries, i can always async. im just waiting on food to be here and then ill smash and then ill be good
- 21:17 Br00ty: you want me to join up so the room doesnt autoclose? just in case?
- 21:17 Herreteman: Go ahead, I'd make another room later if not
- 21:18 Br00ty#3491 joins the race.
- 21:23 LemonKong#0030 joins the race.
- 21:23 RickWithAnH: o/
- 21:24 Herreteman: o/
- 21:29 Herreteman: Gonna start stream early and just play Snap while waiting
- 21:29 RickWithAnH: I'm getting setup, sounds like we're starting at 6
- 21:34 Herreteman: Keep in mind that this still used the racing preset
- 21:35 Herreteman: So no rupee fairy, no TT
- 21:36 RickWithAnH: vanilla BoL still possible?
- 21:36 Herreteman: Yes
- 21:36 MrMario7788: GL fellas
- 21:37 MrMario7788: I'll probably async this later tonight
- 21:57 Herreteman: Closing in on 6pm
- 21:58 Br00ty: hi
- 21:58 Br00ty: im sorry my food got here like 5 minutes ago and im just trying to smash
- 21:58 Br00ty: if i can have have 5-8 minutes to smash real quick that would be aesome. if not then its all good!
- 21:58 RickWithAnH: I'm in no rush lol
- 21:59 Br00ty: yoo dope! im just trying to eat this taco bell real quick
- 22:09 Br00ty: okay i just finished eating
- 22:09 Br00ty: just moving files over and i should be good
- 22:11 Br00ty: thanks for being so patient c:
- 22:11 RickWithAnH: now I want tacos...
- 22:11 Br00ty: XD
- 22:12 Br00ty: they were really good. it took like an extra 10 minutes to get to me, but i feel like the extended time did it justice
- 22:13 Herreteman#9165 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 22:14 Herreteman: While waiting I hit a dreaded goal and now I have to route/run Mergeless Hera
- 22:14 Br00ty: lol omg
- 22:14 RickWithAnH: I don't envy you at all
- 22:14 RickWithAnH: why would you do that to yourself lol
- 22:14 Herreteman: It's gonna be better than Hero Mode Any% at least
- 22:14 Herreteman: And potentially better than Low%
- 22:15 Br00ty#3491 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 22:15 Br00ty: youre not gonna do that during the race are you haha
- 22:15 Herreteman: Perhaps
- 22:16 RickWithAnH: that's one of those... if it pays off, he deserves it kinda things
- 22:16 Br00ty: :O
- 22:16 RickWithAnH: but anyway, I'm gonna ready up in a sec
- 22:16 Herreteman: So many things have to align for it to even be possible anyway, not gonna happen
- 22:17 RickWithAnH: hf, gl!
- 22:17 LemonKong#0030 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 22:17 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 22:17 Herreteman: glhf
- 22:17 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 00:04 Herreteman#9165 updated the race information.
- 00:27 Herreteman#9165 has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:10:10!
- 00:33 Herreteman#9165 added a comment.
- 00:52 Br00ty#3491 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 2:34:57!
- 00:52 Br00ty#3491 added a comment.
- 00:53 LemonKong#0030 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 2:35:57!
- 00:53 Race finished in 2:35:58.1
- 00:53 Herreteman: gg!
- 00:53 Race result recorded by Herreteman#9165
- 00:55 Herreteman: I got pretty lucky, most of my routing was spot on
- 00:55 Herreteman: Only trips without any value were ZD/Hypenox and Gold Bee
- 00:56 Herreteman: And technically going up to Hera, but Scroll was required by logic
- 00:56 Herreteman: (I also fought Knucklemaster and I still don't know why)