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- 18:19 SahasrahBot: Hi! I'm SahasrahBot, your friendly robotic elder and ALTTPR/SMZ3 seed roller! Use !help to see what I can do!
- 18:19 Crimson Pallasch#9846 sets the race to be invite only.
- 18:24 Nephistoss#8449 requests to join the race.
- 18:25 Crimson Pallasch#9846 joins the race.
- 18:25 Crimson Pallasch#9846 accepts a request to join from Nephistoss#8449.
- 18:26 Crimson Pallasch: GLHF!
- 18:27 Nephistoss: gl hf
- 18:29 Crimson Pallasch: Need to update my stream credentials for Twitch. Shouldn't be long.
- 18:30 Crimson Pallasch: $preset ambrosia
- 18:30 Crimson Pallasch: Or maybe that doesn't work. ha ha ha
- 18:30 Crimson Pallasch: !help
- 18:30 SahasrahBot: Available commands:
"!preset <preset>" to generate a race preset.
"!mystery <weightset>" to generate a mystery game.
"!spoiler <preset>" to generate a spoiler race.
- 18:30 Crimson Pallasch: !preset ambrosia
- 18:30 SahasrahBot: Generating game, please wait. If nothing happens after a minute, contact Synack.
- 18:30 SahasrahBot updated the race information.
- 18:30 SahasrahBot:
- 18:30 SahasrahBot: Seed rolling complete. See race info for details.
- 18:30 Nephistoss: nice
- 18:30 Crimson Pallasch: There's our seed.
- 18:32 Nephistoss: I'm good
- 18:32 Nephistoss: juste taking 2 min to breath
- 18:34 Crimson Pallasch#9846 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 18:35 Crimson Pallasch: No worries.
- 18:35 Crimson Pallasch: I'm ready when you are.
- 18:36 Nephistoss: im ok
- 18:36 Nephistoss: gl hf !
- 18:36 Crimson Pallasch: glhf!
- 18:37 Nephistoss#8449 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 18:37 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 18:37 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 20:14 Nephistoss#8449 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:36:52!
- 20:15 Crimson Pallasch: gg!
- 20:16 Nephistoss: ty ! gg too
- 20:38 Crimson Pallasch#9846 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 2:01:00!
- 20:38 Race finished in 2:01:00.3
- 20:38 Nephistoss: gg
- 20:38 Crimson Pallasch: Ah! Master Sword only Ganon! At least I had silvers. ha ha ha
- 20:39 Nephistoss: same
- 20:39 Nephistoss: MS/silvers
- 20:39 Crimson Pallasch: Did you find the Cane of Somaria?
- 20:39 Nephistoss: Nah
- 20:39 Nephistoss: I realised so late we didn't need somaria
- 20:40 Nephistoss: never had this case before
- 20:40 Crimson Pallasch: I've never had a seed where you didn't need it that I wasted time trying to find it.
- 20:40 Nephistoss: yeah same for me
- 20:40 Crimson Pallasch: After checking everything in Dark Death Mountain, I decided to head into GT without it.
- 20:40 Nephistoss: but when i was in POD i was like , wait , i'm in go mode
- 20:40 Crimson Pallasch: ha ha ha
- 20:41 Crimson Pallasch: I wasn't really sure I was every in go mode until I found the big key in GT.
- 20:41 Nephistoss: Big key into key
- 20:41 Nephistoss: perfect GT
- 20:42 Crimson Pallasch: Yeah. I like those.
- 20:42 Crimson Pallasch: But it might have been nice to get the tempered sword. ha ha ha
- 20:42 Nephistoss: But we had 80% of required items in light world befor pearl
- 20:43 Nephistoss: Only hook/bow in dark world
- 20:43 Crimson Pallasch: True.
- 20:43 Crimson Pallasch: At least we didn't need to go into any pendant dungeons to find those two.
- 20:43 Nephistoss: i mean yeah it's ok , bows was acessible
- 20:43 Nephistoss: and hook on the way
- 20:43 Crimson Pallasch: Yeah.
- 20:43 Nephistoss: fun to say but bow is the trickiest item in this seed
- 20:44 Nephistoss: even if it's easy to find
- 20:44 Crimson Pallasch: I agree.
- 20:44 Crimson Pallasch: Logged out times. Again. GG!
- 20:45 Nephistoss: Same gg gl for next
- 20:45 Crimson Pallasch: Yeah. Good luck in the rest of the tournament.
- 04:01 Race result recorded by daaanty#0264