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Race results

  1. virtual-quake-0334 ALttPR Beat the game - Tournament (Solo) Finished awaiting record 2 entrants
    1. 1st Shinmaru #3292 he / him more 141 ANTIFAIRIES Finished 3,105
    2. 2nd Trinexx #1152 he / him more 140, friendly enemizer but still hard when you skip easy checks. Finished 1,404
  2. sunken-zelda-2344 ALttPR Beat the game - Casual Finished recorded 17 entrants
    1. 1st Coy #4033 Finished 28
    2. 2nd coin_chaser #5721 he / him Finished 45
    3. 3rd Trinexx #1152 he / him Finished 18
    4. 4th Hitman1382 #8796 he / him Finished 9
    5. 5th RayZeus #0806 he / him more What a seed! Got super lucky with the hammer, but played poorly otherwise. 169 CR! Finished 84
    6. 6th Soyhr #7143 he / him more wow. sorry. Finished 3
    7. 7th derity #9873 she / her more 169. was that fun? I'm not convinced Finished 2
    8. 8th Akuheish #5435 he / him more master sword ganon sucked. Finished 18
    9. 9th Frankiefusion22 #6289 he / him more i literally don't even know. Finished 48
    10. 10th Sinned #0398 he / him Finished 5
    11. 11th Scaryolive #5959 he / him more At least I pooped Finished 46
    12. tylersalt #0124 he / him more nah I'm good thanks DNF 80
    13. LimpBagel #5075 he / him more perfect time for kids to mention they need help with a valentine's day box DNF 49
    14. Twiga #4290 they / them DNF 5
    15. TheBenJammin #7468 he / him DNF 4
    16. oldmanhaiku #9934 he / him DNF 18
    17. DJCrabhat #0022 he / him more ugggggh gotta be the stupidest ive ever felt in a seed DNF 96
  3. dizzy-bigkey-8669 ALttPR Beat the game - Tournament (Solo) Finished awaiting record 2 entrants
    1. 1st Trinexx #1152 he / him Finished n/a
    2. 2nd Telmiran #6188 Finished 2,520
  4. mysterious-bigkey-7218 ALttPR Beat the game - Casual Finished recorded 11 entrants
    1. 1st coin_chaser #5721 he / him Finished 68
    2. 2nd derity #9873 she / her more 161 Finished 13
    3. 3rd Trinexx #1152 he / him more 167 Finished 5
    4. 4th RayZeus #0806 he / him Finished 82
    5. 5th Lechtansi #2776 they / them more 163 Finished 726
    6. 6th ABBeachBum #8644 he / him more 168 Finished 66
    7. 7th Sinned #0398 he / him more CR167 - Cane for go Finished 14
    8. 8th LimpBagel #5075 he / him more LL cane, fell in every pit in GT, fell on Ganon for the first time in ages Finished 32
    9. 9th Cinder #4850 they / them more Accidentally marked off Floating Island and LLd shovel. Ugh... Finished 30
    10. 10th TheBenJammin #7468 he / him more LL'd cane, almost LL hammer, good times Finished 52
    11. linktothepastken he / him more dont know waht i missed but i mising items to beat seed DNF 31
  5. lazy-sage-7047 ALttPR Beat the game - Tournament (Solo) Finished awaiting record 2 entrants
    1. 1st Trinexx #1152 he / him Finished n/a
    2. WaltherIV #4773 he / him DNF n/a
  6. trusty-link-9562 ALttPR Beat the game - Casual Finished recorded 13 entrants
    1. 1st Trinexx #1152 he / him more 127, fake flipps for mitts Finished 71
    2. 2nd Soyhr #7143 he / him more 120. Finished 23
    3. 3rd matt7898 #1275 Finished 15
    4. 4th derity #9873 she / her more 137 Finished 10
    5. 5th coin_chaser #5721 he / him Finished 15
    6. 6th Scaryolive #5959 he / him Finished 22
    7. 7th Coy #4033 more left zelda in her cell and lost 2 min lolololol Finished 4
    8. 8th RayZeus #0806 he / him more Got to the mitts way too late. CR 135 Finished 3
    9. 9th Sinned #0398 he / him more CR129 - Mitts for go Finished 18
    10. 10th ABBeachBum #8644 he / him more PB for me by a couple minutes. CR 139 Finished 9
    11. 11th oro they / them Finished 58
