
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past ALttP Any% NMG Community Weekly Race | Starts at 3PM Eastern
Opened by
greenHam #5705
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  1. 1st caznode #4903 more wthtbumg Finished 43
  2. 2nd Eriror #8787 he / him more HEBJ fail, 5bb, moth death, but good PoD/TT/SP Finished 14
  3. 3rd greenHam #5705 he / him more turns out this was not super metroid Finished 7
  4. 4th FoxLisk #8582 more 5bb, 8 warps, 99 problems. 209 TR entry tho Finished 34
  5. Trinexx #1152 he / him more invalid and play bad DNF DNF 31
  6. Aypap1 #5253 he / him DNF DNF 33
6 entrants (2 inactive)