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- 21:23 Furaime: 2 above and a round one bellow it feelsbadman
- 21:23 Alaszun: the pandemic has weirdly been great for my health
- 21:23 Alaszun: I started cooking at home way more because of it lol
- 21:25 Furaime: I stopped going to the gym, because im scared PeepoClown
- 21:25 sonicam: same here. I've been cooking all the time and lost weight.
- 21:25 dataplet: same
- 21:25 sonicam: i stopped the gym as well, but I bought a bench and adjustable weights for my home.
- 21:25 sonicam: public gyms are pretty horrendous, don't miss it at all
- 21:25 dataplet: used to eat out all the time, now I am too scared to do that shit
- 21:26 dataplet: so my weight has gone down
- 21:26 Furaime: man, the setup for this shit takes so long lmao
- 21:26 Furaime: im at like step 26
- 21:27 dataplet: lol
- 21:27 Alaszun: I've gotten it down to like 5 steps
- 21:27 Frostbite3030: i feel its not that bad lol, set up game, open up tracker one, open up tracker two, open up tracker 3
- 21:27 Furaime: lies
- 21:27 breve: lmao yea
- 21:27 dataplet: I have it down to 2
- 21:27 dataplet: create rom, create patch
- 21:27 dataplet: KEKW
- 21:27 breve: when I want to use adjuster it takes much longer lol, kyong spoiled us with that shit for the asyncs
- 21:27 sonicam: i cant use so many trackers, probably why i'm so bad at this
- 21:28 Alaszun: getting autotracking to work on codemann's pack made me finally ditch my personal pack though pepehands
- 21:28 Furaime: patch the game, map, dungeon, timer, game, music, stream title, open all the tabs for chat, open race room,
- 21:28 Alaszun: oh yeah I guess I forgot open spotify and decide what to play
- 21:28 Frostbite3030: im pretty sure i lose time dungeon tracking, but its just so less frustrating
- 21:28 Alaszun: by which I mean look through my music
- 21:28 Alaszun: and then give up and just listen to the danganronpa soundtrack
- 21:29 dataplet: you probably gain time on redives especially if its a complex dungeon
- 21:29 Frostbite3030: its depends exactly
- 21:29 codemann8: i use my codetracker plus this door version of my web tracker:
- 21:29 Frostbite3030: if there are no redives, im losing minutes, but can save that with one bad one
- 21:29 dataplet: that and you can mark where blocks are
- 21:29 dataplet: makes it much less taxing mentally
- 21:30 codemann8:
- 21:30 Frostbite3030: yeah, so i can get more baked and still complete runs
- 21:30 dataplet: lmao
- 21:30 dataplet: hahahaha
- 21:30 Alaszun: I use codemann's tracker with no entrance turned on + seph's
- 21:30 Alaszun: and I have prd's for dungeons
- 21:30 breve: I just use your browser entrance tracker codeman and pughud door rando, will need to try some proper doors ones
- 21:30 codemann8: have you tried the door tracking stuff in codetracker?
- 21:30 dataplet: I have sephs and dunkas open
- 21:31 tstew14: I don't track dungeons cause it just seed too annoying.
- 21:31 Furaime: it wasnt bad the last time I dungeon tracked
- 21:31 Alaszun: yeah code I have
- 21:31 breve: I downloaded prdwong's one but haven't really tried it out yet
- 21:31 tstew14: seems
- 21:31 Furaime: since I kinda know where shit are right now
- 21:31 Frostbite3030: I use dunkas for items and map, plus prds, plus the spreadsiht i use to track doors
- 21:31 Alaszun: I just don't like the emotracker UI for it tbh
- 21:31 Furaime: tstew the crisscross god monkaS
- 21:31 Alaszun: like I think your pack is great, it's basically as thorough as hamsda's OOT pack is which is the absolutely definitive pack
- 21:31 codemann8: yeah its a bit rough to work around whats available to us in emo
- 21:31 Alaszun: but the ux just doesn't work for me
- 21:32 tstew14#8410 is ready! (7 remaining)
- 21:32 Furaime: im still using pughud too, everything else is too big
- 21:32 Frostbite3030: Even the little adjustments Hamsda made to prds tracker made it much more functional for me
- 21:32 Alaszun: I need to grab hamsda's overrides to that
- 21:32 Alaszun: I've just been lazy
- 21:32 sonicam#9399 is ready! (6 remaining)
- 21:32 dataplet#7164 is ready! (5 remaining)
- 21:32 Alaszun: I needed to use an override to get rid of some of the stuff on the main screen (like options and such that I don't need), but once I did that I reclaimed a lot of space
- 21:32 Frostbite3030#1956 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 21:33 Furaime#0958 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 21:33 Alaszun#5375 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 21:33 Alaszun: glhf
- 21:33 breve#1524 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 21:33 dataplet: glgl
- 21:33 breve: glhf
- 21:33 codemann8: i made mine big because im old and cant see
- 21:33 sonicam: glhf
- 21:33 Furaime: glhf
- 21:33 tstew14: glhf
- 21:33 Frostbite3030: glhf
- 21:33 codemann8: gl
- 21:33 codemann8#1940 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 21:33 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 21:33 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 00:29 Alaszun#5375 has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:56:10!
- 00:31 Alaszun: ggs
- 00:35 tstew14#8410 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 3:01:21!
- 00:44 Furaime#0958 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 3:10:15!
- 00:47 dataplet#7164 has finished in 4th place with a time of 3:13:30!
- 00:47 dataplet#7164 added a comment: "my head hurts"
- 00:48 codemann8: this seed is fucking trash
- 00:49 Frostbite3030#1956 has finished in 5th place with a time of 3:15:19!
- 00:58 sonicam#9399 has finished in 6th place with a time of 3:24:54!
- 01:01 breve: lmfao
- 01:06 breve#1524 has finished in 7th place with a time of 3:33:03!
- 01:07 codemann8#1940 has forfeited from the race.
- 01:07 Race finished in 3:33:51.5
- 01:10 breve: ggs
- 20:36 Race result recorded by daaanty#0264