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- 07:51 SahasrahBot:
- 07:51 SahasrahBot: Seed rolling complete. See race info for details.
- 07:51 Zaruvyen: Casual reminder that all seeds are bad. :3
- 07:51 Leaf: I just wanted to wish you both good lick, we're all counting on you
- 07:52 Leaf: and also hug fox.
- 07:52 Zaruvyen: hugs. Oh, hey Leaf
- 07:52 Zaruvyen: When this is over, you wanna walk to Sheetz?
- 07:52 ph112358: haha hey leaf!
- 07:52 Leaf: I might need a heavier coat
- 07:52 Leaf: seems a bit far of a wal
- 07:52 Leaf: walk even
- 07:52 Zaruvyen: Sheesh, it's not even warmer there than here.
- 07:53 Leaf: GL HF both
- 07:53 ph112358: tyty, hope you are well
- 07:54 Zaruvyen: Heeee. I really am quite amused to be ready right now.
- 07:54 Leaf: Ryvu told me what happened, you're both silly geese
- 07:54 Zaruvyen#7867 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 07:55 Zaruvyen: Whenever you'd like, sir. GLHF
- 07:55 ph112358: ok, will ready in a sec, thanks in advance for the race!
- 07:55 ph112358: glhfxoxo
- 07:55 ph112358#7424 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 07:55 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 07:55 Zaruvyen: No worries! Just remember, we got at least one more. <3
- 07:56 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 09:48 Zaruvyen#7867 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:52:06!
- 09:48 Zaruvyen: Dude, burn it.
- 09:48 Zaruvyen: Burn it down.
- 09:49 ph112358#7424 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:53:34!
- 09:49 Race finished in 1:53:34.5
- 09:49 ph112358: gg
- 09:49 Zaruvyen: GGs. What the hell.
- 09:49 ph112358: yeesh
- 09:49 Zaruvyen: Good golly Miss Molly.
- 09:49 Zaruvyen: Moth with the fucking gate
- 09:50 ph112358: you did ask for a disaster, i suppose i obliged
- 09:50 ph112358: lol
- 09:50 Zaruvyen: Thank you wholeheartedly for that shitshow. lmao
- 09:50 ph112358: one tries
- 09:50 Zaruvyen: I'm told you entered Moth before us, and left after us.
- 09:50 Zaruvyen: We had 6 checks left when we found Hammer.
- 09:50 ph112358: i had many, many deaths
- 09:50 Zaruvyen: I do not want to see my death counter.
- 09:50 Zaruvyen: But I really, really do.
- 09:50 Zaruvyen: I took gnarly deaths on the overworld. IN front of c-house, IN the SW Main door,
- 09:51 ph112358: oh geez
- 09:51 Zaruvyen#7867 added a comment.
- 09:51 Zaruvyen: Oh, no. This one felt bad.
- 09:51 Zaruvyen: I left Hammer on Smiths forever, lol
- 09:52 ph112358: let's see, what did i have left when i got hammer...
- 09:52 Zaruvyen: I have All-but-1 dives of TR, POD, Thieves
- 09:52 Zaruvyen: Dude. I blind pulled ped. lol
- 09:53 Zaruvyen: 15 deaths lmao
- 09:54 Zaruvyen#7867 changed their comment.
- 09:56 ph112358: from the point we got the pearl to finish was about even
- 09:56 ph112358: go fig
- 09:56 Zaruvyen: I'm on record as saying
- 09:56 ph112358: i was just under 2 min behind you it looks like
- 09:56 Zaruvyen: "The early game does not determine a seed's outcome"
- 09:56 Zaruvyen: And I eat my crow tonight
- 09:57 ph112358: when i got the hammer i had vitty, catfish, and smiths
- 09:57 Zaruvyen: Oh hell.
- 09:57 Zaruvyen: I did Vitty first in Mire.
- 09:58 ph112358: ah yeah - i figured i'm okay bailing at that point and just coming back for a LL if i have to
- 09:58 Zaruvyen: No, that's reasonable, I had to get the bc key lmao
- 09:58 ph112358: huge
- 09:58 ph112358: hahaha
- 09:59 Zaruvyen: Bruh. Moth moon pearl I called a country mile away and just screwed the pooch for so long
- 09:59 Zaruvyen: I dove light world and DBRed HC looking for anything, got an HP and an Ether.
- 09:59 Zaruvyen: I kept shedding the HP on the way to Moth
- 10:00 ph112358: yeah i figured the same but it's such a gnarly fight
- 10:00 ph112358: i actually tried it right after frod once
- 10:00 Zaruvyen: Gods. This is an anyone's race kind of seed
- 10:00 ph112358: you can imagine how that went
- 10:00 Zaruvyen: Oh I went for 3 and bailed, did CT climb, came back and died a bunch more
- 10:01 ph112358: yea
- 10:01 Zaruvyen: I feel so bad about winning this because of that. I think this a good "inverted" seed, but a BAD "race" seed.
- 10:01 ph112358: ehh i wouldn't feel bad about it at all, i actually kinda like these sorts of seeds
- 10:02 Zaruvyen: Trash? XD
- 10:02 ph112358: i find it interesting to have to be able to do a low pct boss fight
- 10:02 Zaruvyen: Dude, early Moth gate is so bad.
- 10:02 ph112358: just didn't execute
- 10:02 Zaruvyen: I breathe those three words. I have clips of me doing moth on 1 heart.
- 10:02 Zaruvyen: Tonight, I have Leaf saying "I have never seen Moth rush so far low"
- 10:02 Zaruvyen: I had 4-5 deaths where I just had nowhere to go.
- 10:03 ph112358: yeah, i had a couple i thought i could get thru, but no dice
- 10:03 Zaruvyen: My successful fight was equal parts RNG equal parts white knuckling.
- 10:03 Zaruvyen: Too much further and I thought I could tilt
- 10:04 Zaruvyen: Alright man. Be in touch to figure out the "Invadeykeys" with ya sometime? Have a great Christmas :3
- 10:04 ph112358: yep, sounds great, thank you!
- 10:04 ph112358: have a great night and a great christmas, ggs again, take care
- 10:05 Zaruvyen: Dude I work 2-10pm tonight x3 it's going to be awful x3
- 10:05 Zaruvyen: But it's worth it. :3
- 10:06 ph112358: <3
- 21:37 Race result recorded by Pichu10u#1515