    12. 12th oldmanhaiku #9934 he / him Finished 5
    13. Frankiefusion22 #6289 he / him more died on moldorm2. DNF 262
  7. neutral-bow-6252 ALttPR Beat the game - Tournament (Solo) Finished recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st Trinexx #1152 he / him Finished 571
    2. AryaStark2942 #5333 she / they DNF 23
  8. sleepy-kholdstare-0299 ALttPR Beat the game - Casual Finished recorded 15 entrants
    1. 1st Specks #1514 he / him Finished 102
    2. 2nd Trinexx #1152 he / him more completed TT because i forgot what TR medallion was and needed to watch VOD Finished 59
    3. 3rd Coy #4033 Finished 16
    4. 4th Hitman1382 #8796 he / him Finished 7
    5. 5th death_taxes_n64 #4985 he / him more 165 classic IR hunt Finished 32
    6. 6th derity #9873 she / her more 182. Routed around hammer pegs and near LL bombos to unlock the rest Finished 2,327
    7. 7th SilverOwl #7032 he / him more 170 - an unfortunate death at Kholdstare Finished 14
    8. 8th Scaryolive #5959 he / him Finished 14
    9. 9th Sinned #0398 he / him more CR170 - IR for go. Died to Khold and Ganon..... Finished 25
    10. 10th LimpBagel #5075 he / him more imagine not checking spec rock cave on the first climb Finished 31
    11. 11th Cinder #4850 they / them more I may have lost 5-10 mins due tocorrectly marking SP as a Cystal, and then gettingh confused. Extra OW checks when it was clearable....or, and Mirror'd out after Ether ugh Finished 16
    12. 12th Malkier #0431 Finished 3
    13. 13th Topspecialist #1464 he / him Finished 130
    14. oldmanhaiku #9934 he / him more lol died 4 times in ice DNF 20
    15. 0nly_Jeff #1506 he / him DNF 437
  9. crafty-validation-8341 ALttPR Beat the game - Casual Finished recorded 12 entrants
    1. 1st Coy #4033 Finished 24
    2. 2nd derity #9873 she / her more 156 Finished 14
    3. 3rd Soyhr #7143 he / him Finished 11
    4. 4th coin_chaser #5721 he / him Finished 63
    5. 5th Trinexx #1152 he / him more i forgot how to diver down? also skipped ether on TR reclimb Finished 37
    6. 6th RayZeus #0806 he / him more Forgot about checks in pendant SW, did mirrorless smithchain, CR173 Finished 19
    7. 7th Cinder #4850 they / them more Nice Aga and required double-dip TR seed. Also sweet Book call Trinexx lol Finished 82
    8. 8th Sinned #0398 he / him more CR170 - nice IR Finished 17
    9. 9th NinjaDave04 #5105 he / him more 170 Finished 7
    10. 10th oldmanhaiku #9934 he / him more seed so bad i guess ganon big key and got it in 3 Finished 5
    11. 11th SquishyPanda #2595 he / him more rushed aga..., execution needs WORK... this seed was trolling hard Finished 4
    12. 12th DJCrabhat #0022 he / him Finished 73
  10. dapper-southshore-4978 ALttPR Beat the game - Casual Finished recorded 10 entrants
    1. 1st Trinexx #1152 he / him more FR hunt is fun with everything open. CR 164 Finished 85
    2. 2nd coin_chaser #5721 he / him more 170 Finished 3
    3. 3rd Coy #4033 Finished 8
    4. 4th LimpBagel #5075 he / him more I wish I would have dipped TT the first time and then not left right after the mirror the 2nd time. CR 156 Finished 55
    5. 5th Scaryolive #5959 he / him more LJ Skip Not worth it in this one Finished 18
    6. 6th Cinder #4850 they / them more Lost sub;1:40 o having to make chilli ;_; Nice fake jet seed. I hate when Pendant TT has progression in the back... Finished 101
    7. 7th Sinned #0398 he / him more CR174 - Imagine leaving TT after getting mirror... couldn't be me :D Finished 3
    8. 8th oldmanhaiku #9934 he / him Finished 5
    9. 9th SquishyPanda #2595 he / him Finished 3
    10. PowerToMario #9178 DNF 1,177