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- 15:28 SahasrahBot: Tournament Controls:
- 15:28 Race opened automatically by SahasrahBot
- 15:28 PedChicken: Use !avianart to roll an avianart seed
- 15:28 SahasrahBot invites coin_chaser#5721 to join the race.
- 15:28 SahasrahBot invites Krawalltofu#7775 to join the race.
- 15:28 SahasrahBot: Welcome! Use the "Roll Tournament Seed" pinned above about 5 minutes before your race start. You do NOT need to wait for your setup helper to do this or start your race, they will appear later to setup the stream.
- 15:29 Krawalltofu#7775 accepts an invitation to join.
- 15:36 coin_chaser#5721 accepts an invitation to join.
- 15:36 coin_chaser: hey hows it going
- 15:36 coin_chaser: !race casualboots
- 15:36 SahasrahBot: Generating game, please wait. If nothing happens after a minute, contact Synack.
- 15:36 SahasrahBot updated the race information.
- 15:36 SahasrahBot:
- 15:36 SahasrahBot: Seed rolling complete. See race info for details.
- 15:39 Krawalltofu: hey ;)
- 15:39 Krawalltofu: that was quick^^
- 15:40 coin_chaser: figured i was rolling it, so id start us off
- 15:40 coin_chaser: hope you are having a good wekeend
- 15:40 Krawalltofu: it alright^^
- 15:41 Krawalltofu: it´s quite warm here, but rest is fine, yesterday was stressful because of the crowdstrike problem
- 15:41 coin_chaser: sorry to hear if that effected you
- 15:42 coin_chaser: I work in IT myself, but we do not use it. so most of our clients were fine
- 15:42 coin_chaser: but yeah....thats screwed a lot of people up
- 15:42 Krawalltofu: yeah was quit a mess
- 15:43 coin_chaser: i am good to go if you want to start early
- 15:43 Krawalltofu: just grab somethign to drink
- 15:44 coin_chaser: do you work in IT? or did crowdstrike just effect your job?
- 15:45 coin_chaser#5721 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 15:45 Krawalltofu: i work for one big grocery store in germany and teach them in the new system they get, which was down yesterday
- 15:45 Krawalltofu: everything seems fine
- 15:45 coin_chaser: oooooh noooooey
- 15:45 coin_chaser: yeah thats annoying
- 15:45 Krawalltofu: GLHF
- 15:46 Krawalltofu#7775 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 15:46 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 15:46 coin_chaser: hopefully it clears up this weekend
- 15:46 coin_chaser: you too! GL GL GL
- 15:46 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 17:07 Krawalltofu#7775 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:21:27!
- 17:08 coin_chaser#5721 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:22:27!
- 17:08 Race finished in 1:22:27.9
- 17:08 coin_chaser: gg
- 17:08 Krawalltofu: gg
- 17:09 Krawalltofu: what a hs
- 17:09 coin_chaser: that was a crazy seed
- 17:09 coin_chaser: yeaah i double dipped EP and left it
- 17:09 coin_chaser: did you do the same
- 17:09 coin_chaser: ?
- 17:09 Krawalltofu: no ep in one go, but very late, only ip and mm after this
- 17:10 coin_chaser: makes sense
- 17:10 coin_chaser: wanna do race 3 tomorrow at the same time?
- 17:11 Krawalltofu: yeah sounds good
- 17:11 coin_chaser: perfect
- 17:11 Krawalltofu: have a nice day and see you tomorrow
- 17:11 coin_chaser: you too
- 17:31 Race result recorded by joshbittner#2329