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- 17:53 Morgenstern0207: Ist okay 👍
- 17:53 Ascend joins the race.
- 17:53 Morgenstern0207: Kannst ihm sagen wir warten 🤗
- 17:54 Menduo2706: Glhf wünsche ich euch
- 17:54 Dominik0688: euch allen glhf !!
- 17:54 CFate91: Komm Menduo! paar Minuten haste noch
- 17:55 Menduo2706: Ich habe verdammten Hunger xD
- 17:55 TT-Chaos: Zählt nit
- 17:55 TT-Chaos: dann musst du während dem spiel essen
- 17:55 TT-Chaos: geht alles
- 17:55 CFate91: Ach...deine Frau kann dich beim zocken füttern
- 17:55 Menduo2706: Und ich habe ja oft keine Lust auf races aber heute habe ich es gar nicht gefühlt
- 17:55 CFate91: Mit Trauben...wie Cesar
- 17:57 Morgenstern0207: Hä was wie wo
- 17:58 CFate91: Menduo macht weekly mit und du fütterst ihn
- 17:58 CFate91: mit Vorkauen
- 17:58 Morgenstern0207: Bin ich nu Kleopatra 😆
- 17:58 CFate91: Kleo-Maschine biste
- 17:58 Morgenstern0207: 😂😂😂
- 17:58 Morgenstern0207: Geil
- 18:03 swunsh_#3096 joins the race.
- 18:03 CFate91: Alex ist grad bei Aga2
- 18:03 Morgenstern0207: Sehr gut
- 18:03 Dominik0688: supi, dann dauerts nicht mehr lange ;)
- 18:04 TT-Chaos: Fällt jetzt zu Ganon
- 18:06 TT-Chaos: GAnon ist down
- 18:06 TT-Chaos: also max 5 minuten
- 18:06 TT-Chaos: dann gehts los
- 18:06 Morgenstern0207: Dankeschön, dass ihr wartet. Liebe von euch 🥰
- 18:07 Alex#4833 joins the race.
- 18:07 Offiziell_Alex2k6: Gehe schnell mit den Hund raus, wenn es ok ist
- 18:07 Morgenstern0207: Juhu Alex 👋🏻
- 18:07 Morgenstern0207: Mach den dennsen wie fate sagt
- 18:08 Morgenstern0207: Ne Toppi
- 18:08 Exus#4749 is ready! (11 remaining)
- 18:08 The_Disaster82#6889 is ready! (10 remaining)
- 18:08 Dominik0688#7163 is ready! (9 remaining)
- 18:08 ToppiTV: 😂😂😂
- 18:08 Ascend is ready! (8 remaining)
- 18:08 Morgenstern0207: 🙈 sorry
- 18:09 Bumble#7458 is ready! (7 remaining)
- 18:09 boothisman#8232 is ready! (6 remaining)
- 18:09 ToppiTV#4040 is ready! (5 remaining)
- 18:09 CFate91#7613 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 18:11 Quaschynock: Hat Alex denn auch einen Garten? Dennsen geht ja immer nur in den Garten. Nicht, dass die zum nächsten Park gehen :D
- 18:11 Quaschynock#6971 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 18:11 CFate91: ne Stunde laufen braucht der Hund grad ;D
- 18:11 swunsh_#3096 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 18:12 ToppiTV: Euch allen GL HF
- 18:12 TT-Chaos: GL HF @ ALL
- 18:12 CFate91: GL HF!
- 18:12 Bumble: gl hf
- 18:13 Ascend: gl & hf
- 18:13 Dominik0688: GL HF !!
- 18:13 Exus: gl hf
- 18:13 The_Disaster82: gl hf
- 18:13 Quaschynock: gl hf
- 18:13 boothisman: gfhl
- 18:13 Morgenstern0207: GL HF🍀
- 18:17 Alex#4833 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 18:17 TT-Chaos#6183 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 18:17 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 18:17 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 20:10 Bumble#7458 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:53:07!
- 20:11 Morgenstern0207: GGs 👑 bumble
- 20:16 swunsh_#3096 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:59:10!
- 20:17 TT-Chaos#6183 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 1:59:49!
- 20:17 Bumble: GGs
- 20:17 swunsh: gg stark gespielt bumble...!
- 20:18 TT-Chaos: GGs
- 20:18 Ascend has finished in 4th place with a time of 2:01:06!
- 20:19 TT-Chaos#6183 added a comment.
- 20:21 Ascend added a comment.
- 20:23 Exus#4749 has finished in 5th place with a time of 2:05:54!
- 20:25 boothisman#8232 has finished in 6th place with a time of 2:07:45!
- 20:25 Exus#4749 is no longer done.
- 20:26 Exus#4749 has finished in 6th place with a time of 2:08:34!
- 20:26 Exus#4749 is no longer done.
- 20:26 Exus#4749 has finished in 6th place with a time of 2:08:53!
- 20:26 Exus#4749 is no longer done.
- 20:26 Exus#4749 has finished in 6th place with a time of 2:09:15!
- 20:31 Quaschynock#6971 has finished in 7th place with a time of 2:13:38!
- 20:34 Morgenstern0207: GGs an euch 🥰
- 20:35 CFate91#7613 has finished in 8th place with a time of 2:17:26!
- 20:36 CFate91: GG
- 20:38 ToppiTV#4040 has finished in 9th place with a time of 2:20:28!
- 20:39 The_Disaster82#6889 has finished in 10th place with a time of 2:21:59!
- 20:40 ToppiTV: GG
- 20:46 The_Disaster82: GG an alle
- 20:47 Dominik0688#7163 has finished in 11th place with a time of 2:30:02!
- 20:48 ToppiTV#4040 added a comment.
- 20:52 Dominik0688#7163 added a comment.
- 20:52 Alex#4833 has finished in 12th place with a time of 2:35:15!
- 20:52 Race finished in 2:35:15.2