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- 19:54 TorinnTheDragon: it
- 19:54 TreySpyre: I feel like it might be revenge for the seed I rolled them last night. XD
- 19:54 TorinnTheDragon: go
- 19:54 TorinnTheDragon: for
- 19:54 TorinnTheDragon: it
- 19:54 Leaf: !tournamentrace
- 19:54 SahasrahBot: Generating game, please wait. If nothing happens after a minute, contact Synack.
- 19:54 SahasrahBot updated the race information.
- 19:54 SahasrahBot: Seed has been generated, you should have received a DM in Discord. Please contact a Tournament Moderator if you haven't received the DM.
- 19:55 Leaf: enjoy your crystalollers
- 19:55 zenarcane: Whoops, I completely forgot to start stream, will be 5 after
- 19:55 zenarcane: cause I just started now xD
- 19:56 TorinnTheDragon: its all good
- 19:56 TorinnTheDragon: gives us time to strategize
- 19:56 TreySpyre: XD proud of you, Zen.
- 19:56 StructuralMike: which uncle route will you start with
- 19:56 StructuralMike: hobo, saha, uncle, or old man
- 19:56 StructuralMike: or aginah
- 19:56 TreySpyre: Uncle route #2.7, clearly.
- 19:56 TorinnTheDragon: all the above
- 19:57 zenarcane: The room opened too early and I forgot
- 19:57 Leaf: I mean I could probably poke a mod for an override if you wanted
- 19:57 zenarcane: ADHD sucks
- 19:57 zenarcane: Mr. Zeke mod, are you available to override?
- 19:57 Leaf: I mean, I'd have to go poke elsewhere for an RT mod
- 19:57 Leaf: but yes, I'll bother them
- 19:57 zenarcane: Oh, I thought you could
- 19:57 TorinnTheDragon: oh wow
- 19:57 zenarcane: don't worry, it's only like 8 mins
- 19:58 zenarcane: it'll be 5 past when I go live
- 19:58 TreySpyre#7679 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 19:58 Leaf: are Torinn/Michael/Treymond good with waiting?
- 19:58 TreySpyre: I don't mind.
- 19:58 zenarcane: Trey can laugh at me in his chat about how I'm clumsy and forgetful
- 19:58 zenarcane: :D
- 19:58 TreySpyre: D:
- 19:58 TreySpyre: I would never do such a thing.
- 19:59 zenarcane: No D colon
- 19:59 TreySpyre: I'd laugh at myself for that first. XD
- 19:59 zenarcane: This is literally me focusing on one thing to the neglect of literally everything else
- 19:59 Leaf: anyways, GL HF friends! Gonna leave you all alone now
- 19:59 zenarcane: Thanks Zeke :D
- 19:59 StructuralMike: bye zeeeeke~~~~~
- 20:00 TorinnTheDragon is ready! (2 remaining)
- 20:00 TreySpyre: <3 Thanks, Zekey!
- 20:00 TorinnTheDragon: bye zekey
- 20:02 zenarcane: 200s
- 20:04 StructuralMike#1449 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 20:04 StructuralMike: epic showdown initiated
- 20:04 zenarcane: 1m + rt finding stream live
- 20:04 TorinnTheDragon: yep
- 20:05 TreySpyre: \o/
- 20:05 StructuralMike: gl hf peeps
- 20:05 TreySpyre: glhf! :D
- 20:05 TreySpyre: May your clowning always be beneficial!
- 20:05 zenarcane: Clowning ftw
- 20:05 zenarcane: Waiting on RT
- 20:05 TorinnTheDragon: lol
- 20:06 zenarcane: Okay it sees me
- 20:06 zenarcane: GLHF :D
- 20:06 zenarcane: Everyone good to go?
- 20:06 TreySpyre: I am
- 20:06 StructuralMike: !
- 20:06 zenarcane: Readying now :)
- 20:06 zenarcane#6475 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 20:06 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 20:06 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 20:27 TreySpyre#7679 has forfeited from the race.
- 20:27 TreySpyre#7679 has un-forfeited from the race.
- 21:36 zenarcane#6475 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:29:38!
- 21:44 StructuralMike#1449 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:37:50!
- 21:48 TreySpyre#7679 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 1:41:38!
- 21:48 zenarcane: What happend at 20:27 Trey?
- 21:48 TreySpyre: I was taking notes.
- 21:49 zenarcane: Did you misclick xD
- 21:49 TreySpyre: And apparently one of the keys I hit is also the FF button. XD
- 21:49 zenarcane: KEKW
- 21:49 TreySpyre: I'm just glad I noticed right away.
- 21:50 zenarcane: Yeah, that would have been not good
- 22:02 TorinnTheDragon has finished in 4th place with a time of 1:55:54!
- 22:02 Race finished in 1:55:54.2
- 22:02 TorinnTheDragon: heck
- 22:03 zenarcane: GGs all :D
- 22:03 TreySpyre: gg! :D
- 22:03 TorinnTheDragon: thx
- 22:03 TorinnTheDragon: that seed
- 22:03 TorinnTheDragon: um...
- 22:04 StructuralMike: gg
- 22:05 StructuralMike: magic was an issue
- 22:05 StructuralMike: :D
- 22:07 zenarcane: Did anyone but me unearth a crystal roller when dashing through bushes?
- 22:10 TreySpyre: I think Torinn might've?
- 22:10 TreySpyre: But I know I didn't.
- 13:32 Race set to not recorded by daaanty#0264