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- 06:09 Jamo#6380 joins the race.
- 06:10 PedChicken: Use !avianart for AA seed rolling options. Use !avianroll if you know your preset.
- 06:10 SahasrahBot: Hi! I'm SahasrahBot, your friendly robotic elder and randomizer seed roller! Use !help to see what I can do! Check out for more info.
- 06:10 Jamo#6380 invites MalXantholos#6990 to join the race.
- 06:10 BotOfMudora: Use !mudoraspoiler <avianart preset> <study_period_in_seconds> (default 900) to roll a spoiler seed. Use !mudoracancel to cancel an existing rolled seed.
- 06:12 MalXantholos#6990 accepts an invitation to join.
- 06:12 MalXantholos: Greetings and good evening :D
- 06:12 Jamo: hey, good morning
- 06:12 Jamo: ty for waking up so early for this
- 06:14 MalXantholos: no worries about that, i usually wake up arround 7:30 am, so it's only half an hour earlier than usual
- 06:14 MalXantholos: but I'll quickly make myself a tea
- 06:15 Jamo: sure no rush
- 06:28 MalXantholos: Okay, i had my tea, now i'm awake^^
- 06:29 Jamo: sounds good, shall i roll it?
- 06:29 MalXantholos: sure
- 06:29 Jamo: !race pichu10u/inverted_sword_boots
- 06:29 SahasrahBot: Generating game, please wait. If nothing happens after a minute, contact Synack.
- 06:29 SahasrahBot updated the race information.
- 06:29 SahasrahBot:
- 06:29 SahasrahBot: Seed rolling complete. See race info for details.
- 06:30 MalXantholos: gl hf^^
- 06:30 MalXantholos#6990 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 06:30 Jamo: glhf!
- 06:31 Jamo#6380 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 06:31 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 06:31 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 07:49 Jamo#6380 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:17:46!
- 07:49 MalXantholos#6990 has forfeited from the race.
- 07:49 Race finished in 1:18:12.3
- 07:49 MalXantholos: ggs
- 07:49 Jamo: gg
- 07:49 MalXantholos: things did not go well for me
- 07:50 MalXantholos: starting with me playing a blind SW boss
- 07:50 MalXantholos: didn't check SW at all in the beginning
- 07:50 Jamo: what do you mean?
- 07:50 MalXantholos: but just combined it with lost woods with the mirror and fire rod from kak
- 07:50 Jamo: didn't know it was a pendant
- 07:50 Jamo: ?
- 07:50 MalXantholos: exactly
- 07:51 MalXantholos: and when i knew i still hoped for an item
- 07:51 Jamo: ah i see
- 07:51 MalXantholos: ether in POD gave me some hope, because it put Ped in logic, but well
- 07:51 MalXantholos: Helma had something against that xD
- 07:51 Jamo: felt decent when I got hook yeah
- 07:51 Jamo: didn't touch SW and didn't beat trinexx, i didn't grab the IR
- 07:52 MalXantholos: i did all of that, even full cleared Death Mountain, which i usually never do
- 07:52 MalXantholos: but that moth fight just got stuck in my head way to much
- 07:53 MalXantholos: But well, this seed was not what i like to see in this mode, the early game was so dissapointing
- 07:53 Jamo: lol
- 07:53 Jamo: i still managed to die, outside of hype cave
- 07:54 MalXantholos: :D
- 07:54 MalXantholos: i mean, bad RNG is a thing there for sure
- 07:54 MalXantholos: but well, this felt more like an open seed with some inverted changes
- 07:55 Jamo: i did ice without cane, that felt kinda bad
- 07:55 MalXantholos: That's the one thing that went well for me
- 07:55 MalXantholos: i played HC before Ice
- 07:55 MalXantholos: (and mirrored ofc)
- 07:56 Jamo: i did LW loop and mirrored in front of ice first yeah
- 07:56 Jamo: felt bad getting cane right after
- 07:56 MalXantholos: yeah, very understandable
- 07:56 MalXantholos: and that ice layout was pretty bad, if i remember correctly
- 07:57 Jamo: yeah it sucked, i had no SK since they were ice T and boss
- 07:57 Jamo: and i needed refill room to get enough magic
- 07:57 MalXantholos: oof
- 07:57 MalXantholos: where was GT big?
- 07:57 Jamo: compass room
- 07:57 MalXantholos: ahh, okay
- 07:57 Jamo: silvers in hope as well
- 07:58 MalXantholos: nice
- 07:58 MalXantholos: i'm happy that i opened the chest in the dam xD
- 07:58 MalXantholos: i skipped the dam the first time arround
- 07:58 MalXantholos: so i got that temepred only when i was in go mode
- 07:58 Jamo: what was in there i forget
- 07:58 Jamo: ah sword
- 07:59 MalXantholos: yeah, i was on the way to argus when you finished, just did the specky clip
- 07:59 MalXantholos: so probably ~9-10 minutes behind
- 07:59 Jamo: TR is so awkward though in non keys
- 07:59 Jamo: with no IR i didn't know where to drop down
- 08:00 MalXantholos: yeah, that can be weird for sure
- 08:00 Jamo: i entered at big chest and went backwards, but got locked out at chain chomps
- 08:00 MalXantholos: also funny how ether was required to get that dungeon in logic
- 08:00 Jamo: only left 1 item behind though which could have been trinexx, so i felt ok about that
- 08:00 Jamo: yeah, i didn't even think about ether locking it
- 08:01 MalXantholos: i played trinexx, he had the map
- 08:01 Jamo: i missed one check in the front then yeah
- 08:01 MalXantholos: the last item was in the fire rod locked room, a heart ontainer i think
- 08:02 MalXantholos: well, i need to get going, so have a good evening and see you tomorrow :D
- 08:02 Jamo: yep ty again for playing this early in the morning, see you tomorrow
- 00:54 Race result recorded by Pichu10u#1515