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- 03:47 homemadebeer: ^
- 03:48 homemadebeer: High quality video game music
- 03:48 MistaEd3: high quality video game MSU
- 03:48 MistaEd3: the best and the worst at the same time, remarkable accomplishment
- 03:48 Cotigo: why's it bad?
- 03:48 Kaesden: am I late
- 03:48 Laggy: we start @ hour
- 03:48 Laggy: so no
- 03:49 MistaEd3: its a mish mash of pure nonsense
- 03:49 Kaesden: but i can't make that joke after it starts anymore, cause no comments lol
- 03:49 homemadebeer: Oh lol
- 03:50 Kaesden: i already ran this bws though. just having some fun. GL everyone.
- 03:50 homemadebeer: :thumbsupemote:
- 03:52 ph112358: yo
- 03:52 ph112358: jay sueez eecee
- 03:52 ph112358#7424 joins the race.
- 03:52 homemadebeer: eyo
- 03:54 homemadebeer: I have a feeling this is quorum
- 03:55 Cotigo: your mom's quorum
- 03:55 homemadebeer: O
- 03:57 Laggy#0708 is ready! (5 remaining)
- 03:57 homemadebeer#3479 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 03:58 MistaEd3#5982 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 03:59 Hitman1382#8796 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 03:59 Hitman1382: Glhf
- 04:00 homemadebeer: gl and hf
- 04:00 MistaEd3: this msu makes me wanna kill myself
- 04:00 homemadebeer: the best
- 04:00 MistaEd3: will end up being my go to MSU now lol
- 04:00 ph112358#7424 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 04:00 Cotigo: good luck have milf
- 04:00 Cotigo#8725 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 04:00 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 04:01 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 05:20 Cotigo#8725 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:18:55!
- 05:23 homemadebeer#3479 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:22:09!
- 05:25 Laggy#0708 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 1:24:02!
- 05:25 Hitman1382#8796 has finished in 4th place with a time of 1:24:40!
- 05:28 ph112358#7424 has finished in 5th place with a time of 1:27:15!
- 05:28 MistaEd3#5982 has forfeited from the race.
- 05:28 Race finished in 1:27:21.5
- 05:28 MistaEd3: good enough for me lol
- 05:28 ph112358: hey
- 05:28 ph112358: protip
- 05:29 ph112358: don't mirror in vitty
- 05:29 ph112358: pro strats
- 05:29 MistaEd3: pro tip
- 05:29 MistaEd3: never skip LSS
- 05:29 ph112358: oof
- 05:29 Cotigo: ggs
- 05:29 Laggy: not true, skip lss
- 05:29 Laggy: get mad when you die
- 05:29 ph112358: gg
- 05:29 Cotigo: I got insanely lucky
- 05:29 MistaEd3: i took the initial risk of dipping into pendant dungeons and it had absolutely nothing
- 05:30 ph112358: curious, what were folks' CR?
- 05:30 MistaEd3: then i went for the meme, i was super efficient with everything too except i skipped LSS
- 05:30 Laggy: 156
- 05:30 ph112358: 143 here
- 05:30 Cotigo#8725 added a comment.
- 05:30 Cotigo: 129
- 05:30 Laggy#0708 added a comment.
- 05:30 MistaEd3: im in the 160's when i ff lol
- 05:30 MistaEd3: 164 from item count
- 05:31 Cotigo: I bet big on acting as if I was in Go mode without knowing either medallion requirement
- 05:31 Cotigo: also, the correct answer is, always do LSS, lose the 95% of times it had nothing and you just burned a minute, win the 5% of games it has something
- 05:32 homemadebeer#3479 added a comment.
- 05:32 MistaEd3: i held off on swamp as long as possible with my routing and with the DDM and TR available i said nah ill skip LSS
- 05:32 MistaEd3: even dipped into ice before mountain
- 05:32 Hitman1382: 149. I was hoping to avoid voo. After sw I was mitts go mode and did pod ep minus armos. Then did pyramid fairy to kings tomb/ gyl and finally got mitts
- 05:32 ph112358#7424 added a comment.
- 05:33 homemadebeer: ya, I did sp first, then pod and wanted pyr fairy to pay off
- 05:33 homemadebeer: rip
- 05:33 homemadebeer: so b/c of that, gomode mitts and never found lamp
- 05:33 MistaEd3: if i started at swamp i would have done the same, but seeing it was a red crystal i actually dip hype to pod to mushroom, catfish, north dark world, skull, voo, smith chain and extras, then swamp tied it with big bomb
- 05:33 MistaEd3: but said nah ill skip LSS lol
- 05:33 Hitman1382: Lamp was sw
- 05:35 ph112358: yea second item
- 05:35 MistaEd3: i was at the tail end of mire when ph finished and said why hold the race up lol
- 05:35 ph112358: loved the two swords in waterfall
- 05:36 MistaEd3: lesson learned, memeing doesnt always pay off lol
- 05:36 homemadebeer: feel free to submit IGT and CR if you want
- 05:36 ph112358: oop lol 148 not 143, derp
- 05:36 ph112358#7424 changed their comment.
- 05:37 MistaEd3#5982 added a comment.
- 05:37 homemadebeer: fun seed, thanks for the race everyone
- 05:37 MistaEd3: MSU grew on me
- 05:37 MistaEd3: got to experience it all lol
- 05:39 ph112358: thanks y'all
- 05:39 ph112358: ride dem jets
- 05:40 ph112358: have a good one!
- 05:40 ph112358: ggs again
- 05:40 ph112358: oh, and ty beer for organizing!
- 05:40 homemadebeer: yes the MSU is like a drug