
Current races

Past races

  1. graceful-hyrulecastle-2089 12 Pack Cup 2nd Edition Race #1 - Casual Boots Finished not recorded 7 entrants casualboots - https://alttpr.com/h/kGZmZ7xbym - (Bombs/Mushroom/Somaria/Bow/Hookshot)
  2. scruffy-lostwoods-6634 Beat the game - Casual Finished awaiting record 3 entrants casualboots - https://alttpr.com/h/pMg43x01vN - (Flippers/Somaria/Somaria/Green Potion/Mushroom)
  3. mysterious-hammer-1391 Beat the game - Casual Finished recorded 2 entrants SpeedGaming Daily Race Series - Casual Boots Weekly at 3:00 PM Eastern on SpeedGaming2 - Seed Distributed at 2:50 PM Eastern - 65365 casualboots - https://alttpr.com/h/YMD3O7RwGA - (Ether/Hammer/Empty Bottle/Big Key/Quake)
  4. graceful-tempered-0045 Beat the game - Tournament (Solo) Finished recorded 4 entrants ALTTPR Ladder - Casual Boots Championship casualboots - https://alttpr.com/h/xvJol7ZPyJ - (Map/Moon Pearl/Flippers/Cape/Book)
  5. magnificent-herapot-6445 Beat the game - Tournament (Solo) Finished recorded 2 entrants Nordic league season 7 week 4: Fox (Anglhz) vs feessh (obscurelifeform) obscure/nordicenemizer - https://alttpr.com/h/eM43p484Gj - (Bow/Bow/Empty Bottle/Map/Hookshot)
  6. golden-pieceofheart-9356 Beat the game - Tournament (Solo) Finished awaiting record 2 entrants Deutsches Turnier Round of 64 - Rayvis vs DrDiabetus - Swordless swordless - https://avianart.games/perm/qtfL4G3w2 - (Green Potion/Ether/Quake/Somaria/Flute)
  7. swag-firerod-5464 Beat the game - Tournament (Solo) Finished awaiting record 2 entrants dt. Turnier CFate91 vs Teto -Game2-Enemizer enemizer - https://avianart.games/perm/lRJxEGAkC - (Magic Powder/Bombs/Heart/Quake/Shovel)
  8. fortunate-bumpercave-2661 Beat the game - Tournament (Solo) Finished awaiting record 2 entrants Inverted Assured BKS GenosBaka vs Da-Speeka inverted_bks - https://avianart.games/perm/Cv8B8yRZP - (Bombos/Shovel/Compass/Mushroom/Shovel)
  9. dynamic-arrows-7016 Beat the game - Tournament (Solo) Finished recorded 2 entrants Nordic Tourney Season V - Swiss round 4 - WaltherIV vs Homewrecker obscure/nordicenemizer - https://alttpr.com/h/9MQ9K70dMD - (Ether/Shovel/Shovel/Bombs/Green Potion)
  10. salty-ganonstower-0262 Beat the game - Tournament (Co-op) Finished recorded 4 entrants ALttPR Micro-Tournoi Francophone 5e Édition: Finale - Match 2 - CryoÉclair vs Oh Hi Mark pichu10u/ad_boss_enemizer - https://alttpr.com/h/bGbb1x29GP - (Moon Pearl/Flippers/Cape/Gloves/Shield)