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- 01:29 Race opened automatically by SahasrahBot
- 01:29 SahasrahBot invites dickson#6110 to join the race.
- 01:29 SahasrahBot invites jmasha#6476 to join the race.
- 01:29 PedChicken: Use !avianart to roll an avianart seed
- 01:34 jmasha#6476 accepts an invitation to join.
- 01:44 dickson#6110 accepts an invitation to join.
- 01:44 dickson: hey good evening
- 01:45 jmasha: hey, good evening to you as well
- 01:55 dickson: would you like to do the honors of rolling
- 01:56 jmasha: sure
- 01:56 jmasha: !race crosshunt
- 01:56 SahasrahBot: Generating game, please wait. If nothing happens after a minute, contact Synack.
- 01:56 SahasrahBot updated the race information.
- 01:56 SahasrahBot:
- 01:56 SahasrahBot: Seed rolling complete. See race info for details.
- 01:58 jmasha: just need to grab a water. 1 min
- 01:59 dickson: sure thing
- 02:00 jmasha: ok, ready when you.are. GLHF and may the boots be in your first chest :D
- 02:00 jmasha#6476 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 02:00 dickson: lol god willing
- 02:00 dickson: readying shortly, gl
- 02:01 dickson#6110 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 02:01 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 02:01 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 04:15 dickson#6110 has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:14:31!
- 04:29 jmasha#6476 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 2:28:37!
- 04:29 Race finished in 2:28:37.5
- 04:30 dickson: ggs
- 04:30 jmasha: gg
- 04:30 dickson: i assume you didnt find boots lol
- 04:30 jmasha: If i'm in Go mode I tend to finish
- 04:30 jmasha: nope
- 04:30 jmasha: did you?
- 04:30 dickson: and i assume we both screwed the pearl
- 04:30 dickson: lol nope
- 04:30 jmasha: Pearl at 1:25 I think
- 04:30 jmasha: Last location hookshot for Go Mode
- 04:30 dickson: just abouts for me too if i recall
- 04:30 dickson: oof
- 04:31 jmasha: Did everything but TT basement
- 04:31 jmasha: routed the dark world with pearl poorly
- 04:31 jmasha: what was your go?
- 04:31 dickson: go mode hs also, i went up to finish dig game + purple chest after DP boss
- 04:32 dickson: i took a hard left turn out hyrule castle left around 40 min in, then didn't come back until much later for the intended shovel + sick kid
- 04:32 jmasha: I never went left out of Hyrule :P
- 04:33 jmasha: went right, then into GT, bomb jumped Stalphos chests and got nothing for it
- 04:33 dickson: yeah, not an enjoyable pearl location given the path
- 04:33 jmasha: ya, it was pretty bad
- 04:33 dickson: ah, you didn't have somaria the first time then?
- 04:33 jmasha: no
- 04:33 jmasha: I tripple dipped
- 04:33 dickson: oof
- 04:34 jmasha: Ya
- 04:34 dickson: i only double climbed upstairs since the location was really inconvenient
- 04:34 jmasha: Did you do Eastern or TR?
- 04:34 dickson: i found sick kid the before GT + shovel, so i was hoping it was not the sick kid
- 04:34 jmasha: Those were my skipped pieces
- 04:34 dickson: nah, i never found the BKs
- 04:35 jmasha: probably hook locked
- 04:35 dickson: yeah, probably somewhere left side GT
- 04:35 jmasha: Did you do hook cave?
- 04:36 dickson: nah, i skipped it
- 04:36 jmasha: Also, when'
- 04:36 jmasha: good time for game 2?
- 04:36 dickson: perhaps monday/tuesday?
- 04:37 dickson: likely any weekday starting next monday actually
- 04:37 jmasha: Monday would be really good for me
- 04:37 jmasha: same time?
- 04:37 jmasha: I can do anytime after 3pm eastern
- 04:37 dickson: yeah let's shoot for the same time
- 04:38 dickson: ill pick adkeys boots
- 04:38 jmasha: Sounds good
- 04:38 jmasha: See you then
- 04:38 jmasha: Off to bed :D
- 04:38 jmasha: ttyl
- 04:38 dickson: sure thing, ggs again sir
- 04:38 jmasha: you too
- 23:45 Race result recorded by AuroraSnerd#0011