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- 22:19 SahasrahBot: Tournament Controls:
- 22:21 Swagalicous: how do i join a team?
- 22:22 Swagalicous: was this something i should have set up before hand?
- 22:22 greycorvid: Um...there is something in Racetime that lets you form a team and you have to invite your teammates to it I think
- 22:22 Masakuni#2916 accepts an invitation to join.
- 22:24 Swagalicous#7943 joins The Tormentees.
- 22:24 Masakuni#2916 joins The Tormentees.
- 22:24 Swagalicous: i think i got it set up
- 22:24 greycorvid: nice job
- 22:25 greycorvid: worry about a logo later
- 22:25 Swagalicous: i dont even think our team has one XD
- 22:25 Masakuni: don't think we got to that point
- 22:27 greycorvid: All good
- 22:27 greycorvid: I do not think we are getting a reastream
- 22:29 Masakuni: doesn't look like it
- 22:31 greycorvid: all good
- 22:37 ARabidWombat85#0401 accepts an invitation to join.
- 22:37 ARabidWombat85#0401 joins Blackjack and Hookshots.
- 22:37 ARabidWombat85: o/
- 22:37 Swagalicous: o/
- 22:37 ARabidWombat85: sorry to keep you all waiting
- 22:37 Masakuni: o/
- 22:38 Swagalicous: no worries, we arent supposed to start for another 20 minutes anyways
- 22:38 Swagalicous: unless we can start early if everyone is ready?
- 22:39 greycorvid: I am not sure if we are allowed to start early
- 22:40 greycorvid: At least we do not need a delay this year
- 22:40 Masakuni: thank god
- 22:48 greycorvid: So...who wants to hit the magic button and roll the seed?
- 22:50 Swagalicous: i got it
- 22:51 Swagalicous: 5 minutes prior to the start of race
- 22:54 Swagalicous: !tournamentrace
- 22:54 SahasrahBot: Generating game, please wait. If nothing happens after a minute, contact Synack.
- 22:55 SahasrahBot updated the race information.
- 22:55 SahasrahBot: Seed has been generated, you should have received a DM in both Discord and Please contact a Tournament Moderator if you haven't received the DM.
- 22:57 greycorvid#1708 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 22:57 ARabidWombat85#0401 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 22:57 greycorvid: GLHF
- 22:58 Swagalicous: i'll ready up on the hour
- 22:58 ARabidWombat85: gl hf!
- 22:58 Swagalicous: GL HF
- 23:00 Masakuni: glhf!
- 23:00 Swagalicous#7943 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 23:00 Masakuni#2916 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 23:00 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 23:00 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 00:54 ARabidWombat85#0401 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:53:57!
- 00:58 greycorvid#1708 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:58:09!
- 01:09 Swagalicous#7943 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 2:08:48!
- 01:09 Swagalicous: ggs
- 01:10 ARabidWombat85: ggs
- 01:10 Swagalicous: if only i was the one to do mire early sadge
- 01:11 greycorvid: GG
- 01:11 ARabidWombat85: i went in with 1 sk =\
- 01:11 Swagalicous: got the mire big early with a double waterwalk and ended up coin flippping into IP instead
- 01:11 ARabidWombat85: i had thought about doing that for the shovel and decided against it to follow logic
- 01:12 Swagalicous: even opened up mire and then realised we shouldnt do the same thing
- 01:12 Swagalicous: 180 cr
- 01:12 ARabidWombat85: 172
- 01:12 greycorvid: 168
- 01:13 Swagalicous: looking for gt big for so long
- 01:13 ARabidWombat85: i had pretty much gambled it would be in GT
- 01:13 ARabidWombat85: so i was first in, found it quick enough
- 01:14 Swagalicous: i should have done that when i was go minus gt big
- 01:14 Swagalicous: took too long to realise i was in that spot though
- 01:15 ARabidWombat85: typically if all i need is GT bk and pendant stuff i just expect to find it in GT
- 01:16 Swagalicous: i was going through TR for the first time trying to find out what i needed for go and only after finding ep small did i realise i just needed gt big
- 01:17 ARabidWombat85: i also ended up scumming the EP sk
- 01:18 Swagalicous: i should have but i didnt save after saha or the other ep checks so i didnt want to
- 01:18 Swagalicous: set up to scum the dp sk only to find fire rod as well
- 01:18 ARabidWombat85: i took a death in EP after stalfos room
- 01:18 ARabidWombat85: to ensure i could
- 01:18 greycorvid: I was the one who went into TR with 5 smalls but no Irod hoping the Irod was there
- 01:18 ARabidWombat85: i had all the DP keys by the time i got to DP
- 01:19 Swagalicous: noted for next time
- 01:19 Swagalicous: i had 4 sk on my trip into tr but with ice rod
- 01:20 Swagalicous: if the dark room pot key is something good, do you still scum the sk if big key chest is junk?
- 01:20 ARabidWombat85: i probably just skip it
- 01:20 Swagalicous: i see
- 01:21 greycorvid: Well done Swagalicous on rolling quite the seed.
- 01:21 ARabidWombat85: logical mess that was
- 01:21 Swagalicous: thats for sure
- 01:21 Masakuni#2916 has finished in 4th place with a time of 2:21:17!
- 01:21 Race finished in 2:21:17.5
- 01:21 greycorvid: I climbed CT so many times
- 01:22 ARabidWombat85: ggs
- 01:22 greycorvid: GG Masakuni
- 01:22 Swagalicous: ggs
- 01:22 Swagalicous: we only climbed once after getting all 4 sk
- 01:22 Masakuni: gg!
- 01:23 greycorvid: Well I will see you Swag with Ray tomorrow at 12 Noon Eastern for game two
- 01:23 Swagalicous: yep yep
- 01:23 greycorvid: GGs again :)
- 01:25 Masakuni: there were a couple spots I died at that slowed me down so...x:
- 01:25 Masakuni: glhf on your game 2 as well!
- 01:25 ARabidWombat85: i took a death at the top of CT when i got booped into a hole (luckily i had a fairy)