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- 00:17 SahasrahBot: Hi! I'm SahasrahBot, your friendly robotic elder and randomizer seed roller! Use !help to see what I can do! Check out for more info.
- 00:17 etium#9246 joins the race.
- 00:18 linktothepastken: hey
- 00:18 linktothepastken: what mode
- 00:18 etium: casual boots
- 00:18 linktothepastken: is it open?
- 00:19 etium: standard
- 00:19 linktothepastken: i mean to anyone
- 00:19 Frostbite3030#1956 joins the race.
- 00:19 linktothepastken#5100 joins the race.
- 00:19 etium: yeah hop in
- 00:19 etium: sup- frost
- 00:19 linktothepastken: quick swap on or no
- 00:19 etium: $quickswaprace casualboots
- 00:20 etium: !quickswaprace casualboots
- 00:20 SahasrahBot: Generating game, please wait. If nothing happens after a minute, contact Synack.
- 00:20 SahasrahBot updated the race information.
- 00:20 SahasrahBot:
- 00:20 SahasrahBot: Seed rolling complete. See race info for details.
- 00:22 linktothepastken: 730 start time?
- 00:23 etium#9246 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 00:24 Frostbite3030: i just need a few minutes to finish something quick
- 00:24 linktothepastken#5100 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 00:24 etium: k
- 00:24 etium#9246 is not ready. (2 remaining)
- 00:25 linktothepastken: u practicing etium
- 00:25 etium: basically
- 00:25 etium: got my match tomorrow
- 00:25 linktothepastken: u in league?
- 00:25 etium: ya
- 00:25 sonicam#9399 joins the race.
- 00:26 etium: hey sonic
- 00:26 sonicam: hey
- 00:26 sonicam: haven't played a simple mode in a while.
- 00:26 etium: lol
- 00:26 etium: everyones doing criss cross
- 00:28 sonicam: crisscross is pretty fun, but i don't think for racing
- 00:28 Frostbite3030#1956 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 00:28 etium#9246 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 00:28 Frostbite3030: i just like racing so you can talk about the seeds tbh
- 00:28 linktothepastken: ggl all i prob gonna be last
- 00:28 etium: glhf
- 00:29 linktothepastken: i need to learn ice breaker
- 00:29 etium: have you learned silverless ganon yet ken?
- 00:29 linktothepastken: kinda
- 00:29 linktothepastken: as long i have tempered or higher i good
- 00:29 etium: cool
- 00:30 linktothepastken: master is a paininass
- 00:30 linktothepastken: hope it nicer then my last one
- 00:30 linktothepastken: hammer was pod big
- 00:31 Frostbite3030: my last one of these had pyramid fairy hammer
- 00:31 linktothepastken: and pod was pendnet
- 00:31 sonicam: glhf
- 00:31 Frostbite3030: i think it was this mode, glhf
- 00:31 etium: gl
- 00:31 linktothepastken: gl
- 00:31 linktothepastken: ready sonic
- 00:31 sonicam#9399 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 00:31 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 00:32 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 02:06 etium#9246 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:34:44!
- 02:07 linktothepastken: gg
- 02:07 etium: gg
- 02:09 Frostbite3030#1956 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:37:09!
- 02:09 linktothepastken: gg
- 02:09 sonicam#9399 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 1:37:22!
- 02:09 etium: ggs
- 02:11 linktothepastken: i forfeit
- 02:11 linktothepastken: i just found the fn bow
- 02:11 linktothepastken#5100 has forfeited from the race.
- 02:11 Race finished in 1:38:55.2
- 02:11 linktothepastken: where was kane
- 02:11 Frostbite3030: last spot in the game
- 02:11 etium: kane was on green pendant
- 02:11 linktothepastken: ped?
- 02:11 Frostbite3030: just had too many things left outside pod when i went there the first time
- 02:11 linktothepastken: and bow was im mire
- 02:12 linktothepastken: where was silver
- 02:12 Frostbite3030: ice, which was my first bow
- 02:12 linktothepastken: i did everything in pod but bow side
- 02:14 etium: i put off swamp for a long time
- 02:14 etium: i did helma before going into swamp
- 02:15 etium: it ended up being nice cause i hit go mode in flooded room, and was able to skip the rest of swamp
- 02:21 Frostbite3030: i skipped 1 item on lsswamp and than lanmo leading into ped
- 02:22 etium: there was no item on lanmo
- 13:30 Race result recorded by daaanty#0264