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- 00:18 SahasrahBot: Tournament Controls:
- 00:24 Zaphikel: Evening gents
- 00:25 Jamo: yo
- 00:25 Jamo#6380 joins Three Off The Tee.
- 00:25 Zaphikel: How goes with y'all today?
- 00:26 Jamo: not bad, quiet day at work
- 00:26 Jamo: how about you
- 00:28 Zaphikel: I took the day off because I got an angry email on Friday that said that I was vacation capped
- 00:28 Zaphikel: So, fuck them, I did nothing today except laundry and relax
- 00:29 Jamo: damn lol
- 00:29 Jamo: that means you've taken too much vacation or not enough vacation
- 00:29 Zaphikel: I had been working on some projects for months straight now, and new manager needed a lot of help
- 00:29 Zaphikel: Nah, no vacation
- 00:29 Zaphikel: That's the real issue
- 00:30 Zaphikel: And also traveling this upcoming week and change, so it's not getting any better
- 00:30 Jamo: i see, i've only worked where we have dto so vacation isn't tracked at all
- 00:31 Zaphikel: Yeah, I figured that we'd get under some of those policies re: Microsoft, and for the most part it's not a huge deal that I'm capped (could honestly just take time whenever), but HR gets fussy from time to time
- 00:31 Zaphikel: And then they start emailing my managers to remind me to take time off
- 00:31 Zaphikel: LUL
- 00:32 Jamo: it's cuz they have to pay out days if it goes over the cap?
- 00:33 Zaphikel: Nah, I wish. The honest reason is that they seem to care about my wellbeing enough to remind me to take time off
- 00:33 Zaphikel: Hahahaha
- 00:51 Zaphikel: Audio will be clean - Chrono Cross MSU
- 00:52 armlx: Clean Audio Chrono Trigger
- 00:53 fearagent: mikel & chill 3
- 00:56 Jamo: tunic msu clean audio
- 00:57 Zaphikel: Also, someone else hit the button
- 00:57 fearagent: !tournamentrace
- 00:57 SahasrahBot: Generating game, please wait. If nothing happens after a minute, contact Synack.
- 00:57 SahasrahBot updated the race information.
- 00:57 Zaphikel: Bless
- 00:57 SahasrahBot: Seed has been generated, you should have received a DM in both Discord and Please contact a Tournament Moderator if you haven't received the DM.
- 00:59 armlx: gl friends
- 01:00 armlx#7548 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 01:00 Zaphikel: Not sure if we're waiting for SG to tell us anything
- 01:01 fearagent: there is no one here. so I guess we just go?
- 01:01 WallKicks: hi
- 01:01 Zaphikel: Hi Wally
- 01:01 WallKicks: just confirming the msu's are good to go, should be good shortly
- 01:01 Zaphikel: Arm: "That's a WallaceKicks"
- 01:01 Zaphikel: LMAO
- 01:01 Zaphikel: I am pretty sure all of our MSUs are restream safe
- 01:01 fearagent is ready! (2 remaining)
- 01:01 WallKicks: zaph you are getting cropped
- 01:01 fearagent: gl dudes
- 01:01 WallKicks: terrible cropping be better
- 01:02 Zaphikel: Okay, let me know when I'm good to hit button
- 01:02 Jamo#6380 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 01:02 Zaphikel: Or, if you think it's good to hit button, we go
- 01:02 WallKicks: un moment
- 01:03 Zaphikel: Got it, you handsome fiend
- 01:03 armlx: afk for a sec
- 01:03 armlx#7548 is not ready. (2 remaining)
- 01:03 WallKicks: good to go
- 01:03 Zaphikel: kk
- 01:03 Zaphikel: Sorry to hold us up
- 01:03 Zaphikel#8050 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 01:04 Jamo: glhf
- 01:04 Zaphikel: I think arm will be back in one sec
- 01:04 Zaphikel: But GLHF
- 01:04 Zaphikel: He back
- 01:04 Zaphikel: o7
- 01:04 armlx: kk back, GL HF everyone
- 01:04 Zaphikel: See you all on the other side
- 01:04 armlx#7548 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 01:04 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 01:04 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 02:17 Jamo#6380 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:13:06!
- 02:19 armlx#7548 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:14:12!
- 02:19 Zaphikel#8050 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 1:14:30!
- 02:21 fearagent has finished in 4th place with a time of 1:16:29!
- 02:21 Race finished in 1:16:29.2
- 02:21 fearagent snagged a new personal best time for "Beat the game - Tournament (Co-op)"!
- 02:21 Zaphikel: GGs
- 02:21 fearagent: gg
- 02:21 Jamo: gg
- 02:21 Zaphikel: Sweaty ass seed
- 02:21 Jamo: fuuuck i shouldn't have cleared mire instead of looking for pod
- 02:21 armlx: gg LinkEyes
- 02:21 armlx: we cleared IP before finding Hook in Hera
- 02:22 fearagent: same
- 02:22 Zaphikel: I was going to do Mire checks after back of PoD, since I faded for a while
- 02:22 Zaphikel: arm found PoD smalls up on the mountain which gave me enough reason to delay
- 02:22 armlx: 123
- 02:23 Zaphikel: 105 CR for me, and I was probably just following arm for like... the first half of the seed
- 02:23 Jamo: 115
- 02:23 Jamo: we felt fairly good about pearl/mirror/boots
- 02:23 armlx: same
- 02:23 Jamo: i hovered the stuff in hookshot cave too
- 02:23 WallKicks: would thou like to talk to us in sg?
- 02:23 Linlinlin: LinkEyes
- 02:23 armlx: yea
- 02:23 fearagent: need invites
- 02:23 fearagent: 124
- 02:24 WallKicks: ok I think invites should be sent your way lol