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- 00:17 copybookpizza10#0883 joins the race.
- 00:18 SahasrahBot: Hi! I'm SahasrahBot, your friendly robotic elder and randomizer seed roller! Use !help to see what I can do! Check out for more info.
- 00:19 Mister Ibis#9498 requests to join the race.
- 00:19 copybookpizza10#0883 accepts a request to join from Mister Ibis#9498.
- 00:20 Mister Ibis: hang on, I think this should just be a regular room instead of Assisted
- 00:20 copybookpizza10: you are definitely right, let me see if i can change that
- 00:20 copybookpizza10#0883 set a new goal: Beat the game
- 00:20 Mister Ibis: much better
- 00:20 copybookpizza10: there we go
- 00:20 copybookpizza10: good catch!
- 00:21 Mister Ibis: Now for the million dollar question - jet seed or garbage fire, there is no middle ground
- 00:22 copybookpizza10: i want jet seed. seems like we've had two garbage ones so far...
- 00:22 copybookpizza10: are we getting early boots 3 times in a row?
- 00:22 copybookpizza10: aga 3 times in a row?
- 00:22 Mister Ibis: Aga 3 times in a row with 15 blue balls
- 00:23 Mister Ibis: I double dog dare you, sahabot
- 00:24 Mister Ibis: and now that I've sufficiently taunted the heavens, I should probably go nowhere near rolling the seed xD
- 00:24 copybookpizza10: nah you gotta double down on it. you got this roll again
- 00:24 Mister Ibis: hang on, let me venmo him $20 first.
- 00:24 Mister Ibis: !race open
- 00:24 SahasrahBot: Generating game, please wait. If nothing happens after a minute, contact Synack.
- 00:24 SahasrahBot updated the race information.
- 00:24 SahasrahBot:
- 00:24 SahasrahBot: Seed rolling complete. See race info for details.
- 00:25 copybookpizza10: lol
- 00:30 Mister Ibis#9498 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 00:30 copybookpizza10: alright, i'm good to go
- 00:30 copybookpizza10: gl hf!
- 00:31 Mister Ibis: good luck, have fun
- 00:31 Mister Ibis: boots eventually
- 00:31 copybookpizza10#0883 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 00:31 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 00:31 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 02:11 copybookpizza10#0883 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:40:24!
- 02:16 Mister Ibis#9498 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:45:11!
- 02:16 Race finished in 1:45:11.6
- 02:17 copybookpizza10: ggs
- 02:17 Mister Ibis: gg
- 02:18 copybookpizza10: that was a fun series!
- 02:18 Mister Ibis: yeah, hate to say that execution lost me the matches, but it's better than getting rando'd
- 02:18 Mister Ibis: you earned it
- 02:19 copybookpizza10: thanks man, you played really well from what i saw
- 02:19 Mister Ibis: this one came down to putting off TR way later than I should have
- 02:19 Mister Ibis: I even said I need to go straight there and just kept doing other overworld stuff
- 02:20 copybookpizza10: dang. yeah i basically saw that some dungeons were open so i just went to them. luck was on my side for sure
- 02:21 copybookpizza10: hope to see your name pop up in the biweekly seed races!
- 02:21 Mister Ibis: yeah, I'll try to get back into running those and Ladder again soon
- 14:12 Race result recorded by daaanty#0264