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- 01:07 Amarith#2825 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 01:07 LadyBoxthief#5981 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 01:09 Amarith: xilo just finishing up screen organization, they only have 1 screen
- 01:09 Jere Dudecía: no problem
- 01:10 daaanty: dot ready
- 01:10 daaanty: GL all
- 01:10 Jere Dudecía: it's a lot of stuff for one screen
- 01:10 daaanty: does anyone have any card questions?
- 01:11 Lumaga: is bugnet for aginah just use the bug net with him?
- 01:11 Lumaga: or anything else we are doing?
- 01:11 tylersalt: I imagine you have to talk to him
- 01:11 daaanty: yeah just wave it at agina
- 01:11 LadyBoxthief: big rock and spin is just we lift a rock and spin in it's place, right?
- 01:11 daaanty: you can talk to him for the rando lore with that fart comment
- 01:11 daaanty: correct LBT
- 01:11 Lumaga: can you summon a cuco storm in the dark world?
- 01:11 Lumaga: really?
- 01:11 daaanty: yeah with the skeleton birds
- 01:11 tylersalt: I dunno, can you?
- 01:11 Lumaga: well ok
- 01:11 Xilo Pryce#9671 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 01:12 daaanty: the TR rupee room took me a minute today LOL
- 01:12 vertz505: GL HF all!
- 01:12 Jere Dudecía: should I start comms?
- 01:12 Amarith: were good whenever I think
- 01:12 Jere Dudecía: okay brb with the ten second warning
- 01:12 Lumaga: can we use race game shovel?
- 01:12 Lumaga: or the item shovel?
- 01:12 Lumaga: to make D H T
- 01:12 daaanty: either
- 01:12 Lumaga: *dig game of course
- 01:12 Lumaga: ok
- 01:12 daaanty: just has to happen
- 01:13 LadyBoxthief: old man potion, can in be in his cave or does it have to be before dropping him off?
- 01:13 daaanty: in his cave
- 01:13 LadyBoxthief: cause it says on mountain, wasn't sure
- 01:13 Lumaga: do bats in HC include castle tower?
- 01:13 daaanty: no, just HC, not CT
- 01:13 Lumaga: ok
- 01:14 Jere Dudecía: dangit
- 01:14 Jere Dudecía: tech issue now
- 01:14 Jere Dudecía: sorry one second
- 01:15 daaanty: ok i'll be watching for a bit. GL you guys
- 01:19 Amarith: How we looking?
- 01:21 Jere Dudecía: okay, I can't understand anything, but apparently stream is good
- 01:21 Jere Dudecía: so here is your ten second warning
- 01:21 Lumaga: okay
- 01:21 Amarith: time to die
- 01:21 Jere Dudecía#0432 quits the race.
- 01:21 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 01:21 LadyBoxthief: beer
- 01:21 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 02:52 LadyBoxthief: if we're not doing something right can you please put it here
- 02:52 LadyBoxthief: thank youy
- 02:52 tylersalt: :)
- 03:11 tylersalt: it does not count as a boss death if you revive with a faerie
- 03:12 Lumaga: ty
- 03:53 Lumaga#1843 has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:32:08!
- 03:54 Lumaga: phfew
- 03:54 Jere Dudecía: gg
- 03:54 vertz505: gg
- 03:54 Lumaga: hey, before midnight too
- 03:54 Jere Dudecía: my audio is totally borked
- 03:54 Lumaga: is the restream good?
- 03:54 Jere Dudecía: so go ahead and see yourself into the interview if you want to interview
- 03:54 Jere Dudecía: restream is fine
- 03:54 Jere Dudecía: but I can't hear jack
- 03:54 Jere Dudecía: weird situation
- 03:54 vertz505: pop into green room, we'll pull you in :)
- 03:55 Lumaga: restreamers should be able to... maybe
- 03:55 Lumaga: should i just come in?
- 03:55 tylersalt: I can't pull you up
- 03:55 Jere Dudecía: I can, but your an admin, so just go right in
- 03:55 tylersalt: so sure
- 03:55 vertz505: yeah, go for it
- 04:14 SahasrahBot: Hi! I'm SahasrahBot, your friendly robotic elder and ALTTPR/SMZ3 seed roller! Use !help to see what I can do!
- 04:15 Xilo Pryce#9671 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 2:53:37!
- 04:15 Amarith#2825 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 2:53:43!
- 04:15 LadyBoxthief#5981 has forfeited from the race.
- 04:15 Race finished in 2:53:51.6
- 04:15 tylersalt: monkaS
- 04:15 vertz505: gg all
- 04:15 LadyBoxthief: fuck this game
- 04:15 Jere Dudecía: wow
- 04:16 Jere Dudecía: that was a tight finish
- 04:16 Jere Dudecía: gg all
- 04:16 Jere Dudecía: please see yourselves into the interview room if you are interested in interviewing
- 04:16 Jere Dudecía: my discord is all kinds of messed up
- 04:16 Jere Dudecía: you're all admins so you can do it without me :)
- 04:17 LadyBoxthief: I can't pull myself in wtf
- 04:17 vertz505: ??? wut discord why?
- 04:17 Xilo Pryce: same
- 05:01 ZephyrGlaze: OutB4 "Synack has recorced"
- 10:09 Race set to not recorded by daaanty#0264