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- 01:37 RickyofKokiri: thank you both
- 01:42 RickyofKokiri: just a reminder to to have 600 second delay set up, and please start delay so you're live around x:55. (I see treesap is live super early, thank you :D)
- 01:42 RickyofKokiri: once you're both live go ahead and roll the seed
- 01:42 Slowpoke316: Just hit the go live here. WIll be LIVE in 8 1/2 minutesd
- 01:42 RickyofKokiri: and let me know what the mode is so I can generate the trackers
- 01:42 RickyofKokiri: :thumbsup:
- 01:43 treesapthief: Yeah. Just being prepared this time :D
- 01:43 Slowpoke316: Don't forget to hit the record button
- 01:43 treesapthief: I do that closer to start
- 01:44 Slowpoke316: Same, but I'll forget if I don't say anything
- 01:49 RickyofKokiri: smart. I have personally forgotten twice in a row. fortunately my internet doesn't go down very frequently >.>
- 01:50 treesapthief: I had my qualifiers freeze and/or crash on me. So I've since reconfigured my settings. Hoping it won't happen again. Nothing kills you inside like that.
- 01:50 Slowpoke316: Mine is very much: works 95% of the time, drops out for no reason right when I need it to
- 01:50 RickyofKokiri: yeah no kidding
- 01:51 RickyofKokiri: treesap, did you go offline?
- 01:51 treesapthief: hmmm, one sec. not sure what happened. Still says i'm up
- 01:51 RickyofKokiri: racetime and twitch are both showing you off
- 01:51 treesapthief: OBS crashed.
- 01:51 Slowpoke316: Oh no
- 01:51 RickyofKokiri: *sigh* freaking obs
- 01:52 treesapthief: exactly what i hoped wouldn't happen, restarting
- 01:52 RickyofKokiri: all right
- 01:52 Slowpoke316: We had to mention it :(
- 01:52 RickyofKokiri: yeah we jinxed it didn't we
- 01:52 treesapthief: better now than midway through the race
- 01:52 RickyofKokiri: oh yeah 100%
- 01:53 treesapthief: if it does happen, I'd just have to get the recording back up and fast as i can. Idk
- 01:53 RickyofKokiri: I can set a stream override for you if wanted, or we can just start late. up to the two of you
- 01:54 treesapthief: i'm fine with whatever
- 01:54 RickyofKokiri: ooh slowpoke what's that media player display you've got?
- 01:54 RickyofKokiri: is that a plug in or just a window capture?
- 01:55 Slowpoke316: Window capture of Windows Groove
- 01:55 RickyofKokiri: ooh, neat. I need to do something like that
- 01:55 RickyofKokiri: instead of my current method of just typing in whatever I'm playing
- 01:56 RickyofKokiri: treesap how much longer on your delay now that you've restarted it?
- 01:56 Slowpoke316: Yeah, would not recommend that, especially since my playlist in like.... 540 songs from 540 games?
- 01:56 RickyofKokiri: hah
- 01:56 treesapthief: i've got ~5:30 min
- 01:57 treesapthief: That upsets me that it did that. After dropping all my settings. Really hope it doesn't happen again
- 01:57 RickyofKokiri: fingers crossed
- 01:58 Slowpoke316: BlessRNG
- 02:00 treesapthief: under 2 min
- 02:00 RickyofKokiri: all right if you want go ahead and roll the seed so we can get going as soon as treesap is live
- 02:01 RickyofKokiri: I have autostart turned off so ready up whenever you can
- 02:01 Slowpoke316: Want me to roll?
- 02:01 treesapthief: sure
- 02:01 Slowpoke316: brb
- 02:01 Slowpoke316: FADKeys?
- 02:02 treesapthief: that is one of em we got left in the deck :D
- 02:02 RickyofKokiri: okay so FADKeys is the mode?
- 02:03 treesapthief: yes
- 02:03 RickyofKokiri: okay cool thank you
- 02:03 RickyofKokiri: go ahead and ready up as able and I'll send you off :)
- 02:03 treesapthief: BK / Ether / Mirror / Hook / Mirror to confirm, slowpoke?
- 02:04 Slowpoke316: If Mirror, you mean Mirror SHield for both, then yes
- 02:04 treesapthief: yes... forgot there's 2 mirror things :D
- 02:04 Slowpoke316: Perfect
- 02:04 treesapthief: GLHF!
- 02:04 Slowpoke316: Think I'm ret-2-go
- 02:05 Slowpoke316: glhf
- 02:05 treesapthief#7588 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 02:05 Slowpoke316: Hit record
- 02:05 Slowpoke316: Almsot forgot
- 02:05 Slowpoke316#9174 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 02:05 RickyofKokiri: all right gl hf!
- 02:05 RickyofKokiri#6979 has initiated the race. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 02:05 treesapthief: lol, nah i got it (quick pressed record)
- 02:05 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 04:11 Slowpoke316#9174 has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:05:18!
- 04:11 RickyofKokiri: ggs!
- 04:11 RickyofKokiri: interview when the restream catches up?
- 04:11 Slowpoke316: ty and sure
- 04:11 Slowpoke316: GGs
- 04:11 RickyofKokiri: okay, in about nine minutes, jump into the waiting room vc on ZSR discord and I'll pull you in when it's time
- 04:13 Slowpoke316: Sounds good
- 04:17 treesapthief#7588 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 2:11:53!
- 04:17 Race finished in 2:11:53.3
- 04:17 RickyofKokiri: ggs!
- 04:17 RickyofKokiri: interview with Slowpoke?
- 04:17 treesapthief: GGs
- 04:18 treesapthief: I do not have a mic set up :(
- 04:18 RickyofKokiri: gotcha no worries
- 04:21 treesapthief: That TR big key. Knew I left zora area as I went up to TR the first time.
- 04:21 Slowpoke316: GGs
- 04:22 RickyofKokiri: okay slowpoke go ahead and join the voice call :)
- 04:22 Slowpoke316: So, I don't think I'm in ZSR Discord
- 04:22 RickyofKokiri:
- 04:22 treesapthief: GGs slowpoke. I felt that my start was good. But I LL'ed red cane and TR big key.
- 04:24 Slowpoke316: Oh noes
- 04:24 treesapthief: oh well, that's how it goes!
- 04:25 Slowpoke316: C'est la vie
- 04:25 Slowpoke316: GG
- 04:25 treesapthief: GGs to you!
- 16:20 Race result recorded by VortexofDoom#1756