
A Link to the Past Randomizer ALttPR Beat the game (glitched) Glitched Weekly - Fifth Wednesday malmo's choice @ 10:30 EST - Mystery HMG mystery hmg - https://alttpr.com/h/NkveAEDAvm - (Cape/Book/Mushroom/Cape/Book)
Opened by
malmo #4794
Race monitors
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  1. 1st malmo #4794 she / her more 160/216 the sourest Finished 19
  2. 2nd Spleebie #6056 he / him more 165/216 Shouldn't have tried to check first chest swamp without flippers Finished 11
  3. 3rd DarkenedSky #5987 he / him more screw enemizer Finished 43
  4. 4th MrByer #7307 he / him more 170/216 got EG'd by a deadrock Finished 9
  5. 5th tam #8418 they / them more forgot about bonk rocks- hammer was there, ended up being last location. skipped pod big though Finished 26
  6. 6th Chexhuman #3342 he / him more 189/216 Finished 26
6 entrants (0 inactive)