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- 01:29 Race opened automatically by SahasrahBot
- 01:29 SahasrahBot invites dickson#6110 to join the race.
- 01:29 SahasrahBot invites jmasha#6476 to join the race.
- 01:29 PedChicken: Use !avianart to roll an avianart seed
- 01:32 jmasha#6476 accepts an invitation to join.
- 01:46 dickson#6110 accepts an invitation to join.
- 01:46 dickson: good evening again
- 01:47 jmasha: evening
- 01:54 jmasha: feel free to roll when you are ready.
- 01:54 dickson: will do
- 01:55 dickson: !race tournament_adkeys
- 01:55 SahasrahBot: Generating game, please wait. If nothing happens after a minute, contact Synack.
- 01:55 SahasrahBot updated the race information.
- 01:55 SahasrahBot:
- 01:55 SahasrahBot: Seed rolling complete. See race info for details.
- 01:58 dickson: should be ready in a min
- 01:58 dickson: quick water refill
- 01:59 jmasha: sounds good.
- 01:59 jmasha: I should do the same
- 02:01 jmasha: msu is messed up, gotta restart my client. 2 second
- 02:01 dickson: no worries
- 02:01 dickson: take your time
- 02:02 jmasha: much better
- 02:02 jmasha: ok, that should be all good now
- 02:02 jmasha: rdy when you are
- 02:02 dickson#6110 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 02:02 jmasha#6476 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 02:02 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 02:02 dickson: glgl
- 02:02 jmasha: glhf
- 02:02 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 03:48 dickson#6110 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:45:33!
- 03:50 jmasha#6476 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:47:34!
- 03:50 Race finished in 1:47:34.1
- 03:50 jmasha#6476 notched up a new personal best time for "Beat the game - Tournament (Solo)"!
- 03:50 jmasha: gg
- 03:50 dickson: gg
- 03:50 dickson: i got worried after seeing GT BK on helma
- 03:50 dickson: but i full cleared MM and did pyramid fairy right before
- 03:51 jmasha: I actually got really lucky it was there
- 03:51 jmasha: I skipped all of Mire
- 03:51 dickson: that's a wise skip honestly
- 03:51 jmasha: Was going to take the 50/50 it was in GT
- 03:51 jmasha: Did you do TR before Eastern / PoD?
- 03:51 dickson: yeah i wasn't certain at the time, i was able to single dip most things except POD i think
- 03:51 dickson: uhh
- 03:52 dickson: i did a full DW route from SW dip -> TT -> SP -> POD/EP
- 03:52 dickson: then pyramid/CT + catfish
- 03:52 jmasha: Did you get pearl on your first trip to Zora?
- 03:53 jmasha: I LL peal in the light world
- 03:53 dickson: i did, but i also LL'ed it
- 03:53 dickson: delaying for money
- 03:53 jmasha: I went up there twice.
- 03:53 dickson: went up DM -> escape + EP, then zora after
- 03:53 dickson: ahh, no money intentional at least?
- 03:53 jmasha: ya
- 03:54 dickson: not the worst since we have mirror to loop it with catfish
- 03:54 jmasha: My thoughts exactly
- 03:54 dickson: SP being pretty loaded was amusing
- 03:54 jmasha: I save scummed the hyrule basement key as well hoping ether wasn't required only to find glove in the next check
- 03:55 jmasha: then Ether on the mountain
- 03:55 jmasha: sorry
- 03:55 jmasha: required for TR I meant
- 03:55 dickson: ahh i see
- 03:55 jmasha: ya, SP was stacked
- 03:55 dickson: i think i delayed on HC for EP area first
- 03:55 dickson: just incase i get MS/cape + money reasons
- 03:55 jmasha: Ya, that makes good sense
- 03:56 jmasha: I was trying to fade Saha + Eastern for one pod dip
- 03:56 jmasha: gg, close race
- 03:56 jmasha: gratz on the win
- 03:56 dickson: ty ty
- 03:56 dickson: appreciate the games
- 03:56 dickson: first MT right?
- 03:56 dickson: qualified i mean
- 03:57 jmasha: same. GL with the rest of the tourney
- 03:57 jmasha: first qualifier, first attempt
- 03:57 dickson: very nice
- 03:57 dickson: big accomplishment
- 03:57 jmasha: I just started competative racing a year ago
- 03:57 jmasha: class of 2023 Mentor Tourney
- 03:57 dickson: lol you're in very good shape with that
- 03:57 dickson: it took me a few tries just to scratch groups
- 03:58 jmasha: cool. My goal was to make groups, so I got a little lucky to do so (qualified 131 but drops)
- 03:58 dickson: yeah fractions of a point off really
- 03:58 jmasha: I have one more chance to win a groups race. I don't really want to go 0-6
- 03:58 jmasha: but it is what it is
- 03:59 dickson: no worries, gl vs kappa though
- 03:59 jmasha: ty
- 03:59 jmasha: have a wonderful night
- 03:59 dickson: ggs again, i'll see you around sir
- 03:59 jmasha: you too
- 23:58 Race result recorded by AuroraSnerd#0011