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- 20:33 Taale#3117 joins the race.
- 20:34 SahasrahBot: Hi! I'm SahasrahBot, your friendly robotic elder and ALTTPR/SMZ3 seed roller! Use !help to see what I can do! Check out for more info.
- 20:47 Teto#2797 requests to join the race.
- 20:49 Taale#3117 accepts a request to join from Teto#2797.
- 21:04 Brogor#0954 requests to join the race.
- 21:04 Taale#3117 accepts a request to join from Brogor#0954.
- 21:08 Taale: kam der seed?
- 21:09 Brogor: nö
- 21:09 Brogor: ach dooch
- 21:12 Taale: werft ihr euren stream an bitte
- 21:12 Taale: auf auf
- 21:13 Taale: jungs?=
- 21:14 Teto: gradk urze rechner probleme, musste eben neustarten :D
- 21:14 Brogor: teto musus rebooten
- 21:15 Brogor: ich sollte live sein
- 21:16 Brogor#0954 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 21:16 Brogor: wie macht man fertig ?! !done ?! .done ?!
- 21:18 Brogor: !unready
- 21:18 Brogor: !ready
- 21:18 Brogor: /ready
- 21:18 Brogor#0954 is not ready. (3 remaining)
- 21:18 Brogor#0954 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 21:19 Teto: hast auch knöpfe übern chat, soweit ich weiß
- 21:19 Teto#2797 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 21:19 Brogor: aber nur not ready und qit XD
- 21:19 Brogor: quit
- 21:19 Teto: weil es ja nicht gestartet hat, kein done ^^
- 21:19 Brogor: true
- 21:19 Brogor: vllt wandelt not ready sich zu done :O und quuit zu forfeit :D
- 21:19 Teto: pshhh
- 21:20 Brogor: langweiliger seed :<
- 21:20 Teto: brauchen nen neuen, sind ja zu spät :>
- 21:20 Brogor: warten nru auf taale :D
- 21:20 Brogor: oder igel ?
- 21:20 Brogor: oder tay ?
- 21:21 Taale: na dann
- 21:21 Taale#3117 quits the race.
- 21:21 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 21:21 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 22:45 Teto#2797 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:24:23!
- 22:47 Brogor: als ob :D
- 22:47 Brogor: wer checkt denn hera basement
- 22:49 Brogor#0954 has forfeited from the race.
- 22:49 Race finished in 1:28:11.2
- 23:02 Race result recorded by Synack#9689