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- 03:27 Race opened automatically by SahasrahBot
- 03:27 SahasrahBot invites KillerApp23#1596 to join the race.
- 03:27 SahasrahBot invites SeanRhapsody#5116 to join the race.
- 03:28 PedChicken: Use !avianart to roll an avianart seed
- 03:32 SeanRhapsody#5116 accepts an invitation to join.
- 03:39 KillerApp23#1596 accepts an invitation to join.
- 03:45 KillerApp23: heya Sean hope all is well tonightg
- 03:45 SeanRhapsody: It is, how about yourself?
- 03:46 KillerApp23: not bad just really crappy weather here today so work was fun
- 03:46 SeanRhapsody: I take it you work outside?
- 03:46 KillerApp23: not usually but was working in and out of trailers this afternoon
- 03:47 SeanRhapsody: Oh gotcha. Yeah we're getting some rain and such right now
- 03:53 KillerApp23: clean audio and DKC msu for restream
- 03:54 KillerApp23: gonna roll the seed if you are ready
- 03:54 KillerApp23: for it
- 03:54 SeanRhapsody: Go for it
- 03:54 KillerApp23: !race open
- 03:54 SahasrahBot: Generating game, please wait. If nothing happens after a minute, contact Synack.
- 03:55 SeanRhapsody: Final Fantasy Mix for me MSU wise
- 03:55 SahasrahBot updated the race information.
- 03:55 SahasrahBot:
- 03:55 SahasrahBot: Seed rolling complete. See race info for details.
- 03:59 SeanRhapsody#5116 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 03:59 SeanRhapsody: GLHF
- 03:59 KillerApp23: gl!
- 04:00 KillerApp23#1596 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 04:00 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 04:00 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 05:38 SeanRhapsody#5116 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:38:11!
- 05:38 SeanRhapsody#5116 just cooked up a new personal best time for "Beat the game - Tournament (Solo)"!
- 05:38 KillerApp23#1596 has forfeited from the race.
- 05:38 Race finished in 1:38:17.3
- 05:38 KillerApp23: gg
- 05:38 SeanRhapsody: GG
- 05:39 KillerApp23: was over early thanks aginah
- 05:39 KillerApp23: led to blind ped pulling
- 05:39 SeanRhapsody: Yeah I lucked out there, I decided to go for Zora early so I farmed money from the cave and did Aginah after
- 05:40 SeanRhapsody: I've been expecting you to finish for a while, I did Sanc start and never went to front of Castle, so I expected something to be on Uncle
- 05:41 KillerApp23: nope and of course i put off front of escape cause i save it for last besides aginah to tag with aga
- 05:41 SeanRhapsody: But then the options kept running low for that and I did the TR dip hoping and praying for the classic IR
- 05:41 SeanRhapsody: Makes sense
- 05:42 KillerApp23: so early seed was 100 percent screwed my early routing game
- 05:42 SeanRhapsody: Yeah once I had DW access front of Hyrule was pretty much dead to me
- 05:42 KillerApp23: then of course chose to put off pod until basically LL mirror
- 05:42 KillerApp23: so yeah nothing went right
- 05:43 KillerApp23: anyways ggs if you want to do same time wednesday or thursday im down
- 05:43 SeanRhapsody: Let's do Wednesday
- 05:43 KillerApp23: ok ill throw it up on the sched
- 05:43 SeanRhapsody: Cool, thanks
- 05:45 SeanRhapsody#5116 added a comment.
- 03:34 Race result recorded by AuroraSnerd#0011