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- 01:31 Lumaga#1843 invites Pichu10u#1515 to join the race.
- 01:31 Lumaga#1843 invites secretlyasliver#1225 to join the race.
- 01:31 SahasrahBot: Hi! I'm SahasrahBot, your friendly robotic elder and randomizer seed roller! Use !help to see what I can do! Check out for more info.
- 01:32 Pichu10u#1515 accepts an invitation to join.
- 01:32 Pichu10u: o/
- 01:32 secretlyasliver#1225 accepts an invitation to join.
- 01:33 secretlyasliver: o/
- 01:35 Lumaga: i'll be going live at 9:50 to let the crowd trickle in. we can roll shortly after. when you go live, please try to get to your racing screen so I can crop quickly enough.
- 01:36 Pichu10u: good!
- 01:36 secretlyasliver: anything we can do on our end to help you out?
- 01:36 Lumaga: do either of you have clean audio
- 01:36 secretlyasliver: i am not using an msu
- 01:36 Lumaga: that is, no chatter with your mentors, an acceptable msu or vanilla music
- 01:36 Lumaga: make sure audio and visual alerts are off
- 01:36 secretlyasliver: i can delete my audio input in obs, will that work?
- 01:37 Pichu10u: i'm not using an MSU either and i tried to mute discord, but i don't know if it worked
- 01:37 Lumaga: not really. if neither of you have acceptable audio, i can use other music
- 01:38 secretlyasliver: oh right incoming would i get rid of that while keeping game music?
- 01:39 Gammachuu: Hi all
- 01:39 Pichu10u: hey Gamma
- 01:39 Gammachuu: Sorry, I may be no more than 10 minutes late. Got out of work later than expected
- 01:39 Gammachuu: So sorry
- 01:39 Gammachuu: I'll try to be quick
- 01:41 Lumaga: secretlyasliver you would have to pipe only the game audio into OBS, not desktop audio
- 01:41 Lumaga: don't experiment now. wouldn't want you to ruin something
- 01:42 Lumaga: since gamma will be a bit late, i'll wait a few more minutes before going live on GMP. you both can go live whenever, though. I'll roll the seed.
- 01:52 Lumaga: can you two go live?
- 01:54 Pichu10u: yes, give me 1-2 minutes
- 01:56 Lumaga: once pichu goes live we can roll
- 01:57 Pichu10u: i cna't go live
- 01:57 Lumaga: uh hoh
- 01:57 Lumaga: uh oh
- 01:58 Lumaga: sliver can you disable the frame count on your screen?
- 01:59 Pichu10u: i dm you the error message lumaga, i don,t know if you can help
- 01:59 Lumaga: maybe
- 02:02 Gammachuu: Ok
- 02:02 Gammachuu: ill be here in voice in 1min
- 02:03 Lumaga: pichu is having video driver issues. restarting pc. we'll see if it helps
- 02:04 Lumaga: so you're still good
- 02:04 Pichu10u: it work
- 02:05 Pichu10u: but my audio won't be clean tho
- 02:05 Lumaga: !race open_assured
- 02:05 SahasrahBot: Generating game, please wait. If nothing happens after a minute, contact Synack.
- 02:05 SahasrahBot updated the race information.
- 02:05 SahasrahBot:
- 02:05 SahasrahBot: Seed rolling complete. See race info for details.
- 02:06 Lumaga: you two can ready. i will have to force start the race when i'm ready
- 02:07 Pichu10u#1515 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 02:07 secretlyasliver: glhf
- 02:07 secretlyasliver#1225 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 02:08 Lumaga: have a timer pichu?
- 02:08 Pichu10u: it will appeared once i'll strated it
- 02:08 Lumaga: ok
- 02:08 Pichu10u: can you see it?
- 02:08 secretlyasliver#1225 is not ready. (1 remaining)
- 02:09 Lumaga: ok i'm set
- 02:09 Lumaga: ready with your mentors?
- 02:09 Pichu10u: yes
- 02:10 secretlyasliver#1225 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 02:10 Lumaga: ok i'm going to send the comms live. silver you good to start? name input?
- 02:10 Gammachuu: Good luck to all runners!
- 02:10 Pichu10u: glhf
- 02:11 Lumaga: gonna send comms live
- 02:11 Lumaga: never ready until you're actually ready next time
- 02:12 Lumaga: kk glhf!
- 02:12 secretlyasliver: sorry very new to this
- 02:12 Lumaga#1843 has initiated the race. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 02:12 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 03:41 secretlyasliver#1225 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:28:48!
- 03:42 Lumaga: gg interviews for you in the discord when you're ready
- 03:43 Lumaga: going to wait until pichu is done at this point
- 03:46 secretlyasliver: i'm ready when you are
- 03:49 Pichu10u#1515 has forfeited from the race.
- 03:49 Race finished in 1:36:44.4
- 03:50 Pichu10u: i can do the interview
- 14:11 Race result recorded by daaanty#0264