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- 16:22 SahasrahBot: Tournament Controls:
- 16:42 greycorvid: I should be live
- 16:43 RayZeus#0806 joins The Tormentees.
- 16:44 RayZeus: Starting my stream now. Just warming up at the moment. Sorry, we were troubleshooting stuff. Swagalicious had the wrong Twitch link, so we want to make sure you get the right feed for the race
- 16:45 SahasrahBot: Hi! I'm SahasrahBot, your friendly robotic elder and randomizer seed roller! Use !help to see what I can do! Check out for more info.
- 16:49 Swagalicous: i should be live, i'll be using cadence of hyrule
- 16:51 greycorvid: So...does Scottish want to do the honours and roll the seed for us?
- 16:52 ScottishBrave44: OK, Grey and Vix are sorted, VLC gave me a heart attack XD
- 16:52 ScottishBrave44: And thank you Swaga and Ray for going live, will get you both sorted now! :)
- 16:56 ScottishBrave44: Grey - you roll cos I don't know how XD
- 16:56 VixRyder: God help us all
- 16:56 greycorvid: ...will be my pleasure...let us hope I roll...Quality
- 16:56 greycorvid: !tournamentrace
- 16:56 SahasrahBot: This room is not associated with a tournament.
- 16:57 greycorvid: pinging the mods
- 16:58 Jesse_RS99: You want to just try the command grey?
- 16:58 Jesse_RS99: Nvm. I’m an idiot
- 16:58 greycorvid: What happened Jesse?
- 16:59 Jesse_RS99: Not sure. Just saw your post
- 16:59 greycorvid: I clicked the "Roll Tournament Seed" button but SahaBot returned above
- 16:59 willwc: things look okay on the back-end side. can you try rolling again?
- 16:59 greycorvid: !tournamentrace
- 16:59 SahasrahBot: This room is not associated with a tournament.
- 16:59 willwc: :|
- 16:59 Jesse_RS99: !tournamentrace
- 16:59 SahasrahBot: This room is not associated with a tournament.
- 17:00 ScottishBrave44: All sorted on my side, so I'll switch over when the rolling is sorted XD
- 17:01 clearmouse: It looks like the room wasn't created properly
- 17:01 greycorvid: TY Scottish
- 17:01 clearmouse: And it's already past 12pm, which is the race scheduled start
- 17:01 clearmouse: I was going to offer to close this room and then sahabot might be able to automatically create one
- 17:02 clearmouse: But I don't know if that will happen since it's after the start time
- 17:02 clearmouse: We can still try, otherwise we can roll a seed manually and DM
- 17:02 greycorvid: I am fine with a manual roll
- 17:03 Swagalicous: no problems either way
- 17:03 RayZeus: Same. Whatever works.
- 17:03 Jesse_RS99: I think that might work best Clearmouse so we don’t risk further issues with the raceroom
- 17:03 VixRyder: I'm ok with it too. We already have the raceroom
- 17:03 clearmouse: Sounds good
- 17:03 Jesse_RS99: I’m not at a PC so if you’ve got it handled that would be ideal
- 17:04 greycorvid: If clearmouse can roll sure
- 17:04 clearmouse: Okay I will roll and DM shortly
- 17:04 Jesse_RS99: Thank you
- 17:09 clearmouse: okay all 4 of you should have received a seed via DM
- 17:09 greycorvid: Hash is 2nd Best Boom, Hammer, Blessed Mirror Shield, Lamp, Bow.
- 17:09 clearmouse: it definitely was the first seed I rolled, and I definitely didn't have to roll it again because it wasn't a race rom earlier lol
- 17:10 Swagalicous: hash matches what i have
- 17:11 RayZeus: Same here
- 17:11 RayZeus: Glhf :)
- 17:11 greycorvid#1708 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 17:11 VixRyder: GLHF all. May the keys not suck
- 17:11 Swagalicous: GL HF
- 17:12 VixRyder#1476 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 17:12 Swagalicous#7943 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 17:12 RayZeus#0806 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 17:12 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 17:12 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 19:10 greycorvid#1708 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:58:17!
- 19:11 VixRyder#1476 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:59:20!
- 19:13 Dyn: gg both, we're in the restream discord if you want a quick interview
- 19:14 VixRyder: Yeah, we'll pop in here shortly
- 19:14 greycorvid: Where is the Restream Discord again?
- 19:15 Dyn: It'll have to be pretty quick 'cos Brave wants us wrapped up by 20 past :)
- 19:20 Swagalicous#7943 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 2:08:01!
- 19:20 greycorvid: GG
- 19:20 RayZeus#0806 has finished in 4th place with a time of 2:08:18!
- 19:20 Race finished in 2:08:18.5
- 19:21 RayZeus: GG
- 19:21 ScottishBrave44: GGs all!
- 19:21 Swagalicous: ggs
- 19:21 VixRyder: GGs
- 19:21 ScottishBrave44: OK, I can't invite you to Restream Central for some reason.......
- 19:22 RayZeus: Do we need to join that discord?
- 19:22 ScottishBrave44: For interview yeah, it's in TARC if you can get it there :)
- 19:22 ScottishBrave44: I'm so sorry, it literally won't make an invite link for me!
- 19:22 RayZeus: I am, and can try and send an invite to Swag
- 19:22 ScottishBrave44: Legend, thank you!
- 19:23 RayZeus: Should we join a random voice channel there to be pulled?
- 19:23 ScottishBrave44: We're in Beastern Palance :)
- 19:23 RayZeus: We don't see those
- 19:23 ScottishBrave44: Just join if you can see it :)
- 19:23 Homewrecker: take the comms role
- 19:23 Homewrecker: then you can see the channels
- 19:24 RayZeus: we only see racer roles
- 19:24 Homewrecker: If you go to the roles channel, can you click on the green circle reaction button?
- 19:25 RayZeus: we don't see those
- 19:25 Swagalicous: the get-roles channel doesnt have a option for comms/tracker etc
- 19:25 RayZeus: we see reactions to 2 sets of racers roles listed
- 19:25 ScottishBrave44: Yip, click comms and you should see from there :)
- 19:26 Homewrecker: I think we may be talking about 2 different discords here.
- 19:26 Swagalicous: TARC right?
- 19:26 ScottishBrave44: In Discord Servers in TARC, you should see the invite in there :)
- 19:27 ScottishBrave44: I see Swag, gave you the role :)
- 19:28 ScottishBrave44: Same with you Ray :)
- 22:47 Race result recorded by AuroraSnerd#0011