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- 17:02 homemadebeer#3479 joins the race.
- 17:02 PedChicken: Use !avianart to roll an avianart seed
- 17:02 SahasrahBot: Hi! I'm SahasrahBot, your friendly robotic elder and randomizer seed roller! Use !help to see what I can do! Check out for more info.
- 17:02 homemadebeer#3479 invites faker jr#8870 to join the race.
- 17:02 homemadebeer#3479 invites boothisman#8232 to join the race.
- 17:05 boothisman#8232 accepts an invitation to join.
- 17:06 homemadebeer: howdy
- 17:07 boothisman: hello there
- 17:09 faker jr#8870 accepts an invitation to join.
- 17:09 faker jr: heyy
- 17:09 homemadebeer: hope you're all doing well, sorry for my delay
- 17:09 faker jr: no worries
- 17:10 faker jr: I'm fine :D hope you are, too
- 17:10 homemadebeer: yep, just had a dentist thing this morning, I thought it would be easier
- 17:10 boothisman: still early considering some restreams and all
- 17:10 homemadebeer: does anyone wanna roll :p
- 17:11 faker jr: I heard boo can roll good seeds
- 17:11 homemadebeer: :notes:
- 17:11 boothisman: I am more than likely to drop today, so only fair if I da the rolling :D
- 17:11 boothisman: do*
- 17:12 boothisman: !avianroll .teto/ttt4-w4
- 17:12 PedChicken: Generating a seed, please wait. If nothing happens after a couple minutes, contact hiimcody1.
- 17:12 PedChicken updated the race information.
- 17:12 PedChicken:
- 17:12 PedChicken: Generation complete. Enjoy your seed!
- 17:12 boothisman: see, eas and quik roll, nothing to worry about
- 17:17 homemadebeer: ez pz
- 17:17 homemadebeer: pretty much good to go
- 17:17 homemadebeer: gl and hf!
- 17:17 homemadebeer#3479 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 17:19 boothisman#8232 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 17:20 boothisman: glhf
- 17:20 faker jr: glhf
- 17:21 faker jr#8870 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 17:21 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 17:21 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 18:43 homemadebeer#3479 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:21:24!
- 18:51 faker jr#8870 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:30:01!
- 18:52 boothisman#8232 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 1:30:46!
- 18:52 Race finished in 1:30:46.2
- 18:52 faker jr: ggs
- 18:52 faker jr: nice double kill
- 18:52 homemadebeer: ggs
- 18:53 faker jr: almost last located hook
- 18:53 faker jr: only had ip left
- 18:53 faker jr: and I did back of SP and mire for boots
- 18:53 homemadebeer: ah, yeah almost same I didn't do pyr, ir cave, and back of SW, but had everything else done
- 18:53 homemadebeer: I tried to greed flute by rushing GYL in my 1st dw loop and was sad
- 18:53 faker jr: same
- 18:53 faker jr: with catfish after that
- 18:54 homemadebeer: lol yeah
- 18:54 faker jr: I went to sp without hammer lol
- 18:54 faker jr: nice compass
- 18:54 homemadebeer#3479 added a comment.
- 18:54 homemadebeer: lol yeah that sounds familiar too
- 18:55 homemadebeer: only thing I didn't do basically was go to mire, after hammer I figure I might as well check paradox for bow/sword knowing where the rest of gomode had to be
- 18:55 homemadebeer: the book made the meta all kinds of funky and it was really cool to rush for boots and never find them XD
- 18:55 faker jr: yeah lol
- 18:56 faker jr: I didn't do paradox
- 18:56 faker jr: because 3rd sword is on GP
- 18:56 homemadebeer: paradox 2 was like a heart and a sword
- 18:56 homemadebeer: not having lamp made it more tempting in a way
- 18:56 homemadebeer: but I figured people woulda done paradox before hs cave
- 18:56 faker jr: still no lamp?
- 18:57 faker jr: it's on pyramid lol
- 18:57 homemadebeer: nice, good spot for it
- 02:27 Race result recorded by drossy#0372