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- 00:43 VortexofDoom: No worries
- 00:43 shkoople: :O
- 00:43 willwc: let me know that you are all ready now and i will remove myself
- 00:43 VortexofDoom#1756 is not ready. (2 remaining)
- 00:43 VortexofDoom#1756 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 00:43 Flipheal: awesome, I'm ready
- 00:43 Flipheal: floyd is too
- 00:44 shkoople: good to go
- 00:44 willwc: great, ty all
- 00:44 willwc: dropping out in 15 seconds
- 00:44 willwc#5671 quits the race.
- 00:44 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 00:44 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 02:02 Flipheal#4110 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:17:41!
- 02:08 Floyd#7530 has forfeited from the race.
- 02:10 shkoople: uhh
- 02:10 shkoople: is that a real ff
- 02:10 shkoople: my game just got deleted
- 02:10 Flipheal: i have no idea, he hasnt been talking to me for like 10 minutes, i guess he's having some RL issues?
- 02:10 shkoople: my entire save just got yeeted
- 02:11 Flipheal: omg lol issues on both ends you meant your save fule
- 02:11 Flipheal: ummmmmmmmmm
- 02:11 shkoople: @mods lol
- 02:11 Shareen: monkaW
- 02:11 shkoople: shareen what do
- 02:13 Shareen: So is this going to be both Teams not finishing?
- 02:13 VortexofDoom: shkoople's playing again rn
- 02:13 VortexofDoom: but
- 02:13 VortexofDoom: h
- 02:13 shkoople: can we just rematch if both people have issues?
- 02:13 shkoople: bc if not then i'll just finish this seed but
- 02:13 VortexofDoom: I wouldn't want to win like that
- 02:13 shkoople: i don't wanna do that
- 02:13 Shareen: Figure out what happened with Floyd first
- 02:14 Shareen: Then you guys can discuss
- 02:14 Shareen: And ping admin
- 02:14 Shareen: I presume it will be a rerace
- 02:14 Flipheal: :shrug: i guess,o doesnt sound like floyd will be around anytime soon based on how he left
- 02:14 Shareen: Yikes
- 02:15 Flipheal: can schedule a rematch, might have to be floyd and eykir for game 2 or maybe me and whoever, i might not be able to get another game in till the weekend
- 02:15 Shareen: So shkoople... are u dnf?
- 02:15 Flipheal: well later in the week
- 02:15 shkoople: if we rematch i'll ff
- 02:15 shkoople: no rematch replay seed
- 02:15 VortexofDoom: LUL
- 02:15 Shareen: Ok ill let u know lol
- 02:16 Flipheal: like i said no idea where is floyd is so its up to you guys if you want to reschedule or keep playing
- 02:16 VortexofDoom: we'd both rather rematch
- 02:16 VortexofDoom: if the three that are here agree can that be guaranteed?
- 02:17 VortexofDoom: that we won't take an automatic L?
- 02:17 Shareen: I pinged Admins
- 02:17 Shareen: ll let u know
- 02:17 VortexofDoom: kk
- 02:18 Flipheal: our team should be fine with a rematch, if its the 4 of us it might have to be later in the week though, work is kind of tight i can't take all nights off lol
- 02:18 shkoople: we both want to rematch
- 02:19 shkoople: this is booty
- 02:19 shkoople: i dont want a w bc of real life stuff
- 02:19 VortexofDoom: ^
- 02:20 VortexofDoom: also don't want an auto win when you had us super farmed
- 02:22 Flipheal: the stream must be like wtf is going on lol did you guys join the league restream? i didnt cuz of everything going on
- 02:22 shkoople: no
- 02:22 shkoople: i'm starting over lol
- 02:22 Shareen: Vortex are u techinically about finished?
- 02:22 shkoople: butjust waitiong to here from admins
- 02:23 VortexofDoom: yeah
- 02:23 VortexofDoom: on the climb
- 02:23 VortexofDoom: lots of pauses to type and such but ye
- 02:29 Shareen: Ok you guys can both forfeit
- 02:29 shkoople: rematch it is?
- 02:29 Shareen: Officially 16 Bit Nerds are technically victors since Flipheal finished without anyone within 25 minutes of his time.
- 02:29 shkoople: well wait
- 02:29 Flipheal: i mean yea ill forfiet
- 02:29 Flipheal: i dont care
- 02:29 Shareen: So therefore Floyds time 25+ min would still net them a win.
- 02:29 Shareen: If you 16 bit nerds would like to offer a rerace you guys may.
- 02:30 Flipheal: yea i dont want to win like that either, ill offer a rerace
- 02:30 Flipheal: should i undo and FF?
- 02:30 Shareen: Awesome
- 02:30 Shareen: You dont have to, but you can
- 02:30 Shareen: Shkoople and Vortex and should tho,
- 02:31 VortexofDoom#1756 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:46:07!
- 02:31 VortexofDoom#1756 has been undone from the race.
- 02:31 VortexofDoom#1756 has forfeited from the race.
- 02:31 shkoople#4144 has forfeited from the race.
- 02:31 Race finished in 1:46:18.3
- 02:31 Shareen: What a clown show kekw
- 02:31 Shareen: ggs guys
- 02:31 VortexofDoom: Yeah I mean that 25 minutes would have been much less if I hadn't been stopping to type
- 02:34 shkoople: ok what do we do about restream or w.e
- 02:34 VortexofDoom: will we all come in and discuss the shitshow lol
- 02:34 VortexofDoom: when did you guys dip mire btw
- 02:34 VortexofDoom: and why
- 02:34 VortexofDoom: lol
- 02:35 Flipheal: well i found the flute, and we had bad options left. floyd was going into PoD, wasn't feeling IP and we pretty much assumed if it was EP or back of TT we lose