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- 00:48 SahasrahBot: Tournament Controls:
- 00:48 Race opened automatically by SahasrahBot
- 00:48 SahasrahBot invites Deepfried87#8531 to join the race.
- 00:48 SahasrahBot invites vertz505#4971 to join the race.
- 00:48 SahasrahBot: Welcome! Use the "Roll Tournament Seed" pinned above about 5 minutes before your race start. You do NOT need to wait for your setup helper to do this or start your race, they will appear later to setup the stream.
- 00:48 PedChicken: Use !avianart for AA seed rolling options. Use !avianroll if you know your preset.
- 00:48 BotOfMudora: Use !mudoraspoiler <avianart preset> <study_period_in_seconds> (default 900) to roll a spoiler seed. Use !mudoracancel to cancel an existing rolled seed.
- 00:48 Deepfried87#8531 accepts an invitation to join.
- 00:48 vertz505#4971 accepts an invitation to join.
- 00:49 vertz505: hello!
- 00:49 Deepfried87: greetings
- 00:53 Deepfried87: i am good to get ready whenever
- 00:53 vertz505: K, I will need a few more minutes to get everything ready, but should be fairly soon
- 00:53 vertz505: Before 9:30 certainly
- 01:04 Deepfried87: sounds good
- 01:05 vertz505: Thanks for patience, getting OBS and console all set
- 01:06 Deepfried87: thanks for the last minute pivot
- 01:08 vertz505: All right, I think I'm good
- 01:08 Deepfried87: roll it!
- 01:08 vertz505: !tournamentrace
- 01:08 SahasrahBot: Generating game, please wait. If nothing happens after a minute, contact Synack.
- 01:08 SahasrahBot updated the race information.
- 01:08 SahasrahBot: Seed has been generated, you should have received a DM in both Discord and Please contact a Tournament Moderator if you haven't received the DM.
- 01:11 Deepfried87: ok quick bathroom and i'll be ready
- 01:11 vertz505: Sounds good
- 01:15 Deepfried87: okie
- 01:15 Deepfried87: glhf!
- 01:15 vertz505: Glad we could make it work! GL HF
- 01:15 vertz505#4971 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 01:15 Deepfried87#8531 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 01:15 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 01:15 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 03:24 Deepfried87#8531 has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:09:00!
- 03:26 vertz505#4971 has forfeited from the race.
- 03:26 Race finished in 2:10:55.2
- 03:26 vertz505: GG
- 03:26 Deepfried87: gg
- 03:26 vertz505: I definitely didn't find TT attic for a long time lol
- 03:26 Deepfried87: same
- 03:26 vertz505: and missed mirror until basically last location
- 03:27 Deepfried87: i was late to mirror
- 03:27 Deepfried87: not LL but it felt bad
- 03:27 Deepfried87: how much more did you have?
- 03:27 vertz505: Was just getting into Mire when you finished
- 03:27 Deepfried87: ether go?
- 03:27 vertz505: Had to hunt for ether lol
- 03:27 vertz505: yeah
- 03:27 Deepfried87: yeah same
- 03:28 Deepfried87: ms silverless
- 03:28 vertz505: lol on my way to the same
- 03:28 Deepfried87: my first bow was in mire
- 03:28 Deepfried87: i beat skull and said if i need it i'll be back later
- 03:28 vertz505: oh, I got mine out of skull I think
- 03:29 vertz505: I think?
- 03:29 vertz505: It's a blur lol=
- 03:29 Deepfried87: yeah ganon said SW
- 03:29 Deepfried87: i got lost in TT was missing a key for a while
- 03:30 Deepfried87: forgot south of HH
- 03:31 vertz505: ahhh right. Yeah, layouts got me pretty mixed up this time
- 03:32 Deepfried87: yeah, found that MS outta logic
- 03:32 Deepfried87: in the dark
- 03:32 vertz505: Oh I found Kholdstare and had basically no magic, so just had to keep exploring :D
- 03:33 Deepfried87: i made sure i had bottles in ice
- 03:33 vertz505: Wish I had thought of it. I got two blue right before mire, at least
- 03:34 vertz505: Well, thanks for the race! Glad we could make it work. Would have been tricky for me to do Friday due to a work trip the next day, so I'm glad you reached out
- 03:34 Deepfried87: yeah this was my only other day this week
- 03:34 Deepfried87: i made plans with it being the week off and rl meant i had to pivot and play
- 03:35 vertz505: I appreciate it
- 03:35 Deepfried87: same thanks for being able to play on like 2 hrs notice
- 03:36 vertz505: for sure! Worked out that I finished work and was starting to eat when I saw your message