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- 17:48 tylersalt: ruvy thank you it's still earlyish here on the west coast, I needed that stretch
- 17:49 Zaruvyen: If that's what you were counting on, lemme unfurl my cartoonishly long parchment scroll of awful puns and jokes.
- 17:50 tylersalt: I get my cartoonishly long scrolls at CVS
- 17:51 Gylgamesh: time for cartoonishly long rolls. or something
- 17:51 Gylgamesh: !race tournament_adkeys
- 17:51 SahasrahBot: Generating game, please wait. If nothing happens after a minute, contact Synack.
- 17:51 SahasrahBot updated the race information.
- 17:51 SahasrahBot:
- 17:51 SahasrahBot: Seed rolling complete. See race info for details.
- 17:58 Zaruvyen: Good luck sir. It's been short, but a pleasure. :>
- 17:58 Zaruvyen#7867 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 18:00 Gylgamesh: glhf!
- 18:00 Gylgamesh#5025 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 18:00 phoenix_tyrol: gl hf
- 18:00 phoenix_tyrol#0220 quits the race.
- 18:00 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 18:01 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 19:47 Gylgamesh#5025 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:45:59!
- 19:47 Zaruvyen: <3
- 19:47 Gylgamesh: ggs
- 19:47 Zaruvyen: Hi from Aga1
- 19:47 Gylgamesh: had a feeling this was gonna be close, seed was pretty linear
- 19:47 Zaruvyen: Died in IP
- 19:47 Gylgamesh: oh no
- 19:47 Zaruvyen: Caneless IP, death to SK
- 19:47 Zaruvyen: KS^
- 19:47 Gylgamesh: :(
- 19:48 Zaruvyen: Cheers mate
- 19:48 Zaruvyen: Fair and sq <3
- 19:48 Zaruvyen: Finishing this out. TTYS
- 19:48 Gylgamesh: sounds good
- 19:49 Zaruvyen#7867 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:48:42!
- 19:49 Race finished in 1:48:42.5
- 19:49 Gylgamesh: ggs!
- 19:49 Zaruvyen: That might be my first Ganon triple all tournament. lmao
- 19:50 Zaruvyen: GG dude. Well done, we were right there, but I gave it to ya.
- 19:50 Gylgamesh: I was sweating all of GT because if you decided to do tile first I felt like I was toast
- 19:50 Zaruvyen: It's so stupid. I misremembered X vs cross pattern on Khold and got bumped out.
- 19:50 Zaruvyen: Oh hello no I did Tile before Compass as I had 3 keys
- 19:50 Zaruvyen: Then you get the damn 4th key in bk room
- 19:50 Gylgamesh: oooh
- 19:51 Zaruvyen: It's the one time I adhered to keylogic all seed
- 19:51 Zaruvyen: Mire before any touch of POD
- 19:51 Zaruvyen: Like, holy crap this route felt like it could be strong as all get out
- 19:51 Gylgamesh: pod was my first thing I did in DW
- 19:51 Gylgamesh: getting 2 keys in hype cave pushed me over there
- 19:51 Zaruvyen: I figured if you 5050ed bkc you actually have a good shot
- 19:51 Zaruvyen: I went in with 6 and fced
- 19:51 Zaruvyen: Post-Mire dive
- 19:51 Zaruvyen: NICE LOGIC BTW
- 19:51 Zaruvyen: 6 key POD for Mire 3 for POD Big
- 19:51 Gylgamesh: yeah logic got thrown out the window for me after the pod dip lol
- 19:51 Zaruvyen: I made a couple checks I probably didn't need to do looking for CT2/TR3?
- 19:51 Zaruvyen: Then two keys in TR
- 19:52 Zaruvyen: Then two swords in GT
- 19:52 Gylgamesh: same, I was very hesitant to go to TR with only 2
- 19:52 Zaruvyen: So when I finally went to TR, I had just pulled Cane off of Hobojim
- 19:52 Zaruvyen: I have left, at that point, exactly:
- 19:52 Gylgamesh: I did that check right after I cleared ice
- 19:52 Zaruvyen: GYL (lol, you) and Hera Basement, after clearing Mire.
- 19:52 Gylgamesh: felt real dumb
- 19:52 Zaruvyen: OMG YOU TOO?
- 19:52 Zaruvyen: And I died to KS without that?
- 19:52 Zaruvyen: l
- 19:53 Zaruvyen: XD man.
- 19:53 Zaruvyen: Seriously, good job! I can see so many paths where this one just doesn't sequence right
- 19:53 Zaruvyen: It sounds like we have it two ways to the right way
- 19:54 Gylgamesh: For sure, I was feeling pretty good about my route for the first hour or so then it slowly felt worse and worse
- 19:54 Zaruvyen: Oh, no, my route only felt bad when I started getting things and going "oh, they could have had that much sooner, I can see where this bites me"
- 19:54 Zaruvyen: Then I just never got bit.
- 19:54 Zaruvyen: The KS death really spells it. I have FCed everything except GYL and Hera basement to that point and leave to grab Cane off Jim
- 19:55 Zaruvyen: When you're at that crossroads, clear Mire and GP, you weigh TR over 2 checks for TR3-4, CT2 and GTBK with it being a crystal
- 19:55 Zaruvyen: My biggest fear was that it was going to be a SW big or Pyramid Fairy situation
- 19:55 Zaruvyen: Because then your LL is floating and it comes down to a rando decision
- 19:55 Gylgamesh: yeah
- 19:56 Zaruvyen: I am not unhappy about how I routed this one. I will take this loss to the bank any day.
- 19:56 Zaruvyen: You go on and kick some ass for me, okay?
- 19:56 Gylgamesh: I will try
- 19:56 Zaruvyen: Gyl, I may give you some shit
- 19:56 Gylgamesh: if I ever get an opponent LinkFace
- 19:56 Zaruvyen: But you're a great commentator and a strong player.
- 19:56 Zaruvyen: Keep it up.
- 19:56 Gylgamesh: I appreciate that
- 19:56 Zaruvyen: I regret not saying more than "suck it Gyl" to you at SGL lmao
- 19:57 Gylgamesh: all good, there were a lot of people I just didn't get the time to chat with that weekend
- 19:57 Gylgamesh: too much to do
- 19:57 Zaruvyen: I was just happy to be there.
- 19:57 Zaruvyen#7867 added a comment.
- 19:57 Gylgamesh: oh yeah it was a blast
- 19:58 tylersalt: ggs both
- 19:58 tylersalt: we've got a quick turnaround on interviews with the match after this
- 19:58 Zaruvyen: You proud of me Ty? I didn't leave the bow.
- 03:42 Race result recorded by AuroraSnerd#0011