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- 20:47 Skele#7459 joins the race.
- 20:47 PedChicken: Use !avianart to roll an avianart seed
- 20:48 SahasrahBot: Hi! I'm SahasrahBot, your friendly robotic elder and randomizer seed roller! Use !help to see what I can do! Check out for more info.
- 20:48 Skele#7459 invites Doctor_Marty_0#0901 to join the race.
- 20:52 Doctor_Marty_0#0901 accepts an invitation to join.
- 20:52 Doctor_Marty_0: Ahoy o/ How's things?
- 20:53 Skele: Howdy! doing pretty well, hbu?
- 20:54 Doctor_Marty_0: Not bad yeah, busy work day. Looking forward to the weekend
- 20:54 Doctor_Marty_0: You know, AFTER whatever trash seed we're about to get XD
- 20:54 Skele: Haha yeah
- 20:55 Skele: Hopefully this time I get my boots before 2:30:00 :')
- 20:55 Skele: just saying, in both of my last races, they were in spike cave
- 20:56 Doctor_Marty_0: Spike cave really is a pain of a check. No one wants to check it early ever
- 20:56 Doctor_Marty_0: Also 2:30 boots?? At that point I think I'd prefer no boots...
- 20:56 Doctor_Marty_0: In fact after 2 hours I'd prefer no boots
- 20:56 Skele: Haha yeah
- 20:56 Skele: but Ganon was at LJ of course
- 20:56 Skele: it was not a fun time
- 20:57 Skele: !race crosskeys2023
- 20:57 SahasrahBot: Generating game, please wait. If nothing happens after a minute, contact Synack.
- 20:57 SahasrahBot updated the race information.
- 20:57 SahasrahBot:
- 20:57 SahasrahBot: Seed rolling complete. See race info for details.
- 20:57 Doctor_Marty_0: Yeah I can't beat that. The worst my seeds have been is a mad lesson in sucky connectors
- 20:59 Skele#7459 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 21:00 Doctor_Marty_0: Alright I'm readying up here. glhf and see you on the far side!
- 21:00 Skele: glhf!
- 21:00 Doctor_Marty_0#0901 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 21:00 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 21:01 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 22:51 Doctor_Marty_0#0901 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:50:02!
- 22:54 Skele#7459 has forfeited from the race.
- 22:54 Race finished in 1:52:58.7
- 22:54 Skele: GG
- 22:54 Doctor_Marty_0: GGs
- 22:54 Skele: that was a disaster
- 22:54 Skele: I wasted a lot of time trying to get to east DW without killing Aga
- 22:54 Doctor_Marty_0: I was just looking at your stream there, looks like you had some crappy luck :/
- 22:54 Skele: then I killed Aga anyway
- 22:55 Skele: yeah it was a mess lol
- 22:55 Doctor_Marty_0: I didn't even find CT
- 22:55 Skele: o_o
- 22:55 Skele: it was lake hylia shop lol
- 22:56 Doctor_Marty_0: Oh wait, then yes I did XD
- 22:56 Skele: Hahah
- 22:56 Doctor_Marty_0: Yeah I'm gonna have to watch this back
- 22:56 Doctor_Marty_0: The last 20 mins was looking for a sword for go mode
- 22:56 Skele: yeah that makes sense
- 22:57 Skele: I made a lot of bad choices
- 22:57 Skele: first I qirn jumped then realized I couldn't get anywhere without a glove/hammer anyway
- 22:57 Skele: then I tried to splash delete from the south and failed
- 22:57 Skele: it was really just the connector in mire area that really screwed me over though
- 22:58 Doctor_Marty_0: That was a really stupid connector yeah. Did you have the MM big key when you found mire first?
- 22:58 Skele: following paradox out of logic instead of fairy ascension was maybe unwise
- 22:58 Skele: I did yeah
- 22:58 Doctor_Marty_0: Did you also have fighter sword and were praying for some better item?
- 22:58 Skele: Haha no, by that point I was on tempered
- 22:58 Skele: MM was pretty close to a last location
- 22:59 Skele: at least logically
- 22:59 Doctor_Marty_0: wft??? Where were these damn swords?
- 22:59 Skele: did you get the one in ice T?
- 22:59 Doctor_Marty_0: I got one in GT basement which was go mode
- 22:59 Doctor_Marty_0: no, didn't even dip IP
- 22:59 Doctor_Marty_0: I knew it was a pendant and had bugger all equipment when I found it first
- 22:59 Skele: yeah that was my first one actually
- 22:59 Skele: I was desperately low on things to do at that point
- 23:00 Skele: then paradox kinda steered me in the wrong direction
- 23:00 Doctor_Marty_0: Jeez, seems like those connectors at mire made all the difference
- 23:01 Skele: Yeah
- 23:01 Skele: but I don't think I played that well anyway
- 23:02 Skele: Anyways I'm gonna go forget this seed happened lol. GGs again and have a good night o/
- 23:02 Doctor_Marty_0: GGs again mate. I'll catch you in the next one!
- 22:13 Race result recorded by Pichu10u#1515