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- 16:43 SahasrahBot: Hi! I'm SahasrahBot, your friendly robotic elder and randomizer seed roller! Use !help to see what I can do! Check out for more info.
- 16:43 Slowpoke316#9174 joins the race.
- 16:44 magnohato#7620 requests to join the race.
- 16:44 Slowpoke316: Hi :)
- 16:44 Slowpoke316#9174 accepts a request to join from magnohato#7620.
- 16:44 magnohato: ok also opened one uupsie, :)
- 16:44 Slowpoke316: oops
- 16:45 magnohato: how we doing?
- 16:45 magnohato: ive been fine, just had some lovely selfmade pizza
- 16:45 Slowpoke316: Yeah, I probably should have clarified 'brb' meant "brb - making a room"
- 16:45 Slowpoke316: Doin' alright today, I guess?
- 16:45 Slowpoke316: GLad you're doing well. And pizza sounds delicious
- 16:47 Slowpoke316: ...and looking at OBS, have 3ish minutes until live
- 16:49 magnohato: oh dang, i forgot to comfirm "go live"
- 16:49 magnohato: so ill be here for 10 mins
- 16:49 Slowpoke316: Oops
- 16:49 Slowpoke316: We do have time
- 16:49 magnohato: yeah sorry
- 16:49 Slowpoke316: No worries
- 16:55 magnohato: ok you wanna roll a seed?
- 16:55 Slowpoke316: Sure
- 16:55 magnohato: ive had 2 mcboss and 1 standard boots so far
- 16:56 Slowpoke316: 2 MCBoss & FADKeys here
- 16:56 magnohato: open hard it is
- 16:56 Slowpoke316: Open Hard
- 16:56 magnohato: i wouldnt mind playing no fad keys at all, worst mode out there
- 16:56 magnohato: 48 heart pieces, and seperated bow % silvers
- 16:58 Slowpoke316: Quake/ Bomb/ Green Tunic/ Boom Hookshot
- 16:59 magnohato: yes
- 16:59 Slowpoke316: Perfect
- 16:59 Slowpoke316: glhf
- 16:59 Slowpoke316#9174 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 17:00 magnohato: okay good luck have fun
- 17:01 magnohato#7620 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 17:01 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 17:01 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 18:54 magnohato#7620 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:52:53!
- 19:05 Slowpoke316#9174 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 2:04:14!
- 19:05 Race finished in 2:04:14.9
- 19:05 Slowpoke316: GGs
- 19:05 Slowpoke316: ...and I'm sorry
- 19:06 magnohato: gg
- 19:06 magnohato: hehe nice seed, right?
- 19:06 Slowpoke316: Double-dips of Swamp and TR were eh
- 19:07 magnohato: if we dont get mitts in hype cave, i was thinking about dipping swamp
- 19:07 Slowpoke316: And felt great about not getting any progressive items for like 35 minutes
- 19:07 magnohato: but i just insta bailed and went ice palace first thing in the darkworld
- 19:07 magnohato: saaaaame :)
- 19:08 Slowpoke316: I think I was close behind there. Got that 2nd Crystal Ice..... and then spent time everywhere but Swamp/ TR
- 19:11 Slowpoke316: 191 CR .....
- 19:12 magnohato: i left swamp after that bow
- 19:13 magnohato: but swamp was my hard lastlocation at that point
- 19:16 Slowpoke316: I continued in
- 19:16 Slowpoke316: I had Swamp, Spike, 1 check in Hookshot..... and the key chest in TR (got bullied by a Red Beetle)
- 19:18 Slowpoke316: Anwyas, GGs and congrats on the win
- 19:18 Slowpoke316: Want to submit or want me to
- 19:20 magnohato: yes that would be sweet
- 19:20 magnohato: ty
- 19:20 magnohato: gg
- 19:24 Slowpoke316: Can submit
- 19:24 Slowpoke316: GGs and enjoy your day
- 19:37 magnohato: u2
- 17:37 Race result recorded by adirondackrick#4468