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- 15:59 VeXtopher: so yeah, how are you all doing?
- 15:59 swedisharcticfox: im good :D how are you guys? :D
- 15:59 JohnSnuu: im wathcing my homie do the hollowknight pantheons
- 16:00 JohnSnuu: ive been his asshole navi
- 16:00 swedisharcticfox: haha sweet
- 16:00 JohnSnuu: so i dont get to make fun of him for the next hour
- 16:00 VeXtopher: My son's been absolutely adorable this morning
- 16:00 JohnSnuu: he gets a break lmao
- 16:00 swedisharcticfox: :D
- 16:00 swedisharcticfox: glad to hear
- 16:00 tsigma6: Currently figuring out how I'm going to work this out at the moment.
- 16:01 swedisharcticfox: okey cool
- 16:01 VeXtopher: he plays with the cat with a cat toy wand
- 16:01 swedisharcticfox: awesome :D <3
- 16:10 swedisharcticfox: any progress?
- 16:10 VeXtopher: So does everyone have cool halloween costumes this year
- 16:10 swedisharcticfox: haha na notyet
- 16:10 swedisharcticfox: you?
- 16:10 VeXtopher: we got my son a baby pope outfit
- 16:10 VeXtopher: and my wife has a nun and I've got a cardinal
- 16:10 tsigma6: !tournamentspoiler keysanity 0
- 16:10 VeXtopher: the dogs have angel and devil wing harnesses
- 16:11 swedisharcticfox: haha sounds amazing :D hope to se a picture of that later :D
- 16:11 tsigma6:
- 16:11 tsigma6: Your seed.
- 16:12 tsigma6: Sorry for the delay.
- 16:12 Telmiran: no problem, thanks for sorting it out
- 16:12 swedisharcticfox: thx :)
- 16:12 Telmiran: we take spoiler from there as well or you post that afater countdown?
- 16:12 VeXtopher: Yeah that was my question as well
- 16:13 relkin: i believe tsigma will paste log in here once race has started (0 on the countdown)
- 16:13 VeXtopher: Sweet, thanks
- 16:13 tsigma6: Yes, I'm going to post here.
- 16:14 JohnSnuu: boots flippers map bottle heart for yall yeah?
- 16:14 JohnSnuu: since this is hella unconventional
- 16:15 tsigma6: (Boots/Flippers/Map/Green Potion/Heart)
- 16:15 Telmiran: boots, flippers, map, green bottle, heart, yea :)
- 16:15 tsigma6 updated the race information.
- 16:15 JohnSnuu: o7
- 16:15 JohnSnuu: lhf fellas
- 16:15 JohnSnuu: glhf*
- 16:15 JohnSnuu#1184 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 16:15 Telmiran: glhf!
- 16:15 VeXtopher: thanks for working through it sigma
- 16:15 swedisharcticfox#7301 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 16:16 tsigma6: Pilots are ready?
- 16:16 SahasrahBot: Hi! I'm SahasrahBot, your friendly robotic elder and randomizer seed roller! Use !help to see what I can do! Check out for more info.
- 16:16 Telmiran: yessir
- 16:16 VeXtopher: I'm good
- 16:16 VeXtopher: hey look
- 16:16 tsigma6: Hi Sahabot
- 16:16 VeXtopher: sahabot!
- 16:16 Telmiran: hello sahabot
- 16:16 VeXtopher: lo9l
- 16:16 Telmiran: you slowpoke
- 16:16 JohnSnuu: kekw
- 16:17 tsigma6: So your other room is going to open.
- 16:17 Telmiran: do we have to swap or can we just go with this?
- 16:17 tsigma6: We can just go with this.
- 16:17 tsigma6: Y'all are ready.
- 16:17 swedisharcticfox: Cool
- 16:17 Telmiran: coolio
- 16:17 JohnSnuu: yeah was gonna say lets just go with this lol
- 16:17 VeXtopher: sweet
- 16:17 tsigma6: Shall we?
- 16:17 Telmiran: lets go
- 16:17 Telmiran: glhf! :D
- 16:17 JohnSnuu: yep all g
- 16:17 VeXtopher: indeed! gl hf
- 16:17 tsigma6 quits the race.
- 16:17 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 16:17 VeXtopher: I hope my keyboard works
- 16:18 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 16:18 tsigma6:
- 16:18 SahasrahBot: Sending spoiler log...
- 16:18 SahasrahBot: ---------------
- 16:18 SahasrahBot: ---------------
- 16:18 SahasrahBot: GLHF! :mudora:
- 16:18 SahasrahBot: Log study has finished. Begin racing!
- 16:18 tsigma6: The one *I* sent you
- 17:25 JohnSnuu#1184 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:07:52!
- 17:26 Telmiran: ggs
- 17:26 JohnSnuu: gg
- 17:26 JohnSnuu: what a bogus bk chain
- 17:26 Telmiran: yeapp
- 17:26 Telmiran: and we opened the wrong spoiler at first so we went to uncle and got confused when boots werent there
- 17:26 JohnSnuu: fuuuuck
- 17:27 JohnSnuu: and you just told me to delete my dl folder with that scare
- 17:28 swedisharcticfox#7301 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:10:20!
- 17:28 Race finished in 1:10:20.9
- 17:32 Telmiran: ggs again, c'ya next race
- 17:32 Telmiran: lets hope I dont have seedbleed monkaS
- 17:35 swedisharcticfox: Ggs ^^
- 14:41 Race result recorded by Gammachuu#1618