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- 22:36 Zaruvyen: But like, with Mirror and MItts next to each other
- 22:36 Zaruvyen: So for like the last 45 minutes we were musing whether to climb CT or not.
- 22:38 ph112358: that was my next stop after old man, it was pretty much the only thing i had left
- 22:38 ph112358: couple of mountain checks and ct
- 22:38 Zaruvyen: Aye, I dodged Spike Cave and CT for late checks if I needed to.
- 22:38 Zaruvyen: I waited on Desert until small key in Kak
- 22:38 Zaruvyen: I chased HC small instead of Swamp small in POD
- 22:38 Zaruvyen: I died to Hammer Trinexx lol
- 22:38 ph112358: yeah i full cleared swamp
- 22:39 ph112358: i think that's probably basically the difference
- 22:39 Zaruvyen: :< My favorite dungeon. So unnecessary today.
- 22:39 Zaruvyen: Very sad. I wanna break Swamp. I got the POD key out of the front and that's it.
- 22:39 Zaruvyen: ...oh.
- 22:39 Zaruvyen: lol. That's a double dip swamp.
- 22:39 Zaruvyen: Heck logic man.
- 22:39 Zaruvyen: This seed has sub-80 potential on my route. I also forgot the back of blind's hut somehow?
- 22:39 Zaruvyen: We were a bit of a mess
- 22:40 ph112358: swamp small was in saha
- 22:40 Zaruvyen: Oh!
- 22:40 Zaruvyen: I wanted to put of Saha for so long without Ether to enter Mire.
- 22:40 ph112358: yeah i was late to it as well
- 22:40 ph112358: so i actually did double-dip swamp, no less
- 22:40 Zaruvyen: Aye, was looking for Hammer on my end
- 22:40 Zaruvyen: I did south shore really late.
- 22:41 Zaruvyen: There's no easy way to route that in with mitts lwa
- 22:41 Zaruvyen: You're either running from Desert or coming downaround from Kak
- 22:41 ph112358: i did a desert dip through all the remaining south lw - swamp 1st chest, shovel into smith chain
- 22:41 Zaruvyen: And there's just so many crossroads you can take at the bombshop/link's house
- 22:41 Zaruvyen: What was on the shovel
- 22:41 Zaruvyen: I ironically never checked it
- 22:41 ph112358: garbage. poh maybe?
- 22:41 Zaruvyen: Aye
- 22:42 Zaruvyen: Passed on the heart on desert ledge too
- 22:42 Zaruvyen: Actually figured out 5/6 by proc of elimination on this one, that's fun
- 22:42 ph112358: oh, map
- 22:42 Zaruvyen: Even trashier.
- 22:42 ph112358: yeah i already had full knowledge as well
- 22:42 Zaruvyen: I'd take 3 bombs over a map anyday
- 22:43 Zaruvyen: That early game felt bad but finding Mitts and Mirror just puts this into "volatile seed" territory
- 22:43 Zaruvyen: There are so many different light world route variations that can turn and burn you on this one
- 22:43 Zaruvyen: Or work out better than what we did? IDK
- 22:43 Zaruvyen: I'm just glad I never found Ether. I'd have driven myself so hard into Mire
- 22:45 Zaruvyen#7867 added a comment.
- 22:46 ph112358: yeah in retrospect that was probably the only real out i would have had
- 22:46 Zaruvyen: ? Ether?
- 22:47 ph112358: yeah - if you did mire and offset my swamp dip
- 22:47 Zaruvyen: I think Mire's slower than SP even
- 22:47 Zaruvyen: Because you have to bake in the GP turn-in too
- 22:47 Zaruvyen: That's a s+q or mirror trans flute to 5 and world transit, run to Saha
- 22:47 Zaruvyen: Not doing CT felt like it could have come back if you do CT into HC
- 22:47 Zaruvyen: Especially the S+Q to GT where we had to run to
- 22:48 Zaruvyen: Lots of little things could have added up depending on what and in what order they were done
- 22:48 ph112358: ct in inverted is usually actually pretty good, yea
- 22:48 Zaruvyen: Did you pluck that BK?
- 22:49 ph112358: which one?
- 22:49 Zaruvyen: LJL?
- 22:49 Zaruvyen: Or did you not do CT
- 22:49 ph112358: i didn't do ct
- 22:49 Zaruvyen: OIkay.
- 22:49 Zaruvyen: Good, we both didn't fall for the low hanging fruit.
- 22:50 Zaruvyen: I decided NOT to do that with Spike Cave after TR. I went into ABCD mode
- 22:50 Zaruvyen: But there is a Ruvy in a world that chases that BK every time
- 22:50 Zaruvyen: And goes to Helma and gets screwed.
- 22:50 ph112358: yeah i never scouted it. it's skull big.
- 22:50 Zaruvyen: Oh okay.
- 22:50 ph112358: i got pod big
- 22:50 Zaruvyen: Where was POD big?
- 22:51 ph112358: lss i think
- 22:51 Zaruvyen: I mused not going into POD without it.
- 22:51 Zaruvyen: ....ewwwww
- 22:51 Zaruvyen: ...EWWWW
- 22:51 ph112358: i wasn't going back for that without 6 smalls tho
- 22:51 Zaruvyen: aye
- 22:51 Zaruvyen: Honestly? Fair.
- 22:51 ph112358: i did the rest
- 22:51 ph112358: so all i had was big chest, hellway, helma
- 22:51 Zaruvyen: I did the 4 key "no helma or bc" clear
- 22:51 Zaruvyen: 12/14
- 22:51 Zaruvyen: You didn't miss anything.
- 22:51 Zaruvyen: I think it was 20 in hellway.
- 22:52 ph112358: hey hey
- 22:52 ph112358: you could invest that
- 22:52 ph112358: and oney day
- 22:52 Zaruvyen: I mean
- 22:52 Zaruvyen: I already invested 500 into Zora Enterprises, put the excess into a hedge fund aaaaaaaand it's gone.
- 22:53 ph112358: $FISH is gonna be huge
- 22:53 Zaruvyen: FISHCOIN
- 22:53 Zaruvyen: It's like Dogecoin but scammier.
- 22:54 ph112358: lol exactly
- 22:55 ph112358: well thank you again for the races, and the series! was super fun :)
- 22:55 ph112358: good luck rest of the tourney
- 22:55 Zaruvyen: Thank you, too! I wish you all the best. You are not yet at your peak performance, friend.
- 22:55 Zaruvyen: Heck of a set. Thanks for the ease of scheduling again.
- 22:56 Zaruvyen: I have a date with THE Topsy Turvy Tuesday proctor, and you bet I am looking forward to that. TJM is a great guy.
- 22:56 ph112358: yoooo awesome, that'll be super fun
- 22:56 ph112358: appreciate you ruvy <3
- 22:56 Zaruvyen: Yeah he swept JAQK. That's gonna be a hella series too.
- 22:56 Zaruvyen: Love ya man. Maybe I'll see you at SGL this year again!
- 22:57 Zaruvyen: GGs and until we cross paths again. :3
- 23:37 Race result recorded by Pichu10u#1515