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- 16:18 SahasrahBot: Tournament Controls:
- 16:18 Race opened automatically by SahasrahBot
- 16:18 SahasrahBot invites kademan941#8570 to join the race.
- 16:18 SahasrahBot invites RayZeus#0806 to join the race.
- 16:18 SahasrahBot invites Lanabean#3720 to join the race.
- 16:18 SahasrahBot invites Swagalicous#7943 to join the race.
- 16:18 SahasrahBot: Welcome! Use the "Roll Tournament Seed" pinned above about 5 minutes before your race start. You do NOT need to wait for your setup helper to do this or start your race, they will appear later to setup the stream.
- 16:18 PedChicken: Use !avianart for AA seed rolling options. Use !avianroll if you know your preset.
- 16:18 BotOfMudora: Use !mudoraspoiler <avianart preset> <study_period_in_seconds> (default 900) to roll a spoiler seed. Use !mudoracancel to cancel an existing rolled seed.
- 16:19 Lanabean#3720 accepts an invitation to join.
- 16:29 kademan941#8570 accepts an invitation to join.
- 16:29 kademan941#8570 joins A Farewell to King's Tomb.
- 16:36 ScottishBrave44: Hello! :D
- 16:36 Lanabean: o/ <3
- 16:37 Swagalicous#7943 accepts an invitation to join.
- 16:37 Swagalicous#7943 joins The Tormentees.
- 16:37 Swagalicous: o/
- 16:37 kademan941: o/
- 16:38 ScottishBrave44: I'll just be doing my set up in the background, if you could go live as early as possible, that'd be awesome for me but no rush :) And if you could let me about your audio too please so I know who to use ;)
- 16:38 ScottishBrave44: And a huge THANK YOU again to all of you for saying yes :D
- 16:39 kademan941: Of course! Audio on my side is Mega Man Battle Network
- 16:39 Swagalicous: running cadence of hyrule MSU here
- 16:39 ScottishBrave44: Awesome, thank you!
- 16:39 Lanabean: Metroid Prime Trilogy on my end
- 16:39 kademan941: And it will be clean otherwise
- 16:40 RayZeus#0806 accepts an invitation to join.
- 16:40 Lanabean: as will mine
- 16:40 ScottishBrave44: Perfect, thank you!
- 16:46 Lanabean: should we roll so brave can get set up?
- 16:47 RayZeus: I'm good either way. I'm going live now btw!
- 16:47 ScottishBrave44: Got you, working on you now! XD
- 16:47 Lanabean: we'll roll and that'll give brave a bit to set up before the top of the hour
- 16:48 Lanabean: !tournamentrace
- 16:48 SahasrahBot: Generating game, please wait. If nothing happens after a minute, contact Synack.
- 16:48 SahasrahBot updated the race information.
- 16:48 SahasrahBot: Seed has been generated, you should have received a DM in both Discord and Please contact a Tournament Moderator if you haven't received the DM.
- 16:48 RayZeus: My MSU will be Mario RPG. If you use my audio, I can turn off our voice chat, but will keep it on if you don't plan on it
- 16:50 Lanabean: confirmed hash on my end
- 16:50 kademan941: Same
- 16:50 RayZeus#0806 joins The Tormentees.
- 16:50 Lanabean#3720 joins A Farewell to King's Tomb.
- 16:51 Swagalicous: hash is good, stream should be up
- 16:59 kademan941: I think I'm ready to go! GLHF
- 16:59 kademan941#8570 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 16:59 RayZeus: Same here. GLHF!
- 16:59 Lanabean: You all can ready up as you want and I'll wait for brave to give us the OK
- 16:59 Swagalicous: GL HF
- 16:59 Swagalicous#7943 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 16:59 RayZeus#0806 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 17:00 ScottishBrave44: Good to go here! GLHF all!
- 17:01 Lanabean: okay, going to ready up. GLHF all!
- 17:01 Lanabean#3720 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 17:01 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 17:01 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 18:56 kademan941#8570 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:54:39!
- 18:56 Lanabean#3720 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:55:20!
- 19:31 Swagalicous#7943 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 2:30:03!
- 19:32 RayZeus#0806 has finished in 4th place with a time of 2:30:55!
- 19:32 Race finished in 2:30:55.8
- 19:32 ScottishBrave44: GGs! Fancy a quick chat?
- 19:32 Swagalicous: sure
- 19:32 RayZeus: sure
- 19:32 ScottishBrave44: Lana and kademan have had to shoot off, but we're in the same Discord :)
- 19:33 Lanabean: ggs all! <3
- 19:40 RayZeus: GGs :)