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- 18:49 PedChicken: Use !avianart to roll an avianart seed
- 18:50 SahasrahBot: Hi! I'm SahasrahBot, your friendly robotic elder and randomizer seed roller! Use !help to see what I can do! Check out for more info.
- 18:52 DJCrabhat#0022 joins the race.
- 19:11 Sinned#0398 joins the race.
- 19:11 Sinned: mind if I join?
- 19:11 DJCrabhat: would love if you did!
- 19:11 Sinned: never raced before @__@
- 19:12 DJCrabhat: oh welcome. I'm a fairly new racer too, it's taken over my life, I enjoy it a bunch
- 19:12 Sinned: ooo glad to hear :D
- 19:12 Sinned: i've been watching a lot of randos lately and got really into this
- 19:13 DJCrabhat: We've got potentially one other racer coming, lets give him like 5 more mins, then I'll roll
- 19:13 Sinned: alright sounds good!
- 19:13 DJCrabhat: Ya I got in to it the same way
- 19:13 Sinned: need to set up my stream
- 19:13 DJCrabhat: Yup yup, very good, you take your time doing that, feel free to ask if you've got any questions
- 19:13 Sinned: will do and thanks!
- 19:14 Sinned: is this casual boots or standard open?
- 19:16 DJCrabhat: i can set it to whatever you'd like, was planning on open
- 19:16 DJCrabhat: but cas boots i also enjoy
- 19:16 Sinned: open is fine!
- 19:16 DJCrabhat: cool cool
- 19:22 DJCrabhat: sorry need 10 more mins
- 19:22 Sinned: no worries!
- 19:30 DJCrabhat: my mom called , gotta talk to her for thanksgiving :)
- 19:32 Sinned: of course!
- 19:32 Sinned: hope you have a good one today!
- 19:34 DJCrabhat: thanks thanks, ok ready to go
- 19:34 DJCrabhat: !newrace --preset=open --quickswap --countdown=900 --branch=live
- 19:34 SahasrahBot: Generating game, please wait. If nothing happens after a minute, contact Synack.
- 19:34 SahasrahBot updated the race information.
- 19:34 SahasrahBot:
- 19:34 SahasrahBot: Seed rolling complete. See race info for details.
- 19:37 Sinned#0398 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 19:40 DJCrabhat: ok here we go, glhf! thanks so much for playing today
- 19:40 DJCrabhat#0022 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 19:40 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 19:40 Sinned: glhf!
- 19:40 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 21:45 Sinned#0398 has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:04:54!
- 21:48 DJCrabhat#0022 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 2:08:27!
- 21:48 Race finished in 2:08:27.2
- 21:48 DJCrabhat#0022 snagged a new personal best time for "Beat the game - Casual"!
- 21:49 Sinned: ggs!
- 21:49 DJCrabhat: Damn gg!
- 21:49 Sinned: i died in swamp twice @__@
- 21:49 DJCrabhat: Ugh I convinced myself Pod and green pendant was gonna be my savior...wasted about ten mins
- 21:49 Sinned: yea same i full cleared it
- 21:49 DJCrabhat: UGH i died to blind and mothula
- 21:49 DJCrabhat: overall I think I enjoyed the seed :)
- 21:49 Sinned#0398 added a comment.
- 21:49 Sinned: yea same here!
- 21:50 Sinned: was boots your gomode?
- 21:50 DJCrabhat: yes exactly
- 21:50 Sinned: sameeeee
- 21:50 DJCrabhat: boots in turtle big
- 21:50 DJCrabhat: no clue what was on lazer bridge, I'm sure it'd only make me mad
- 21:51 Sinned: yea i was curious as well
- 21:51 Sinned: i wanted cape for ganon cause i'm so bad at the fight lol
- 21:51 Sinned: so i just stocked up on potions
- 21:51 DJCrabhat: haha oh man i JUST did my first silverless this week
- 21:51 DJCrabhat: and yes I usually fill up on blues lol
- 21:52 DJCrabhat: but you'll get it, your pretty close to 2hr for being a begineer
- 21:52 Sinned: oof i just learned how to do silverless so i got lucky silvers were found on the way
- 21:52 DJCrabhat#0022 is no longer done.
- 21:52 Race timer restarted.
- 21:52 DJCrabhat#0022 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 2:12:01!
- 21:52 Race finished in 2:12:01.6
- 21:52 DJCrabhat: lol WTF
- 21:52 DJCrabhat: i hate this interface
- 21:52 DJCrabhat#0022 is no longer done.
- 21:52 Race timer restarted.
- 21:52 Sinned: o.o
- 21:52 DJCrabhat#0022 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 2:12:27!
- 21:52 Race finished in 2:12:27.9
- 21:53 DJCrabhat: ohmygod when typing a comment
- 21:53 DJCrabhat: it unfinishes my race, that's so silly
- 21:53 DJCrabhat: oh well, GGs, cant wait to race against ya again!
- 21:53 Sinned: yea ggs for sure!
- 21:53 Sinned: and same here!
- 21:53 Sinned: thank you for the race
- 13:59 Race result recorded by Pichu10u#1515