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- 03:30 Ricky of Kokiri#9443 joins the race.
- 03:30 SahasrahBot: Hi! I'm SahasrahBot, your friendly robotic elder and randomizer seed roller! Use !help to see what I can do! Check out for more info.
- 03:34 Hitaka#4997 joins the race.
- 03:39 RickyofKokiri: howdy
- 03:39 RickyofKokiri: while we wait for your opponent, will you have game audio only? and is it vanilla or MSU?
- 03:42 Telethar#1077 joins the race.
- 03:43 RickyofKokiri: howdy
- 03:43 Hitaka: Yeah, vanilla music, mic off
- 03:43 Telethar: I will have cadence MSU and mic off
- 03:43 RickyofKokiri: okay awesome thank you both
- 03:44 Telethar: FYI I'll be a tiny tiny bit late probably (like 1 min), I'm in a WoW raid until just before we start
- 03:44 RickyofKokiri: okay
- 03:45 Telethar: restream is on your channel ricky?
- 03:45 RickyofKokiri: no ZSR main
- 03:45 RickyofKokiri:
- 03:46 Hitaka: Tracie and Maniacal are comming it, right
- 03:46 RickyofKokiri: yes
- 03:46 Hitaka: Awesome
- 03:48 Telethar: Hitaka we should probably add a delay
- 03:49 Hitaka: Why, because of the restream?
- 03:49 Telethar: ye
- 03:49 RickyofKokiri: kinda last minute but up to you >.>
- 03:49 Telethar: I mean
- 03:49 Hitaka: If you want to then sure
- 03:49 Telethar: I don't care
- 03:50 RickyofKokiri: just put your chats in emoteonly and I think it should be fine
- 03:50 Telethar: okay
- 03:50 RickyofKokiri: we haven't had any issues with spoilers so far
- 03:50 Hitaka: okay
- 03:50 RickyofKokiri: go live when you can please so I can crop
- 03:51 Hitaka: I was hoping the HMG match with azder would finish before this but it didn't ;_;
- 03:52 Hitaka: okay stream is up
- 03:53 RickyofKokiri: thank you
- 03:53 Telethar: where is the seed?
- 03:53 RickyofKokiri: I'll roll it in two minutes
- 03:55 RickyofKokiri: !race crosskeys
- 03:55 SahasrahBot: Generating game, please wait. If nothing happens after a minute, contact Synack.
- 03:55 SahasrahBot updated the race information.
- 03:55 SahasrahBot:
- 03:55 SahasrahBot: Seed rolling complete. See race info for details.
- 03:57 RickyofKokiri: okay cropping is good. ready up whenever I'll get you started at the top of the hour :)
- 03:58 TracieM: Telethar what are your pronouns?
- 03:58 Hitaka#4997 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 04:00 Telethar: He/Him
- 04:00 TracieM: Thanks!
- 04:01 RickyofKokiri: Telethar we lost your stream?
- 04:02 RickyofKokiri: okay it's back
- 04:03 RickyofKokiri: go ahead and ready up when you're ready :)
- 04:04 Telethar: almost ready
- 04:05 Telethar#1077 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 04:05 Hitaka: glhf
- 04:05 Telethar: glhf
- 04:05 RickyofKokiri: gl hf!
- 04:05 RickyofKokiri: Telethar file name?
- 04:05 Telethar: hmm?
- 04:05 RickyofKokiri: nevermind
- 04:05 RickyofKokiri: delay on my end
- 04:05 RickyofKokiri: gl hf!
- 04:05 Ricky of Kokiri#9443 quits the race.
- 04:05 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 04:06 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 06:34 Telethar#1077 has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:28:09!
- 06:34 RickyofKokiri: gg!
- 06:34 RickyofKokiri: interview?
- 06:35 Telethar: gg!
- 06:35 Telethar: sure
- 06:35 RickyofKokiri: okay jump into the waiting room VC of ZSR
- 06:35 Telethar: uh
- 06:36 Telethar: send me an invite to that discord :)
- 06:36 RickyofKokiri:
- 06:36 RickyofKokiri: should work
- 06:44 Hitaka#4997 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 2:38:21!
- 06:44 Race finished in 2:38:21.2
- 06:44 Hitaka: gg
- 06:44 RickyofKokiri: gg!
- 06:44 RickyofKokiri: interview?
- 06:45 Hitaka: sure
- 06:45 Telethar: gg
- 13:15 Race result recorded by daaanty#0264