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- 15:46 Specks#1514 joins the race.
- 15:46 PedChicken: Use !avianart to roll an avianart seed
- 15:47 SahasrahBot: Hi! I'm SahasrahBot, your friendly robotic elder and randomizer seed roller! Use !help to see what I can do! Check out for more info.
- 15:47 BotOfMudora: Use !mudoraspoiler <avianart preset> <study_period_in_seconds> (default 900) to roll a spoiler seed. Use !mudoracancel to cancel an existing rolled seed.
- 15:47 secretlyasliver#1225 joins the race.
- 15:47 Specks: Morning, Sean
- 15:47 secretlyasliver: can i have 20 minutes? need foodge and caffeinege
- 15:48 Specks: Yeah, that's fine
- 15:49 smercjd#0528 joins the race.
- 15:49 smercjd: hey guy
- 15:49 smercjd: guys*
- 15:49 smercjd: 20 min is ok with me too :)
- 15:50 secretlyasliver: you are both incredible :)
- 15:51 Deign#3244 joins the race.
- 15:53 smercjd: so are you Sean! <3
- 15:53 smercjd: and so is Deign
- 15:53 smercjd: HashHeart
- 15:54 Deign: good morning :D
- 15:54 Specks: Hi, Deign!
- 15:55 secretlyasliver: morning deign
- 15:55 Specks: Yo, Smerc! It's rare we get to race. Glad to have you
- 15:55 secretlyasliver: i think you've been in every single xkeys lobby i've joined for months lol
- 15:55 Deign: XD
- 15:55 smercjd: hi Specks! Miss your friendliness - it's always an honor even though you're right, very rare to get to race with you :)
- 15:55 Specks: <3
- 15:56 Specks: !newrace --preset=crosskeys --quickswap --countdown=900 --branch=live
- 15:56 SahasrahBot: Generating game, please wait. If nothing happens after a minute, contact Synack.
- 15:56 SahasrahBot updated the race information.
- 15:56 SahasrahBot:
- 15:56 SahasrahBot: Seed rolling complete. See race info for details.
- 15:56 smercjd: I just tried my first doors seed and -- oof - did not go well
- 15:56 smercjd: got stuck in LW xD
- 15:56 Deign: i've done one doors seed, it was an only doors. Made things much simpler i suppose
- 15:57 smercjd: oh like without the keydrop stuff?
- 15:57 secretlyasliver: was it async #1? I think there was a huge gotcha in that one
- 15:57 smercjd: it was async 1, sean
- 15:57 smercjd: It probably wasn't even the gotcha that got me xD
- 15:57 secretlyasliver: yeah i saw a discussion about it :( sorry smerc
- 15:57 smercjd: I just forgot about a door's existence because - well I never actually walk INTO that door...only out of xD
- 15:57 secretlyasliver: fair xD
- 15:58 smercjd: and it may not even be the only thing that got me xDD
- 15:58 smercjd: but I was hoping that I'd like it to give my teammates some relief
- 15:58 smercjd: because they already cover for me with enemizer which I hate xD
- 15:58 smercjd: and...honestly, I don't "dislike" it - exactly...I just can tell that I suck at it
- 16:00 secretlyasliver: i also hate enemizer but i had to trade doors for that bc enemizer only hurts me mentally. doors hurts me physically
- 16:00 smercjd: hahaha - yeah, I think I'll still end up being responsible for I better get comfy with it soon lolol
- 16:01 Deign: lol, just noticing the room name :D
- 16:01 smercjd: will probably end up winging it
- 16:01 smercjd: hot shovel lol
- 16:01 smercjd: wait - do we still need 20 min?, everyone's already live
- 16:01 smercjd: I can go live if we are ready to go
- 16:01 Deign#3244 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 16:01 Deign: :D
- 16:02 Gammachuu: You go with your heart. Don't feel pressured by the crowd
- 16:02 Gammachuu: Good luck all
- 16:02 Deign: gamma dodge?
- 16:02 smercjd: awww thanks gamma <3
- 16:02 Gammachuu: I'm throwing in my dodge coin Sean
- 16:02 smercjd: miss you mr chuu!
- 16:02 Specks: Thanks, Gamma.
- 16:02 Specks#1514 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 16:02 secretlyasliver: i can wait smerc
- 16:02 Gammachuu: Hey smerc! Glad to see you back in the rando scene!
- 16:02 smercjd: ok just going to bathroom real quick
- 16:02 Specks: No rush, Smerc
- 16:02 secretlyasliver: gamma needs to join the room and set up anyway
- 16:03 Specks: We'd be here for a few Gamma minutes then
- 16:03 Specks: SO like 3 hours
- 16:03 smercjd: oh I'm good to go - I thought we were waiting for you Sean xD lolol
- 16:03 smercjd: I'm ready when you all are
- 16:03 smercjd: GLHF everyone HashHeart
- 16:03 smercjd#0528 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 16:03 Specks: glhf all
- 16:03 secretlyasliver: my nuggies are ready
- 16:03 Deign: gl hf HashHeart
- 16:03 secretlyasliver: glhf everyone
- 16:04 secretlyasliver#1225 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 16:04 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 16:04 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 18:09 smercjd#0528 has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:05:29!
- 18:10 Specks: gg
- 18:10 smercjd: ty <3
- 18:11 Deign#3244 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 2:06:44!
- 18:11 Deign: ggs
- 18:12 Specks#1514 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 2:08:17!
- 18:13 Deign#3244 added a comment.
- 18:15 smercjd: ggs
- 18:17 smercjd#0528 added a comment.
- 18:27 secretlyasliver#1225 has forfeited from the race.
- 18:27 Race finished in 2:23:22.4
- 18:27 smercjd: GGs
- 18:27 smercjd: those bows -_-
- 19:51 Race result recorded by Gammachuu#1618