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- 17:59 Gylgamesh: feelsbad
- 17:59 Zaruvyen: I think they're just desperate to have content to promote so they want us to use the clip "feature" more
- 18:00 Gylgamesh: alright I think I'm all set on my end
- 18:01 Gylgamesh#5025 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 18:01 Zaruvyen: I'm ready to be Free Points.
- 18:01 Zaruvyen: See you guys in 2h, Phoenix!
- 18:01 Zaruvyen#7867 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 18:01 phoenix_tyrol: gl hf :)
- 18:01 Zaruvyen: GL Gyl. <3
- 18:01 phoenix_tyrol#0220 quits the race.
- 18:01 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 18:01 Gylgamesh: glhf!
- 18:01 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 19:47 Gylgamesh#5025 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:45:38!
- 19:48 Zaruvyen#7867 has forfeited from the race.
- 19:48 Race finished in 1:46:27.4
- 19:48 Zaruvyen: Nooooooo.
- 19:48 Zaruvyen: No no no. I made some big mistakes.
- 19:48 Gylgamesh: uh oh
- 19:48 Zaruvyen: I'm crazy late to Flippers.
- 19:48 Zaruvyen: I have a 40 minute mearl and go everywhere except the prog
- 19:48 Gylgamesh: I was very late to flips too
- 19:49 Gylgamesh: had the pearl fairly early though
- 19:49 Zaruvyen: I'm about to hit DSM with 0 bombs.
- 19:49 Zaruvyen: My swamp dive felt BAD bad.
- 19:49 Gylgamesh: I had everything for swamp before flips so it was just a clear
- 19:49 Gylgamesh: I was in find pod go mode at that point
- 19:49 Zaruvyen: I don't have Cane. :3
- 19:49 Zaruvyen: If I have cane I feel a lot more comfortable just diving SP for the piece
- 19:49 Gylgamesh: it was fire locked in mire :3
- 19:50 Gylgamesh: along with the GT big
- 19:50 Zaruvyen: Ah. I see.
- 19:50 Zaruvyen: Like I said. Big mistakes.
- 19:50 Zaruvyen: We DBRed Mire and pulled Desert Big and a POD key
- 19:50 Gylgamesh: I dunno about big mistakes, my mire dip was a sus when I did it
- 19:50 Gylgamesh: got very lucky getting both those in there
- 19:50 Zaruvyen: I didn't have the Lamp at the time
- 19:50 Gylgamesh: ah
- 19:50 Zaruvyen: I also had no keys at the time so 0 key Mire felt bad, and 1 key mire felt WORSE to redive
- 19:51 Gylgamesh: yeah I had no keys either, which is why it felt a bit sus
- 19:51 Zaruvyen: So I'm not getting those for a good long while.
- 19:51 Gylgamesh: but it was in kind of a bad spot so I figured why not
- 19:51 Zaruvyen: Yeah, I think we played the same way, but the timing was a bit skewed
- 19:51 Zaruvyen: Mine was pre-mearl.
- 19:51 Zaruvyen: Seed felt like it wanted to move after mearl but I'm just missing so many pieces.
- 19:51 Gylgamesh: I took an accidental rock death on DM very early, so I didn't go back until later
- 19:51 Zaruvyen: Oh no XD
- 19:51 Gylgamesh: sounds like that actually helped
- 19:51 Zaruvyen: I think so. DM is kinda empty.
- 19:51 Zaruvyen: Dam, TR-W, east side has Desert Main and SW and that's about it
- 19:52 Zaruvyen: You can mirror into GT
- 19:52 Zaruvyen: I played the "I want info" game so much that I just ran out of good plays until finding my telegraphed moonpearl
- 19:52 Gylgamesh: yeah I did the same, honestly. I didn't get my first TFP until like 1:00+
- 19:52 Zaruvyen: I mean, I went into Hera with hook
- 19:52 Gylgamesh: which was trinexx lol
- 19:53 Zaruvyen: So mine was ~20m but
- 19:53 Zaruvyen: LOL
- 19:53 Gylgamesh: I take it you didn't find boots either?
- 19:53 Zaruvyen: Like, Cane is a lynchpin, so Mire screws me on this one. I get it. That's my bad.
- 19:53 Zaruvyen: Negative
- 19:53 Gylgamesh: cursed
- 19:53 Zaruvyen: Totally.
- 19:53 Gylgamesh: between this and the two hour bootsless adkeys I did last night, my thumb is killing me lol
- 19:53 Zaruvyen: lol. GG though.
- 19:53 Zaruvyen: Oh shit. Bootsless ADKeys is terrible. Ladder?
- 19:53 Gylgamesh: yeah
- 19:54 Zaruvyen: Place good?
- 19:54 Zaruvyen: I've not had a chance to play yet
- 19:54 Gylgamesh: I got first
- 19:54 Zaruvyen: Hell yeah man.
- 19:54 Gylgamesh: but it felt bad
- 19:54 Zaruvyen: I mean
- 19:54 Zaruvyen: I'm starting to get swayed. Don't tell Leaf but
- 19:54 Zaruvyen: I think I'm onto this "starting boots" thing.
- 19:54 Gylgamesh: :O
- 19:54 Zaruvyen: Quiet you.
- 19:54 Zaruvyen: This felt a little rough. But fuck off with Pseudos.
- 19:54 Zaruvyen: I want the real thing or a refund.
- 19:54 Gylgamesh: Agreed
- 19:54 Gylgamesh: all or nothing imo
- 19:55 Zaruvyen: I'll come back with a vengeance tomorrow. :P
- 19:55 Zaruvyen: Or you'll sweep me. That's my expectation. You're really good.
- 19:55 Gylgamesh: looking forward to it
- 19:55 Gylgamesh: the race, not sweeping lol
- 19:55 Zaruvyen: This one just didn't pan out because I made an ill-fated routing decision. I'm bound to do the same in ADKeys. :P
- 19:55 Zaruvyen: You never know though. ADkeys does some things.
- 19:55 Gylgamesh: yeah a lot of it comes down to ordering
- 19:56 Zaruvyen: Aye! And I think I've gotten a bit better at that lately.
- 19:56 Zaruvyen: I might have fallen in love with ADKeys as a mode when not playing entrance.
- 19:56 Gylgamesh: it's my favorite (with starting boots)
- 19:56 Zaruvyen: I mean, even without boots I don't mind it.
- 19:56 Zaruvyen: But like I've said, boots make things just a little more interesting.
- 19:57 Zaruvyen: They should be catchin up to us any second now.
- 03:42 Race result recorded by AuroraSnerd#0011