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- 03:58 Race opened automatically by SahasrahBot
- 03:58 SahasrahBot: Hi! I'm SahasrahBot, your friendly robotic elder and randomizer seed roller! Use !help to see what I can do! Check out for more info.
- 03:58 SahasrahBot invites fylion#9431 to join the race.
- 03:58 SahasrahBot invites Amarith#2825 to join the race.
- 03:58 SahasrahBot: Welcome. Use !tournamentrace (without any arguments) to roll your seed! This should be done about 5 minutes prior to the start of your race.
- 04:02 fylion#9431 accepts an invitation to join.
- 04:03 fylion: amarith hulo
- 04:03 fylion: were you the one who was like, banned from rolling seeds for a while?
- 04:16 Amarith: maybe
- 04:17 Amarith: sorry just got in. some asshat tried to cause an accident on me on the way home
- 04:17 fylion: oshit
- 04:17 fylion: you okay? take your time
- 04:17 Amarith: just a little rattled. got his plates sent off to the po-po
- 04:19 fylion: glad to hear
- 04:20 Amarith#2825 accepts an invitation to join.
- 04:27 fylion: !tournamentrace
- 04:27 SahasrahBot: Generating game, please wait. If nothing happens after a minute, contact Synack.
- 04:27 SahasrahBot updated the race information.
- 04:27 SahasrahBot: Seed has been generated, you should have received a DM in Discord. Please contact a Tournament Moderator if you haven't received the DM.
- 04:28 Amarith: ah good, now I cant be blamed for a bad seed
- 04:28 Amarith: (secret: they're all bad)
- 04:28 fylion: again, no rush, take your time.
- 04:29 Amarith: thanks
- 04:29 Amarith: pretty much ready to go though, just need a bit of water and Im set
- 04:31 fylion: ugh my OBS keeps assigning itself a new IP for some reason on my delay profile, this is getting rough. will need an override.
- 04:32 Amarith: hmm Im sure we can find someone. wink
- 04:32 Amarith#2825 sets a stream override for fylion#9431.
- 04:32 fylion: tyty
- 04:32 fylion: guess I need to figure that out in 2 weeks
- 04:32 fylion: WAIT no delay in spoiler week, time to put it off even more
- 04:32 Amarith: yus! procrastination!
- 04:34 fylion: okay I also have water ty for reminder
- 04:34 fylion#9431 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 04:38 Amarith: ok and recording started, ready to roll if youre still good
- 04:38 fylion: aye
- 04:38 fylion: recording also just in case
- 04:38 Amarith: GLHF!
- 04:38 Amarith#2825 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 04:38 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 04:38 fylion: glhf!
- 04:38 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 06:22 fylion#9431 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:44:04!
- 06:30 Amarith#2825 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:51:29!
- 06:30 Race finished in 1:51:29.4
- 06:30 Amarith: GG
- 06:30 Amarith: that was a pretty interesting one
- 06:31 fylion: yeah uh
- 06:31 fylion: weird choices
- 06:31 fylion: ggs
- 06:31 fylion: I last-locationed mearl
- 06:31 Amarith: also them swords lol
- 06:31 Amarith: I was pretty well on my way to a LL, it was pretty close
- 06:32 fylion: "Guess I'll start my DW at hype, then go grab a sword from the lake"
- 06:32 fylion: "Nope I'm doing swamp, guess I have 3 swords now"
- 06:32 Amarith: aw, thats probably a good deal of the difference I bet
- 06:32 Amarith: I didnt dip into swamp until later
- 06:32 fylion: yeah it was there and I was just like "hook will be impossible to find"
- 06:33 Amarith: I considered it too, I was like what if hook is there
- 06:33 fylion: I saw the TR key and flipped out, like "OH hook will be in TR"
- 06:33 Amarith: thing that burned was doing pod and then going to TT after finding big and getting the bow
- 06:33 fylion: oof yeah
- 06:34 fylion: I did saha before bat
- 06:34 Amarith: same
- 06:34 fylion: did you pull ped?
- 06:35 Amarith: I read it on my way to DW the first time and it was on my mind the whole time
- 06:35 Amarith: got essentially go after swamp with the quake (read that too ahead of time), and gambled TR being quake/bombos
- 06:35 fylion: Hera/TT/SW were my first 3 dungeons and then I was like "Oh I guess I can just grab whatever this is"
- 06:36 fylion: Yeah same, hook sent me to finish swamp and that was go. I played it safe and climbed for TR, there was too much game left for me to feel okay rushing.
- 06:38 Amarith: with the TT bow thing I felt I had to rush it, because I wasnt sure how I compared to you execution-wise, and felt I needed to make the push
- 06:39 Amarith: leading up to this week its been like "fylions really good. I think. come to think Ive never seen him play. damnit."
- 06:40 fylion: I was also like that
- 06:41 fylion: "I've talked to her a bunch, I know who she is, I've never seen the gameplay"
- 06:41 fylion: Excited to watch this back tomorrow
- 06:41 Amarith: yea definitely
- 06:42 Amarith: GL in your future matches, maybe we'll meet again in playoffs if things line up
- 06:42 fylion: here's hoping!
- 14:39 Race result recorded by daaanty#0264