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- 14:28 SahasrahBot: Hi! I'm SahasrahBot, your friendly robotic elder and randomizer seed roller! Use !help to see what I can do! Check out for more info.
- 14:28 SahasrahBot invites fcoughlin#7691 to join the race.
- 14:28 SahasrahBot invites NilssonAlex92#3919 to join the race.
- 14:28 SahasrahBot: Welcome. Use !leaguerace (without any arguments) to roll your seed! This should be done about 5 minutes prior to the start of you race. If you need help, ping @Mods in the ALTTPR League Discord.
- 14:28 NilssonAlex92#3919 accepts an invitation to join.
- 14:38 tsigma6#2699 requests to join the race.
- 14:38 SahasrahBot accepts a request to join from tsigma6#2699.
- 14:38 SahasrahBot promoted tsigma6#2699 to race monitor.
- 14:39 NilssonAlex92: Howdy
- 14:39 tsigma6: Hi hi.
- 14:44 NilssonAlex92: Should I start my stream with the delay on around now or wait for Coughlin? Haven't heard anything from him so
- 14:44 fcoughlin#7691 accepts an invitation to join.
- 14:45 NilssonAlex92: Well there he is! Good morning
- 14:45 tsigma6: Fashionably on time.
- 14:45 TracieM: NilssonAlex, would you rather be Alex for short or Nilsson?
- 14:45 fcoughlin: Howdy :) Sorry, had some work calls that came up
- 14:46 NilssonAlex92: Alex works Tracie, Nilsson as well, doesn't matter
- 14:46 tsigma6: Also, you can start your stream whenever, although preferably by the 50 minute mark.
- 14:46 TracieM: ty
- 14:47 NilssonAlex92: Oh lol, I started it already Sigma
- 14:47 tsigma6: I'll take it, earlier is nice. :)
- 14:48 NilssonAlex92: yeah I prefer to start it a bit earlier, then I can do some stuff while waiting :)
- 14:55 tsigma6: !leaguerace
- 14:55 SahasrahBot: Generating game, please wait. If nothing happens after a minute, contact Synack.
- 14:55 SahasrahBot updated the race information.
- 14:55 SahasrahBot: Seed has been generated, you should have received a DM in Discord. Please contact a League Moderator if you haven't received the DM.
- 14:57 NilssonAlex92#3919 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 14:58 NilssonAlex92: GLHF Coughlin :)
- 14:59 fcoughlin: Best of luck! :)
- 14:59 TracieM: glhf boys!
- 14:59 fcoughlin#7691 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 15:00 tsigma6: Here we go!
- 15:00 tsigma6#2699 quits the race.
- 15:00 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 15:00 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 16:40 fcoughlin#7691 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:40:03!
- 16:43 NilssonAlex92: ggs
- 16:43 NilssonAlex92#3919 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:42:26!
- 16:43 Race finished in 1:42:27.1
- 16:43 NilssonAlex92: jesus my gt climb was bad
- 16:44 fcoughlin: gg!
- 16:44 fcoughlin: I... blanked that hammer + pyramid = hype access :(
- 16:44 NilssonAlex92: LOL same, so you did pod like I did I assume?
- 16:45 fcoughlin: Oh I did. I also spent 5 minutes running around Hyrule trying to figure out what I had access to
- 16:45 fcoughlin: Double checking everything
- 16:45 fcoughlin: These seeds are fun, yet evil
- 16:45 NilssonAlex92: I... never did TT until very late so... Fire Rod was technically my go mode. I had a feeling quake would be in TR
- 16:46 fcoughlin: Ah ouch :(
- 16:46 fcoughlin: Yea I found hookshot late, ran and did swamp (finding bombos), then went back into TR and boom. I did hit first four early in TT.
- 16:46 fcoughlin: I was in panic mode at that point.
- 16:46 NilssonAlex92: Yeah when I found Fire Rod in TT I had a feeling you would win
- 16:47 NilssonAlex92: the only thing that could have saved me was like you skipping LSS or something lol
- 16:47 fcoughlin: Yea, I debated that too, since I felt behind
- 16:47 fcoughlin: But couldn't leave 3 items
- 16:47 NilssonAlex92: yeah 3 items is a bit too much to leave behimd
- 16:47 NilssonAlex92: behind even
- 16:48 fcoughlin: Especially when at that point, I needed quake and (insert possible TR medallion)
- 16:48 fcoughlin: Very good game though :) Thanks for the race! Looking forward to watching that back!
- 16:48 NilssonAlex92: Yeah thanks as well, Pretty even I would say. GG's to you and your team, tomorrow is Synack against SirLink so should be a good one that as well!
- 16:49 fcoughlin: Oh that should be a blast too!
- 00:39 Race result recorded by daaanty#0264