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- 14:46 shadyforce joins the race.
- 14:46 SahasrahBot: Hi! I'm SahasrahBot, your friendly robotic elder and randomizer seed roller! Use !help to see what I can do! Check out for more info.
- 14:49 Fouton#5436 joins the race.
- 14:49 Fouton: ello
- 14:51 shadyforce: morning/afternoon
- 14:51 shadyforce: hopefully we get a nice cosy seed like bonta/locke had this morning :)
- 14:52 Fouton: heck that its pogchamp give me inverted and make me cry
- 14:52 shadyforce: lol
- 14:52 Fouton: swordless inverted ER with expert item functionality
- 14:53 Fouton: actually ER probably makes inverted nicer
- 14:53 shadyforce: I like all of those things individually but all combined, yes that would make me cry :(
- 14:54 shadyforce updated the race information.
- 14:57 shadyforce: seed genned if you hadn't seen
- 14:58 Fouton: ye got it all ready
- 14:58 Fouton#5436 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 14:58 shadyforce: bow ether glove flute bow
- 14:58 Fouton: hopefully all findable items early
- 14:58 Fouton: same code for me
- 14:58 shadyforce: indeed :
- 14:58 shadyforce: :)
- 14:58 shadyforce: glgl
- 14:59 shadyforce is ready! (0 remaining)
- 14:59 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 14:59 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 16:41 Fouton#5436 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:42:21!
- 16:42 shadyforce has forfeited from the race.
- 16:42 Race finished in 1:42:44.7
- 16:42 shadyforce: gg lol
- 16:42 Fouton: ggs
- 16:42 Fouton: what a start lmao
- 16:42 shadyforce: where was GT big btw?
- 16:42 Fouton: I felt like I did everything in perfect order but that pearl in TT was booty
- 16:42 Fouton: uhhhh
- 16:42 Fouton: mimic cave entrance
- 16:43 shadyforce: ?
- 16:44 shadyforce: oh ok yeah never found that connector
- 16:44 Fouton: Yeah its simple dungeons so desert left linked to it
- 16:44 shadyforce: I badly misplayed this, kept skipping things thinking I was in dungeon rush mode
- 16:44 Fouton: so TR main
- 16:44 shadyforce: forgot about not having GT, and was also omega surprised when 4 crystal GT turned out to be 4 crystal pod
- 16:44 Fouton: oh lol
- 16:44 shadyforce: ah yeah I refused to go into desert at the time
- 16:45 shadyforce: it sucks in this type of entrance
- 16:45 shadyforce: I didn't have any keys
- 16:45 shadyforce: and I later found out DP was pendant, so I was never ever getting that GT big tbh
- 16:45 Fouton: Ahh yeah
- 16:45 Fouton: I had the BK so I figured Id just go for it and maybe steal key
- 16:45 shadyforce: ok well I was totally boned in this no matter
- 16:45 Fouton: thats rough yeah
- 16:45 Fouton: I just full clear everything cuz I hate leaving things so I wasnt gonna skip desert
- 16:46 shadyforce: but I played incredibly badly and scatter brained, I'm glad I didn't swindle an unjustified win, would totally not have deserved it
- 16:46 Fouton: I almost did GT first though
- 16:49 shadyforce: ggs anyway, gl in the next one
- 16:50 shadyforce: this was fun seed tbh
- 16:50 shadyforce: I guess it helps not caring too much if I win or lose haha
- 16:50 shadyforce: now only 1 more pog seed kekw
- 16:51 Fouton: lmao hell yeah
- 16:51 Fouton: I have to win like 3 matches so I can fight andy or somethin
- 17:06 shadyforce: also... fuck non killable thieves lmao
- 15:21 Race result recorded by daaanty#0264