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- 00:57 SahasrahBot: Hi! I'm SahasrahBot, your friendly robotic elder and randomizer seed roller! Use !help to see what I can do! Check out for more info.
- 00:58 Noxy#0920 joins the race.
- 00:59 Noxy: getting set up 🥺 good luck
- 01:01 copybookpizza10: good luck to you as well! looks like your mentor is still in a race?
- 01:01 copybookpizza10#0883 joins the race.
- 01:03 Noxy: yeah they'll be a bit late but itll be fine, having a dinner mixup 😰😰
- 01:05 Laoria: <3
- 01:05 copybookpizza10: no worries, i'm good with waiting
- 01:05 Laoria: I'm here monitoring for the moment
- 01:05 Laoria: Once we hit Go mode I'l in for Noxy
- 01:05 Laoria: I'm*
- 01:06 Noxy: Wanna go ahead and generate a seed while we still get setup?
- 01:07 copybookpizza10: i'll wait until we are ready, shouldn't take too long
- 01:08 Noxy: Okay <3 thank you 🥺🥺
- 01:19 Laoria: This firs tseed is a MESS
- 01:19 Laoria: I need a long island after this
- 01:19 Laoria: And I don't even drink XD
- 01:19 Noxy: LOOOOL IM SO SORRY
- 01:23 copybookpizza10: yeah that seed looks insane
- 01:28 Laoria: Okay! I'm with Noxy
- 01:29 KegInTheCloset: Oof. That was garbage lol
- 01:29 KegInTheCloset: *seed
- 01:30 Laoria: I'm so sorry y'all had to wait
- 01:30 Noxy: !help
- 01:30 SahasrahBot: Available commands:
"!race <preset>" to generate a race preset.
"!mystery <weightset>" to generate a mystery game.
"!spoiler <preset>" to generate a spoiler race. Check out for more info.
- 01:30 Laoria: I don't think ANY of us though it would take that long
- 01:30 Laoria: open_assured
- 01:30 Noxy: !race open_assured
- 01:30 SahasrahBot: Generating game, please wait. If nothing happens after a minute, contact Synack.
- 01:30 SahasrahBot updated the race information.
- 01:30 SahasrahBot:
- 01:30 SahasrahBot: Seed rolling complete. See race info for details.
- 01:33 copybookpizza10: i'm ready whenever you are
- 01:33 Noxy#0920 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 01:33 Noxy: good luck !!
- 01:33 KegInTheCloset: glhf
- 01:34 Laoria: GL HF!
- 01:34 copybookpizza10: gl hf
- 01:34 copybookpizza10#0883 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 01:34 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 01:34 Laoria: Also, hope you've been well Keg! <3
- 01:34 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 01:35 KegInTheCloset: Lot's of stuff going on, but its been fun. Hope you are doing well as well!
- 03:16 copybookpizza10#0883 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:42:35!
- 03:17 Laoria: GG!
- 03:17 copybookpizza10: GG!
- 03:20 KegInTheCloset: GGs
- 03:30 Noxy#0920 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:56:02!
- 03:30 Race finished in 1:56:02.7
- 03:30 Noxy: GG!
- 03:31 copybookpizza10: did you end up doing hammer trinexx?
- 03:31 Noxy: yeah :(
- 03:31 Noxy: i took like
- 03:31 Noxy: 6 deaths to trinexx
- 03:31 copybookpizza10: it was really hard. and it was my first time doing it lol
- 03:32 Noxy: i was having magic trouble the whooole time :( we were only getting 7 rod shots bc of magic refill trouble
- 03:32 Noxy: but SUPER ggs
- 03:32 Noxy: hammer trinexx sucks
- 03:33 copybookpizza10: yeah definitely ggs, it was fun!
- 03:37 Noxy: thanks for the good race!!!!!!
- 05:52 Race result recorded by P-Train#3117