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- 15:52 Spleebie: no regular autotracking is allowed
- 15:52 Fouton: oh perfect
- 15:52 Fouton: love to hear it
- 15:52 Spleebie: 11.2. Autotracking is banned.
11.3. Rescinded Rule
11.4 Autotracking is allowed.
- 15:52 Fouton: so just no door/er auto i imagine
- 15:53 Spleebie: 11.5 Autotracking dungeons is NOT allowed, but you are allowed to manually track them
- 15:53 Spleebie: so just standard ruleset autotracking
- 15:53 Fouton: ooooh technically ER is allowed (i dont have an ER autotracker)
- 15:53 Spleebie: I do but it would track dungeons too if I turned it on so I won't
- 15:54 Fouton: gotcha
- 15:54 Fouton: alright now to pray for no inverted cuz ive done that mode maybe once and it sure wasnt anything fancy
- 15:54 Spleebie: lmao
- 15:54 Spleebie: I'd rather have that than insanity or doors
- 15:55 Spleebie: guess I'd better pull up my door tracker
- 15:56 Fouton: lmao
- 15:56 Fouton: I technically dont see inverted in andy's writeup
- 15:56 Fouton: but its also very vague
- 15:57 Fouton: oh no
- 15:57 Fouton: andy weights are about 25% inverted and chat weights are about 38%
- 15:57 Fouton: doooooooooooomed
- 15:57 Spleebie: yeah inverted is in there 9 timesw
- 15:57 Spleebie: gotta add up all the subweights it's way too much math
- 15:57 Spleebie: it's not inverted tho
- 15:58 Fouton: each chat subweight has the same 38% but the andy ones are weird
- 15:58 Fouton: oh sick
- 15:58 Spleebie: you can tell by reading the intro txt
- 15:58 Fouton: imagine reading
- 15:58 Spleebie: andyNerd
- 15:58 Fouton: alright GL in hell
- 15:58 Fouton#5436 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 15:58 Spleebie: lmao
- 15:58 Spleebie: glhf
- 15:59 Spleebie#6056 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 15:59 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 15:59 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 15:59 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 18:10 Spleebie#6056 has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:11:09!
- 18:10 Fouton#5436 has forfeited from the race.
- 18:10 Race finished in 2:11:18.1
- 18:10 Fouton: lmao this game
- 18:10 Spleebie: that heckin seed lol
- 18:11 Fouton: what was your 4th dungeon (assuming you did DP/TH/SW
- 18:11 Spleebie: ether was in gt for mm
- 18:11 Fouton: Ahhh
- 18:11 Fouton: i opened GT and went straight up
- 18:11 Fouton: cuz I hadnt been to Ice yet
- 18:12 Fouton: so i assumed go mode
- 18:12 Fouton: I just picked up somaria left side
- 18:12 Spleebie: ice was key locked
- 18:12 Spleebie: like swamp
- 18:12 Spleebie: no smalls in front
- 18:12 Fouton: Yeah
- 18:12 Fouton: i had a few mirror locations on OW left & left side GT left
- 18:12 Fouton: also i lost a minute cuz i forgot how to hammeryump???
- 18:12 Fouton: braindead moment
- 18:13 Fouton: still wouldnt have mattered but im dumb
- 18:13 Spleebie: small keys were weird in pod
- 18:13 Fouton: Yeah, without a BK its hard to know if it was even accessible
- 18:13 Spleebie: felt like I might have locked myself out of something but I couldn't get into the basement
- 18:13 Spleebie: I never went back after fire rod
- 18:13 Fouton: yeah I didnt either, did everything else
- 18:14 Fouton: I was able to go down to the two turtles in the boss section and clear the rest of the front but without BK / killing the two red baris I wasnt sure
- 18:14 Fouton: I hadnt considered beatable until swamp though
- 18:15 Spleebie: yeah I did the two turtles and the front
- 18:16 Spleebie: also didn't realize beatable until swamp
- 18:16 Spleebie: oh HC was also weird
- 18:16 Spleebie: I think two smalls are in between dark cross and key rat
- 18:16 Fouton: I was praying you forgot bumper cave had enemies and the hookshot would be an edge lmao
- 18:16 Fouton: oh yeah they were
- 18:16 Spleebie: or one is in zelda chest
- 18:16 Fouton: both were cross
- 18:16 Spleebie: no bk couldn't ever do that section
- 18:16 Fouton: i full cleared HC minus the cell
- 18:17 Fouton: I did left side last
- 18:17 Fouton: so I didnt realize it was keylocked
- 18:17 Spleebie: I almost did skip bumper, realized before I left the screen tho
- 18:17 Fouton: darnit
- 18:18 Spleebie: I had already had an "oh crap enemies in caves" moment in LW
- 18:18 Fouton: I was feelin good about the early game but then just couldnt find the next step (fire rod / mitts) until super late
- 18:18 Fouton: I had the opposite lmao I left LJ going "wait shit theres enemies I cant mark this off my tracker yet" cuz ive never done enemy drop without enemizer
- 18:18 Fouton: and didnt think to look for blue square
- 18:18 Spleebie: yeah there's no enemies in LJ without enemizer
- 18:19 Spleebie: I last locationed tt bk at dp boss
- 18:19 Spleebie: then felt super linear from there
- 18:19 Spleebie: only things I was able to skip was smith chain
- 18:21 Spleebie#6056 added a comment.
- 18:26 Spleebie: ty race gl in LB
- 05:19 Race result recorded by Lumaga#1843