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- 04:03 Gammachuu#1618 joins the race.
- 04:03 SahasrahBot: Hi! I'm SahasrahBot, your friendly robotic elder and randomizer seed roller! Use !help to see what I can do! Check out for more info.
- 04:04 homemadebeer: Amazing plando
- 04:04 homemadebeer#3479 joins the race.
- 04:06 Gammachuu: yup
- 04:06 Buane#5757 joins the race.
- 04:06 Gammachuu: Good evening buane
- 04:07 Buane: howdy
- 04:08 ganonsgonewild#4489 joins the race.
- 04:09 ganonsgonewild: how am i going to hide my escape strats if streaming is required
- 04:09 Gammachuu: ya make sure to pick up 1 pot, otherwise it's over
- 04:09 Julloninja: just delete the vod after so gamma can't review it
- 04:10 Gammachuu: just waiting for beer to be free
- 04:10 Julloninja: he has to watch tutorials
- 04:11 homemadebeer: ok I watched the tutorial
- 04:11 homemadebeer: now I know that you can beat the escape without lamp I am ready
- 04:12 Gammachuu: what's the command lol
- 04:12 ganonsgonewild: idk how to generate a slow rom one
- 04:12 Julloninja#3102 joins the race.
- 04:12 Gammachuu: !newrace --preset=sglive2023 --quickswap --countdown=900 --branch=tournament
- 04:12 SahasrahBot: Generating game, please wait. If nothing happens after a minute, contact Synack.
- 04:12 SahasrahBot updated the race information.
- 04:12 SahasrahBot:
- 04:12 SahasrahBot: Seed rolling complete. See race info for details.
- 04:13 Julloninja: he found the copy paste
- 04:13 homemadebeer: it's just race sglive2023 tournament
- 04:14 homemadebeer: but oh well
- 04:14 VeXtopher#0630 joins the race.
- 04:14 homemadebeer: jullo what msu
- 04:14 Buane#5757 is ready! (5 remaining)
- 04:14 Julloninja: idk im using wildride
- 04:15 homemadebeer: ok I'll just use bustin
- 04:15 homemadebeer#3479 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 04:16 homemadebeer#3479 is not ready. (5 remaining)
- 04:16 homemadebeer: hello vex
- 04:16 Julloninja: unreadying sadge
- 04:16 Julloninja#3102 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 04:16 ganonsgonewild#4489 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 04:16 homemadebeer#3479 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 04:17 homemadebeer: beer was in the fridge and not on my desk
- 04:17 homemadebeer: I have corrected my mistake
- 04:17 ganonsgonewild: gamma last to ready as usual
- 04:17 VeXtopher: I'm coming, sec
- 04:17 Julloninja: he has to get everything set up ggw, he has more than us
- 04:17 homemadebeer: any sub 4:45s in chat
- 04:17 ganonsgonewild: please hitsu has a family
- 04:18 Julloninja: i'll try
- 04:18 VeXtopher#0630 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 04:18 Gammachuu: GLHF all
- 04:18 homemadebeer: gl hf
- 04:18 Gammachuu#1618 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 04:18 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 04:18 Julloninja: gl hf
- 04:18 VeXtopher: glgl
- 04:18 ganonsgonewild: gatekeeping for the restream how nice of you
- 04:18 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 04:30 homemadebeer: 11:55
- 05:41 ganonsgonewild#4489 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:23:07!
- 05:41 Gammachuu#1618 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:23:09!
- 05:41 ganonsgonewild: xddd
- 05:42 Gammachuu: are you kidding
- 05:42 ganonsgonewild: no
- 05:42 homemadebeer: fuck off
- 05:45 Buane#5757 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 1:26:35!
- 05:46 VeXtopher#0630 has forfeited from the race.
- 05:46 Julloninja#3102 has forfeited from the race.
- 05:46 homemadebeer#3479 has forfeited from the race.
- 05:46 Race finished in 1:27:52.8
- 05:46 VeXtopher: was cane lss
- 05:46 Buane: wow last place, feels bad
- 05:47 ganonsgonewild: lol
- 05:47 homemadebeer: lol
- 05:47 homemadebeer: yeah
- 05:47 ganonsgonewild: cane was big chest swamp
- 05:47 ganonsgonewild: bk lss
- 05:48 VeXtopher: just making sure I skipped it and I didn't just do a dumb and completely oof something
- 05:49 Gammachuu: i did pod first after aga
- 05:49 Gammachuu: then went giga panic mode when mitts fr bow came free
- 05:49 VeXtopher: I got bow in HS cave like a doofus
- 05:49 ganonsgonewild: cane was my go mode
- 05:49 Gammachuu: same
- 05:49 Gammachuu: did you do powder
- 05:50 Gammachuu#1618 added a comment.
- 05:57 ganonsgonewild#4489 added a comment.
- 06:22 Race result recorded by homemadebeer#3479