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- 16:59 Lillifen#5034 invites Arusta#0919 to join the race.
- 16:59 Lillifen#5034 joins the race.
- 16:59 Arusta#0919 accepts an invitation to join.
- 17:00 Arusta: !help
- 17:00 Arusta: gotta figure out how to roll this in Sahabot lol
- 17:00 Lillifen: Unfortunately I think the answer is we cant
- 17:01 Lillifen: Unless we provide sahabot like a YAML file I think its called?
- 17:01 Lillifen: What I ended up doing for basically all of my races that had weird settings was just generate them from the alltpr site
- 17:01 Arusta: ah right. that's kind of a pain. you okay with just using the website to roll it?
- 17:01 Lillifen: Yeah
- 17:01 Lillifen: As a headsup
- 17:01 Arusta: works for me
- 17:01 Lillifen: We gotta make it a non race rom for quickswap
- 17:01 Lillifen: Which means a spoiler log exists
- 17:02 Lillifen: But like, I trust neither of us is going to look at it
- 17:02 Arusta: that's fine. I think we can both be honest here; it's a third-place match in a small community tourney
- 17:02 Arusta: so yeah, let's just use website
- 17:03 Lillifen: Yeah
- 17:03 Lillifen:
- 17:04 Lillifen: I think this is right, I selected random boss shuffle, shuffled enemy shuffle, and random damage shuffle
- 17:05 Arusta: I'm fine with that. BTW, "random damage shuffle" means that the values are totally random, so getting mail may or may not help you
- 17:05 Arusta: "shuffled" enemies means thieves are killable which is good because unkillable damaging thieves is just dumb
- 17:05 Lillifen: God yeah unkillable damaging thieves are miserable
- 17:06 Lillifen: And Im fine with those if you are
- 17:06 Arusta: yep
- 17:06 Arusta: Bow/Hook/Shovel/Quake/Boots
- 17:06 Lillifen: Yep
- 17:06 Lillifen#5034 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 17:06 Arusta: okay gl hf
- 17:06 Lillifen: glhf :)
- 17:07 Arusta#0919 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 17:07 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 17:07 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 19:01 Lillifen#5034 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:54:32!
- 19:02 Arusta: gg
- 19:02 Lillifen: gg
- 19:02 Lillifen: dude it took like 45 minutes to find something that didnt one shot me
- 19:02 Arusta#0919 has forfeited from the race.
- 19:02 Race finished in 1:55:09.5
- 19:02 Arusta: same
- 19:03 Arusta: I also almost hardlocked myself 50 minutes in
- 19:03 Lillifen: oh noooo
- 19:03 Lillifen: what happened?
- 19:03 Arusta: so you know how you pick up old man and if you die before dropping him off, you respawn right where you picked him up?
- 19:03 Lillifen: Oh god yeah
- 19:03 Arusta: yeah, doing that in the dark with only like 5 hearts was a REALLY dumb idea
- 19:03 Lillifen: God yep same
- 19:03 Lillifen: I luckily had cape before going in
- 19:03 Lillifen: There were so many scary dudes in there
- 19:04 Arusta: yeah
- 19:04 Arusta: I was in Ether mode for a solid 20+ minutes. where'd you find it?
- 19:04 Lillifen: Desert palace
- 19:04 Arusta: on the boss?
- 19:04 Lillifen: I think it was in the big chest
- 19:05 Lillifen: I cant remember for certain, I think the boss had a heart piece
- 19:05 Arusta: ah, that makes sense. I went to boss and saw it was armos, then noped out because I didn't have any particularly good weapon
- 19:05 Arusta: anyways, gg
- 19:05 Lillifen: gg
- 19:06 Lillifen: Extremely reasonable
- 19:06 Lillifen: Unfortunately bow was in MM
- 19:06 Lillifen: and idk where byrna was
- 19:06 Arusta: yeah, but I was feeling way behind after doing a couple pendant dips and a bunch of early one-shots, so I decided to put off going back for desert to gamble on other stuff
- 19:06 Arusta: it happens, was fun :)
- 19:06 Lillifen: Yeah makes sense
- 19:07 Lillifen: yeah I had fun!
- 19:07 Arusta: anyways, look forward to your shiny new role in the discord tomorrow; going to assign all the triforces now that almost all races are done
- 19:07 Lillifen: haha
- 19:07 Lillifen: ty <3
- 19:08 Arusta: bye, have a good rest of your day!
- 19:08 Lillifen: You too!